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Showing posts from 2009

New Year's Eve Celebration, Giving Campaign Online, FPU graduation (Pastoral Emphasis from 12/27)

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Be thankful for your blessings because Christmas is not merry for some people. Many people are depressed and have very little. Even though we may not have everything we WANT, we are greatly blessed with material things and should not complain. But the greatest blessing of all is to be at peace with God! Everyone is invited to join us for our New Year's Eve Celebration on Thursday, December 31st, at 10:00pm. Come on time and bring a friend. We're going to have a great time. You will not want to miss it. This past Sunday was the last Sunday to participate in our Christmas Giving Campaign (sacrificially give towards a 15-passenger bus) to build our Transportation Ministry. The campaign runs through the end of the year so you can still give online . Select Special Events and then indicate "Bus" or "Van" in the Event type section. We recognized the first round of graduates (including my wife and I) from our Financ...

Leading Lady Honored, Holiday Schedule, New Year's Eve Celebration (Pastoral Emphasis from 12/20)

Thanks to all who came out for the Ordination Service for Ministers Harrison and Clantan. Pastor Norm Peart of Grace Bible Fellowship brought a great message to encourage the ordination candidates to make sure their life is right first before asking others to listen and follow them. My wife and Leading Lady, Anita Harris, will be honored at the Overflow Woman Awards Ceremony on Monday, January 18th, at the Durham Marriott Hotel. The theme is "Honoring the Queens That Serve in the Kingdom of God!" The event is a formal affair and the attire for the evening is Black Tie! Tickets are on sale for only $8 until December 22. Everyone is invited to join us for our New Year's Eve Service on Thursday, December 31st, at 10:00pm. We will be doing something different this year. So arrive on time because you will not want to miss it. Holiday Schedule: All Bible Study classes as well as Prayer Meeting & Testimony Service are canceled for the rest of the year and will resume begi...

Ministers' Ordination, Transportation Service to Community (Pastoral Emphasis from 12/13)

We are having an Ordination Service on Sunday, 12/20 at 4:00pm. We will be ordaining Ministers Harrison and Clantan for ministerial duties. Pastor Norm Peart of Grace Bible Fellowship will be the guest speaker. Everyone is invited to attend. We have a vision to serve others by going into the community and area college campuses and providing a way for people to attend worship services, experience fellowship, and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. During the month of December, we are asking members to sacrifice to give towards our Christmas Giving Campaign to purchase a 15-passenger bus to build our Transportation Ministry. Remember, giving is a great act of worship. Not only can we give our voices, hands, and time in worship, we can also give our resources! They all belong to God anyway!

Christmas Programs & Giving Campaign (Pastoral Emphasis from 12/6)

Everyone is invited to attend "The Coming Birth of Jesus" Christmas Program on Saturday, December 12th, at 3:00pm. Invite others to come. Afterward, we're going Christmas caroling at the area Nursing Homes. Christ First Christian Fellowship Center invites us to their second annual Christmas Musical Celebration, "More Than a Manger," on next Sunday, December 13th, at 6:00pm. We have a vision to serve others by going into the community and area college campuses and providing a way for people to attend worship services, experience fellowship, and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So for the month of December, we are having a Christmas Giving Campaign to raise funds for a Church Van (really a small 15-passenger bus). We believe we can find a used, but reliable one for around $25,000. We are asking members to sacrifice to give a gift of $25 or $50 (or really whatever amount you are able) to help us build up our Transportation ministry. Please see the video belo...

Online Survey, The Truth About SEX (Pastoral Emphasis from 11/22)

If you have not taken this quarter's survey, please take it before the deadline of November 30th. The survey is online . Copies are also available for pick up and drop off at the Welcome Center. Thanks in advance for your participation! In two weeks, I will be talking about S-E-X. Join us on December 6th, for the message "The Truth About SEX". I advise parents to make sure your teens are here for it! If you have plans on that Sunday, cancel them! It's just that important. The message will be rated PG-13 (but should be appropriate for ages 9-12). Today's Love Offering will go to help the India Flood Victims. Thanks to all who gave to help show the love of Christ to those far away from us.

Nursing Home Ministry, Coat Drive, India Flood Relief (Pastoral Emphasis from 11/8)

There are more opportunities to put our faith into action. Mt. Zion will be having services at a couple of area Nursing Homes this month. Today, we were at Clare Bridge Nursing Home and next Sunday, we will be at Chatham Commons at 2pm. Please join us as we spread some joy and hope to the residences at these nursing homes. The Men of Zion are currently sponsoring a Coat Drive until December 6th. So donate your new or slightly worn coats. Please contact Bro. Barry Singleton or the church office for more information. I will be speaking at Built Upon a Rock Church, in Fuquay-Varina, for their Pastor’s Anniversary on next Sunday at 3:00pm. Everyone is welcome to join us. Our friend, Evangelist Sukumar of India is requesting help for the Flood Victims in India . Dear Brother, here floods are massively damaged the villages. So many people are suffering without food. They are starving for food. Our Government is not able to help all the flood victims, because victims are in millions. ...

I Survived Children's Church; Opportunities to Serve (Pastoral Emphasis from 10/25)

On Sunday, I volunteered in the Children's Church and survived the 3-5 year old class! But seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed helping out with the little ones. I also got a chance to stop by the other age classes. I encourage everyone (especially parents) to volunteer in our Children's Church. Just a little bit of your time can make a big impact in the lives of our children. Sunday was the deadline to sign up for the Discipleship Training that starts on this Sunday, November 1 at 8:30am in Adult Classroom 2. On Sunday afternoon, Deacon Keith Patterson delivered his initial sermon. His message was entitled, "Reunited and It Feels So Good" and his text was Luke 15:11-32. Here are a couple of upcoming opportunities to serve & help those in need: Ladies: You can help serve the homeless women at the Helen Wright Center on Thursday, October 29th, at 7:00pm. Sign up at Welcome Center Mt. Zion will again offer the Thanksgiving Assistance Program. Submit the names of fam...

Faith in Action Survey, Discipleship Training, Volunteer in Children's Church (Pastoral Emphasis from 10/18)

Faith in Action was last Sunday (I hope to give my reflections sometime this week) and I want to thank all who participated. If you volunteered during Faith in Action, please take a brief online survey about your experience. I encourage everyone to continue to look for ways to serve and put your faith into action. If you want to find out how to plug into Mt. Zion, we will have a volunteer expo at the One Body Family Fun on Oct. 31st. Representatives from various ministries will be there to discuss and answer questions about their ministries. Do you want to make a positive impact in the lives of others? Learn how to be a spiritual guide by attending the Discipleship Training on Sundays, November 1-22, 2009 from 8:30am to 9:30am in Adult Classroom 2. The Disciple-makers' Handbook by Alice Fryling will be used. Youth & Adults can sign up for this training at the Welcome Center. The deadline to sign up is next Sunday, October 25th. I am pleased to announce that Deacon Keith ...

Faith in Action Sunday & Discipleship Training (Pastoral Emphasis from 10/4)

Next Sunday (Oct. 11) is Faith in Action Sunday! We're going to gather at 8:30am for a brief service and then go out to serve our community. Faith in Action t-shirts are available to pick up in classroom #3 after Wednesday before & after Bible Study, Saturday before & after FPU & Outreach Meeting. ONLY IF NECESSARY will t-shirts be available for pick-up on next Sunday before 8:30am. You can verify your area of service by checking the volunteer list that's posted on the wall across from the Welcome Center. If you missed the deadline to sign-up (and get a t-shirt), there's still opportunity to volunteer to serve. We can use more volunteers at Cary Health & Rehab, Claire Bridge, Chatham Creek, Mt. Zion, Bond Park, and Dillard Drive Middle School. Sign-up at the Welcome Center. The next Discipleship Training is scheduled for Sundays from 11/1 to 11/22 during the Sunday School hour. The deadline to sign-up at the Welcome Center is 10/25. We will be using ...

Split Personality Leadership

Split personality or Dissociative identity disorder is a condition in which a single person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities. Too often, church leaders try to be different people in an effort to please others. I was talking with one of my elders and he shared how he had changed his behavior because of some criticism he received. I warned him to be careful to not allow criticism to change who God made him to be. I do believe we can learn something even from our worst critics, but if we are not careful we can allow criticism to alter our personalities and behavior in an effort to please others. We cease to be who God called us to be and we try to be everything to everybody. And as more critics come, we develop more personalities to please each one. Then our leadership becomes ineffective because we are no longer acting to please God, but we are working to please men! Leaders, work to improve your leadership, but be who you are and do what God has called ...

Family & Friends Day Reflection & Other Emphasis

We have a great Family & Friends Day on this past Sunday. We had many guests to join us so the church was packed and a few who joined us on Zion Live . We worshiped in song and our Fine Arts Ministry demonstrated how important it is for the Body to work together to accomplish the goal that God has given us. We shared our Faith in Action campaign with our guest. I detailed how our members are volunteering to serve our community by picking up trash, serving the homeless food, cleaning at nursing homes, building & gardening, etc. On Oct. 11, we will gather for about one hour then close down our service and go put our faith into action by serving in these areas. During the sermon, I had the privilege to share that all people want to have purpose and put their faith in something. What we put our faith in will determine our actions and how we live. But too often, we put our faith in earthly treasures that fail us and do not last. We must put our faith in something that truly ma...

Fall Renewal Services, Faith in Action Update, Family & Friends Day (Pastoral Emphasis from 9/20)

We're expecting to have a wonderful time this week at our Fall Renewal services (this Wed. through Fri). We're going to have great speakers each night delivering the Word of God so join us and bring a friend. Faith in Action update: Thanks for your response in signing up last week. You filled up all of the service areas. We now have more service areas for you to volunteer. Remember to only sign up for 1 area. The deadline to sign up will be next Sunday (9/27). Next Sunday is Family & Friends Day. Dress will be causal, worship will be intentional, food will be served, and God will be experienced! We will be eating lunch outside so bring your lawn chairs and dress comfortably. Invite your friends, co-workers, family, and those who may be far from God. If they can't or won't attend in person, invite them to check out Zion Live .

Zion Live, Bereavement, Faith in Action Response, Friends & Family Day (Pastoral Emphasis from 9/13)

A BIG shout-out to our IT/Media Ministry as we launched our new online experience called Zion Live. Our online experience now offers more interactive features than before and we will be adding more in the future. Zion Live will be a great way for people to experience God with Mt. Zion no matter where they are. We have several members in our church that are currently experiencing bereavement. Let's keep them in our prayers... Sis. Michelle Skeen - passing of her mother Sis. Josephine Singleton - passing of her father Sis. LaDonna Bethea - passing of her sister Minister Candace Walden - passing of her husband Here's some info on Wednesday Bible Study for the next few weeks: This week, we will watch & discuss an awesome message from Pastor Francis Chan Next week, no Bible Study due to Fall Renewal service On 9/30, we start a new series called "Does God Know Your Next Move" The Couples Ministry is doing advance planning for Sweethearts' Ball 2010 a...

Church Online Launch, FPU Registration, Video Announcements Debut (Pastoral Emphasis from 9/6)

We are excited to announce the "official" launch of our streaming online service on next Sunday. We've already been streaming our Sunday services, but with the official launch we will add functionality like integrated chat, online donations, and the ability to request prayer and register a decision for Jesus Christ. Our vision is to spread the Gospel and we will use the internet for that very purpose. Spaces are filling up quickly for Financial Peace University (FPU). If you are planning to attend, the last day to register and pay is Sept. 14th. We will have another free preview next Sunday at 9:00 am. Please see Henri or Rhonda Spivey or contact the church office for further information. The Men of Zion will have a fellowship meeting on Saturday, September 12th, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm at the home of Deacon Sean Cherry. We will be continuing the "Quiet Strength" Study (from Tony Dungy). All men are encouraged to attend (even if you didn't attend the ret...

Back to School Jam, September Communion (Pastoral Emphasis from 8/30)

We are hosting a "Back to School Jam" for students in grades K-12 and their parents on Friday, September 11th, at 6:30pm. The program will include drama/skits, activities, and a panel discussion with local school administrators, etc. Refreshments will be provided so please sign up at the Welcome Center so we can get an idea of how many to prepare for. Due to Labor Day weekend, we will not have communion on next Sunday, but on the second Sunday in September. Be safe if you are traveling next weekend. Today's love offering will go to bless the Walden family and others in our church family. Thanks to those who gave generously today.

FPU Preview, "Yet, Praise Him!", Love Offering (Pastoral Emphasis from 8/23)

Imagine yourself debt free! We will be starting the Financial Peace University course on 9/26, but you can catch a free preview of what the course is all about on Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. This preview is about 20 minutes long and will explain exactly how the program works, what you'll get out of it, and how it can completely change your life! On Saturday, 8/29 at 4pm, we will be hosting a free Gospel stage play entitled, " Yet, Praise Him! " Everyone is invited to attend and to bring a friend. If you haven't done so yet, please take the current quarterly online survey which ends on August 31st. Copies are also available at the Welcome Center. Thanks in advance for your participation! Keep in the Walden family in your prayers. Next Sunday, we will take the love offering to bless the Walden family and other members who are in need. So please come prepared to give generously to next Sunday's love offering.

Saved lives, "Yet, Praise Him!", Pray for Walden Family (Pastoral Emphasis from 8/16)

Last Sunday (8/9), we had three people come to Jesus! We continue to celebrate the amazing work that God is doing in the lives of people. We had an incredible time at the Men's Retreat! I've blog about the retreat later. Ladies: the Women's Ministry's "Chocolate and Friends" event on this Friday, August 21st, at 7:00pm. See announcements for further details. Another outreach opportunity, Mt. Zion ministered at Chatham Creek Nursing Home on Sunday at 2:00pm. Deacon Cherry gave an inspirational message and our Men's Choir sang. Mark your calendars: 8/29 at 4pm, Mt. Zion and Gifts of God Ministries Theatre Company is sponsoring a free Gospel play entitled, "Yet, Praise Him!" With sadness I announce the sudden passing of Bro. Douglas Walden on last week (husband of Minister Candice Walden & brother of Sis. Beatrice Fields). His home going service was held on Monday. Please keep the Walden family in your prayers.

Men's Retreat, Quarterly Surveys, Our Trials are Not Always about Us (Pastoral Emphasis from 8/2)

We had a nice time at the Skits & Pizza event on Friday. The skits were performed by our children to some adults. The best part was some of the discussions about the skits (prosperity gospel, diversity in the church, overcoming that annoying sin in your life, and avoiding false accusations. Thanks to the College/Young Adult ministry for sponsoring. All men who are planning to attend the Men's Retreat are asked to meet on tomorrow, August 3rd, at 6:30pm in the Multipurpose Room. Parents of the young men who will be attending the retreat should also be present for additional information and to sign permission slips. All of the parents of teens should have received a letter about an important meeting on August 10th at 6:30pm to discuss some critical things in our Youth Ministry. I also want to extend an invitation to parents of 10-12 years old to attend as well in preparation for your children being a part of the Youth Ministry. Mt. Zion would like to hear from you. We are go...

Dress Code, Spreading the Gospel to Japan, Skits & Pizza (Pastoral Emphasis from 7/26)

Thanks to all who came out to the Church Family Meeting. Our focus is reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even though we don't have a formal dress code at church, I think we have an unspoken one. Our guest may perceive a dress code based on what they see on the stage from leadership. So in order to remove any barriers that might prevent some from visiting us or feeling comfortable in our service, the leadership will dress a little more casual. We will try this out until the end of the year and then evaluate. So don't be surprised when you see me not wearing a tie! I shared the following email that we got via our website to show that we are spreading the Gospel worldwide. To God be the glory! Greetings Mt. Zion Church Family...Today is July 27, 2009 and I would like to share the blessing that I have received from your church. I was talking to my very dear sister, soror, friend Sis Brandi Hancock and she and I were having a heart to heart. I told her that I was...

Shout Out to the Men, Outreach Opportunity, Dual Citizenship (Pastoral Emphasis from 7/19)

I give a BIG shout-out to all the men that participated on the Habitat for Mt. Zion project. These men came out and worked hard over two Saturdays to do some renovations at our old facility. Thank you all for your service and hard work! It is greatly appreciated. On Sunday afternoon, Mt. Zion ministered at Cary Health & Rehab Center at 2:00pm. Sis. Angela Cody was the speaker and the Senior Choir brought the music. If you are looking for opportunities to reach out to our community, this is a great one. Often, the residents at these homes are so neglected and it's great for the Body of Christ to share with them that God loves them. Starting Wednesday, we're starting a new Bible Study series called "Dual Citizenship". Everyone is invited to join us for this new series. Our next Church Family Meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 27th, at 7:00pm. All members are asked to be present.

Speaking Engagements, Habitat for Mt. Zion (Pastoral Emphasis from 7/5)

I've been been quite busy the last couple of weeks preparing for a couple of outside speaking engagements. On last Sunday evening, I spoke at Greater Love Worship Center where Robert Mason is the pastor (he is the son of our very own Sis. Beatrice Fields). The Everready Gospel Choir accompanied me and we had a great time. I spoke on "How Big is God?" On this Friday (7/10), I will be speaking at Scott's Grove Church (on Hwy 55), for their Deacon's Program at 7:00pm. The Male Chorus is coming and I anticipate a great time in the Lord. Everyone is invited to join us. Our "Habitat for Mt. Zion" project has finally be rescheduled for Saturdays, July 11th and 18th, at our old facility.

Showing love, Speaking Engagement, July Communion (Pastoral Emphasis from 6/28)

Thank you Mt. Zion for showing the love of Christ. I received the following email via Facebook regarding VBS: "This is Jonathan Lewis, Doug's cousin. Tell the church I miss them and I can't wait to come back next year. Ya'll treated my mother and I like we were members of the church I love yall and can't wait to come back to Cary again". I will be speaking at Greater Love Worship Center (Pastor Mason) on Sunday, July 5th at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited to attend. We started a new Bible Study series. . " Life. Money. Hope: Biblical Advice in Difficult Times ," on Wednesday, July 1st. This 3-week series features David Ramsey. If you are interested in his Financial Peace University , check out this series. Due to July 4th holiday this weekend, we will have Communion on the second Sunday in July.

Happy Father's Day, New Children's Registration, Father's Day Giveaway (Pastoral Emphasis from 6/21)

Happy Father's Day! If earthly fathers, with their sinful nature, delights to do right for their children, it makes sense that the righteous, Heavenly Father will much more reward His children spiritually. I praise God for being our Heavenly Father who has given us the good gifts of His Son and His Spirit. His Son provides access to a relationship with the Father and His Spirit indwells within us and seals us for the day of redemption. We had an awesome VBS last week. The theme for the week that really stuck with me is "God is unforgettable". God has done so much for us that we should never forget His goodness towards us. Men: The deadline to pay your $150 toward the upcoming Men's Retreat on August 13th to 15th is Sunday, June 28th. The table is still open at the Welcome Center for you to pay your money up until this date. Mt. Zion will partner with "With Love from Jesus" Ministries in Raleigh for outreach on Saturday, June 27th from 9:00am to 12:30pm....

VBS starts, Love Dare Challenge, Youth Car Wash (Pastoral Emphasis from 6/14)

Vacation Bible School is starting tomorrow. You can still register for VBS. Join us for a week of food, fellowship, fun, and learning. We will conclude with a tailgate party on Saturday. Invite someone to be your guest for VBS and/or the tailgate party. Mt. Zion ministered at Phoenix Assisted Care this afternoon at 2:00pm. The College Ministry accompanied Minister Jacquelyn Harrison as speaker and the Sisters of Praise rendered the music. The Couples Ministry is doing the Love Dare challenge. All the Love Dare books have been sold. If you still would like to participate in the Love Dare challenge you can purchase the book from any area book store. Then contact Janice Long, Michele Skeen, or Cynthia Whitney for further details. The Youth Ministry Car Wash is on Saturday, June 27th from 8:00am to 1:00pm. The Men's Ministry will be providing a hot dog and drink to everyone making a monetary donation at the car wash! Volunteers are needed. Please sign up at the Welcome Center. Al...

Father's Day Giveaway

It's so easy to talk about bad fathers, but I want to celebrate and encourage our good fathers by giving away study resources (commentaries, concordances, dictionaries) to a few deserving fathers on Father's Day. See the details below...

Celebrating with CFCFC & Pastoral Emphasis from 6/7

I missed the Mt. Zion family on Sunday as I was speaking at Christ First Christian Fellowship Center for their First Church and Pastoral Anniversary. My topic was "The End of One Era, the Beginning of a New Era" (Deut. 34:5-9). God's word was to exhort Pastor Snead to not dwell heavily on what he use to do at Mt. Zion but to do a radical new things at Christ First! I attended their afternoon service where Pastor Marshall Mays from Virginia (Pastor Snead's home church) preached on "Stay" (Acts 27:31). He encouraged Pastor Snead to endure to the end even though storms will come. And congratulations to all of our High School graduates. I'm so proud of you for reaching this significant milestone in your life. Also, very proud of all the youth and children for the wonderful job I heard they did for the Children & Youth Day service. While I was away...Elder Roderick Harrison provided the following pastoral emphasis... There is a sign-up sheet at the...

FPU interest, Habitat for Mt. Zion postponed, Children's Day (Pastoral Emphasis from 5/31)

Parents: There was a brief meeting after church on Sunday for all parents who participate in the Children's Ministry. If you missed the meeting, please see someone in the Children's Ministry to get updated. And we do need more parent volunteers. Just a little bit of your time makes a big difference. On Monday night, we hosted a replay of the Town Hall for Hope featuring Dave Ramsey. I found it to be very enlightening and encouraging. We are also gathering interesting in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University . Please sign up at the Welcome Center if you would be interested in attending this course. Tentative plans are to offer it in the fall. The "Habitat for Mt. Zion" project that was scheduled for this Saturday has been postponed. We are waiting on an inspection. We hope to do this project next Saturday. This Sunday is our Children & Youth Day. All High School seniors should wear their caps and gowns. Our young people will be leading and parti...

Praise Report, Couples Cafe, Happy Memorial Day (Pastoral Emphasis from 5/24)

Praise Report: Jabari Dickerson was released from the hospital (after being in ICU from serious car accident) and is receiving physical therapy services at home. Please continue to keep him uplifted in prayer. The Couples' Ministry would like to invite all couples to the Couples' Cafe, entitled "Fireproofing Your Marriage" on Friday, May 29th from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Refreshments will be served from 6:30pm to 7:00pm. Please see the announcement for more details. Pastor Snead & Christ First Christian Fellowship Center will be celebrating their First Anniversary on Sunday, June 7th. I will be their guest speaker at their 10:45am service. At 4:00pm, the guest speaker will be Pastor Marshall Mays from Virginia, along with musical guest, the Triangle Spirituals of Raleigh. On next Sunday, the love offering will go to bless the CFCFC ministry. The Children's/Youth Day will be on June 7th. All High School seniors should wear their caps and gowns. The Youth M...

Thursday Bible Study, Talent Showcase Rescheduled, Town Hall for Hope (Pastoral Emphasis from 5/17)

Our Youth Ministry did a great job with the car wash on last Saturday. In fact, I got quite a few comments that people didn't realize my car is actually white (I had been keeping it extra dirty just for them)! On Sunday afternoon, Mt. Zion visited the Chatham Creek Nursing Home at 2:00pm. The Ushers & Greeters Ministry accompanied Elder Wilbur Lucas who was the speaker. Music was provided by the Senior Choir. Thursday morning Bible Study will not be held on May 21st and May 28th. It will resume on June 4th. Due to the upcoming holiday weekend, the College/Young Adult Ministry is rescheduling their "Mt. Zion's Got Talent" showcase from this Friday to a later date. Mark your calendars: On June 1, we will host The Town Hall for Hope (featuring Dave Ramsey) from 7:00 to 8:30pm. Dave Ramsey will give real answers about today's economic and also provide hope based on Biblical principles. Everyone is invited to come and bring a friend. There was a trivia ques...

Praise Report, Drugs Uncovered, Youth Car Wash (Pastoral Emphasis from 5/10)

We recognized all mothers on Sunday and wished them a Happy Mother's Day! Please continue to pray for Jabari Dickerson who was in the recent serious car accident that claimed the life of another teen. Thankfully, Jabari has been getting better and better. And I also heard that four teens got saved in the hospital waiting room! Praise God! God can use a tragedy for His divine purpose! The Single Sip Café is starting a new 7-Session Series called "Being Single and the Spiritual Quest". Singles of all ages (never married, divorced, widowed) are invited to attend on Sunday, May 24th, at 8:30am in Adult Classroom 3. On Monday, the Poe Health Center presented "Drugs Uncovered: What Parents Need to Know!" at Mt Zion. It was a very informative presentation. It's amazing (and truly sad) what kids will do to hide and take drugs. Hopefully, this will help parents be more aware about potential drug abuse. The Youth car wash takes place on Saturday, May 16th from...

National Day of Prayer, Scholarship Time, Upcoming Fellowship Events (Pastoral Emphasis from 5/3)

Our next Bible Study series, "Prosperity and Faith," will begin on Wed., May 6th at 7:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us for this dynamic new series. Thursday is the National Day of Prayer. I will be participating with other local pastors for a NDP service at First Baptist Church of Cary (downtown) at noon. If you are available, please come and pray with us. Attention: Mt. Zion High School Seniors: Applications for the J. Allen Lewis Memorial Scholarship are available at the church office. Completed applications should be returned to the church office by Sunday, May 31, 2009. Congrats to Sis. Faith Chilongo who will be getting her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology on May 9th! Attention, Men: We invite all of you to join us for our quarterly Spring Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, May 9th at 8:00am in the Multipurpose Room. This will be a great opportunity to hear the Word and fellowship with your brothers in Christ. Come early so Doug and Mike don't eat up all the food! Att...

Convoy of Hope results, Initial Sermon, Church Family Meeting (Pastoral Emphasis from 4/26)

On last Saturday, 65 churches came together for Convoy of Hope to show the love of Christ and give our community some hope. 6,134 guests were admitted through the site front entry. They were able to get free groceries, free haircuts, free lunch, free job fair, entertainment for the kids, and more. In our Prayer Tent (where I volunteered), we prayed for 5,900 people! They told us that the national average for response forms for a crowd our size is 150-220. There were 455 family unit response forms submitted which is 2-3 times more than that was projected. These response forms represent people who received Christ, rededicated their lives, or were seeking a church home. Now the churches will be following up with these families. I am so proud of all the volunteers from Mt Zion. Serving at Convoy of Hope is the work of ministry. We have to get out of our churches and go to where the hurting people are. That's the real work of ministry! On Sunday afternoon, we licensed Sis. Jo...

Directions to New Destiny Christian Fellowship

I will be the guest speaker at New Destiny Christian Fellowship Church in Raleigh for its 5th Anniversary on Thursday, April 23rd at 7:30pm. Their theme is "Be of Good Courage, Go and Possess It" (Joshua 1:6-9). Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Here are directions to the church: New Destiny Christian Fellowship is the white church with purple doors. 100 Jones Franklin Rd. From Durham I-40 East toward Raleigh 40 East will take you into Cary Get off on Exit 290 Turn left at the end of the exit ramp onto Chapel Hill Rd/NC-54 Turn right onto Nowell Rd. (Landmark: State Surplus) Turn left onto Hillsborough St. (Landmark: Han Dee Hugo’s Gas Station) Turn right onto Jones Franklin Rd. From Raleigh I-440 West/US-1 South Get off on Exit 1C Turn right onto Jones Franklin Rd. Keep straight approximately 2 miles (Church sits on the left, Landmark: Sonic on the right)

Speaking at New Destiny, Church Family Meeting, Convoy of Hope (Pastoral Emphasis from 4/19)

I will be speaking at New Destiny Christian Fellowship Church (Pastor Maurice Wright) in Raleigh for its 5th Anniversary on Thursday, April 23rd at 7:30pm. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Our next Church Family Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 27th at 7:00pm. We will be giving some vital information regarding security procedures. All members are asked to be present. Attention, Ladies: We will be serving a meal at the Helen Wright Center on Thursday, April 30th. If you are interested in serving, please sign up at the Welcome Center. Congratulations to Bro. Tim Ballard who recently graduated from the City of Raleigh Firemen's Academy. Convoy of Hope is almost here! Don't forget to attend the Volunteer Rally on this Friday, April, 24th from 7 to 9pm at Raleigh First Assembly of God. It is extremely important that all volunteers attend so you can get vital information about the event (parking, tent locations, logistics, etc). And then we have Convoy of Hope on S...

Happy Easter, New Senior Choir, True Fasting (Pastoral Emphasis from 4/12)

"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! " The cross that was intended for evil was the means to redeem lost humanity. If God can bring good out of the crucifixion of His Son, then He can bring good from any horror that befalls His children. Happy Easter! Attention: All Mt. Zion Members Ages 50 & Above...The Music Ministry is gearing up for the singing debut of the Mt. Zion Senior Choir on Sun., Apr. 26th. Be a part of this new choir by coming to rehearsal on Monday, Apr. 20th at 7:00pm and on Saturday, Apr. 25th at 10:00am (if you are not participating in Convoy of Hope). The Initial Sermon of Sis. Joyce Chilongo will be held on Sunday, April 26th at 4:00pm. Everyone is invited to this special occasion. As lent is ending, many of us have been fasting. God really hit me as to what should be the results of true fasting. I encourage everyone to read Isaiah 58:4-10. Fasting should result in action…to help others especially the poor a...

What's so Good about Friday?

Good Friday was humanity's darkest day. When one thinks of how unjust the crucifixion was, one could easily get the impression that might makes right, that justice is a joke, goodness a farce, and that righteousness is of no consequence. When one looks at Good Friday, one could get the impression that God's face had been turned away from the creation and we had been left to the reign of human beings who had the power to manipulate and control our destinies to fit their selfish purposes. When one looks at Good Friday, one could get the impression that money and power control human destiny. What is so good about Good Friday? It is the fact that it was God's plan for His Son to willingly give His life on the cross for us! It is the fact that the death of Jesus accomplished God's purpose to redeem mankind. Friday was good so that Sunday could be GREAT! Have a blessed Good Friday!

Pastoral Anniversary, Easter Celebration (Pastoral Emphasis from 4/5)

On Sunday, I celebrated my seventh pastoral anniversary. I thank everyone for your prayers, encouragements, and well wishes. I thank God for my wife, Anita, for being a great support to me. She is a strong woman and wonderful mother who is able to care for our three children while I'm out doing pastoral ministry. Seven years have gone by quickly and God has accomplished much in the ministry. But I believe we have have only begun. Looking forward to all that God has in store for us! Any men who are interested in mentoring our male youth are asked to sign up at the Welcome Center. Please see Bro. George Richards for more information. This coming Sunday is Easter. We will be having our sunrise service at 6am, followed by breakfast around 8am, Sunday School, and our regular morning service. Join us and bring a friend as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Quick update on last Saturday's Convoy of Hope Prayer Bus Tour: about 25 people came fr...

Mt Zion Youth in the News, Sharing Sermons, More Convoy of Hope details (Pastoral Emphasis from 3/29)

We're so proud of our own Braxton Payton for "standing out" with good manners and good dance moves. Check him out on this news report . The Youth Contemporary Service held this afternoon at 4:00pm was a great success! All of the youth from both Mt. Zion and PCC did an awesome job singing, dancing, and reciting poetry. Elder Mike Smith of Phillipian Community Church of Raleigh gave a great word from Romans 12 . Pastor Larry Snead and Christ First Christian Fellowship Center's Music Ministry invite the Mt. Zion family to their Easter Musical, "Morning Glory," on next Sunday, April 5th at 6:00pm. I got the following email that shows the power of sharing free audio CDs of sermons. So don't forget to order free CDs of sermons and share them with family and friends. I had the privilege to be able to hear the sermon [Practical Atheist] on CD sent to my co-worker by her family. I must say if you love Jesus and want to serve Him in every way this sermon is ...

Youth Revival, Convoy of Hope Details (Pastoral Emphasis from 3/22)

This year's Youth revival is already in full effect this week. So far, one teen has accepted Christ and many have came forward for prayer and deliverance. Praise God!!! The Youth Ministry will also have a fellowship activity on Saturday. And we'll wrap everything up with our Youth Contemporary service on this Sunday afternoon at 4pm. Convoy of Hope: Sunday was the last chance to volunteer! I hope you signed up to serve. You have the opportunity to help in the areas of media relations, food services, kid's zone, groceries, guest services, and connections (includes the prayer tent). Here are some important details... Guest Services Responsibility is: (1) Pre-outreach Guest Promotion and (2) day-of-outreach Guest Services. (1) Guest promotion involves the distribution of promotional handbills and posters through community distribution locations, door-to-door invitations, and public school distribution. (2) Day-of-outreach Guest Services is responsible to provi...

Convoy of Hope activities, Food Distribution in India (Pastoral Emphasis from 3/15)

We had a blast last Sunday at our first Pastor’s Tea with our New Members. I look forward to the next one. Men, just a reminder that March 29th is the last day to pay your $25 non-refundable deposit for the Men's Retreat. Also, this is last day for single parents to register their sons (up to age 17) for the retreat. There are several activities happening with Convoy of Hope: There's a prayer rally on the 17th at 7pm at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Raleigh. Guest Services will be passing out flyers for Convoy beginning Saturday, March 21st. They will be meeting each Saturday at 9:45am at Mt Pleasant Worship and Outreach, 1424 Sawyer Road, Raleigh until April 18th and leaving the church promptly at 10:00am to pass out the flyers. There will an Urban Prayer Journey (A Bus Prayer Tour Through Urban Raleigh) on Saturday, April 4 9:00 - Noon. You must RSVP if you want a spot on the bus. This is first-come, first-served. See the community section of our website for details. B...

99 1/2 Won't Do, Pastor's Tea (Pastoral Emphasis from 3/8)

Boy, I'm glad that getting into heaven is not based on your bowling score! The men had a great time bowling on last Friday. My goal is to always break a 100 but on the first game, I missed it by 1 pin! And my good friend, Bro. Barry Singleton started singing " 99 and a half won't do "!! You could truly feel the love at the bowling alley. On Sunday evening, we had our first Pastor's Tea with our newest members. The tea was a great time for me and the elders to interact with these new members. I got a chance to share God's vision for Mt. Zion but most importantly I got a chance to hear from these members what drew them to Mt. Zion. A few things that I heard were: loving, welcoming atmosphere; family-oriented; and an active children's ministry. Philippian Community Church (Pastor Eric Ellis) is having their first Dance Extravaganza on March 13th at 7:30pm. Our Fine Arts Ministry will be participating. Be sure to go out and show your support.

Next Bible Study series, Tea with the Pastor, Help Needed for Single Mother (Pastoral Emphasis from 3/1)

Our next Adult Bible Study series, "Does God Always Bless Believers?" began on Wednesday at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome to join us for this exciting series. Men, don't miss our 2nd Sunday Men's class at 8:30am this coming Sunday. We'll be talking about "A Good Man Assuming His Assignment". We'll be looking at scriptures from Jonah and Job. I'll see you in class! The Men's Ministry will be going bowling at Buffaloe Lanes at High House Road in Cary on Friday from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Come show us your skills...or do you need the bumpers?? We invite all of Newer Members (October 2007 to present) to join me for a special Tea on this Sunday, March 8th from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. The Tea will include refreshments and time for you to interact with me and the Elders. I look forward to meeting and interacting with all of you. Convoy of Hope: Mt. Zion has volunteered to help in the areas of media relations, food services, kid’s zone, groceries, guest s...

Children's Training Workshop, Ash Wednesday (Pastoral Emphasis from 2/22)

We had a great time at the Gift of Heritage program on Saturday. We have a great bunch of talented people at Mt. Zion who use their gifts of drama, dance, and creativity to bring honor to God. A special training workshop is scheduled on February 28th for ALL Children's/Bible Study/Sunday School Teachers and Volunteers of children ages 12 and under for the new Discipleland curriculum. Sign up at the Welcome Center. Don't forget the "LOVE, SHARING, AND GIVE" Food Drive (sponsored by the Children’s Ministry) which ends this week. Bring your canned goods and nonperishable items and place in the designated boxes. This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent . Ash Wednesday is a day of repentance and Lent is the season of prayer and fasting. We will be anointing with oil mixed with ashes right after Bible Study.

Need photos from Couples Ball, Community Evangelism, Gift of Heritage (Pastoral Emphasis from 2/15)

Our youth (ages 13-17) had their first Youth Enrichment Service on Sunday and the word I'm hearing is that they really enjoyed it. I was told a few teens had rededicated their lives back to God. Everyone that attended the Couples Sweetheart's Ball on Valentine's Day had a great time. There was a lot of dancing going on! So if anyone has photos that they want to share, please send them to our web admin so we can post them on our photo gallery! As you know, the primary part of our vision is to spread the Gospel. To that end, we've renamed one of our Outreach sub-ministries from "Discipleship" to the more accurate "Community Evangelism". As the name suggests, this ministry evangelizes to the community (whether by doing door-to-door or other methods). If you have the gift of evangelism, then you should really check this ministry out. Please see the ministry director, Minister Amekuedi, to get involved. Don't forget that our "The Gift o...

The Gift of Heritage, Love Sharing & Give Food Drive (Pastoral Emphasis from 2/8)

Men, I remind you that there's a payment table out front for the Men's Retreat (coming up in August). Single parents, you can sign your boys (up to the age of 17) to go at no cost with a mentor to watch over them during the retreat. The Couples' Ministry will host a Sweetheart's Ball on Saturday, February 14th at the Radisson Hotel, RTP, starting at 6:30pm. "The Gift of Heritage" Program will be held on Sat., Feb. 21st at 1.00pm. Everyone is invited to attend and invite others you know to the program. Flyers are available at the Welcome Center. The Children's Ministry is sponsoring a "LOVE, SHARING, AND GIVE" Food Drive during the month of February to support the community. Each family member is asked to bring canned goods and nonperishable items and place in the designated boxes. Mt. Zion will be partnering with dozens of area churches for a special day of Gospel-centered ministry of compassion called Convoy of Hope on April, 25th. On the...

Sweetheart's Ball, Fireman of the Year Award (Pastoral Emphasis from 2/1)

Thanks to all parents who came out on Friday to the Children's Ministry Parents Awareness Session. For those who missed it, please take the initiative to talk with the Children's Ministry to get the information. Men, don't forget our second Sunday Morning class next Sunday at 8:30am. We will be looking at Joshua 1:11-18. I'll see you there. The Couples' Ministry will host a Sweetheart's Ball on Saturday, February 14th at the Radisson Hotel, RTP, starting at 6:30pm. Stop by the Welcome Center after service or contact Deacon Robert Hunter for more information. We are happy to find out that one of our own members, Captain Kevin L. Coppage wins the American Legion, Raleigh Post 1 Fireman of the Year Award . Congratulations to Bro. Coppage for this great honor.

One Life Saved

The Bible declares that all life is valuable. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" (Psalm 139:13-14). Here's the story of one life saved....

Church Family Meeting, Fireproof, Convoy of Hope (Pastoral Emphasis from 1/25)

The Church Family Meeting is scheduled for tomorrow (Monday) at 7:00pm. All members are asked to be present. There will be some exciting ministry announcements. We'll present some cool things we're doing this year for outreach, a new ministry, and a revamp of our Christian Education ministry. The Children's Ministry will host a Parents Awareness Session for parents of children 12 years old and younger on this Friday at 6:00pm. Come and find out what the Children's Ministry is planning for this year. The Couples' Ministry invites you to a free night at the movies to see "Fireproof" on Saturday at 7:00pm at Mt. Zion. On Saturday, April 25, Raleigh will host the Convoy of Hope from 9 am to 2 pm. Mt. Zion will be participating in this great outreach event. Convoy of Hope will include a grocery center, a health fair, a social services tent; a haircuts team; a food center, a Kid's Zone, and much more. There will also be a prayer tent so many interc...

MLK events, Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (Pastoral Emphasis from 1/18)

Don't forget to order your free audio CDs of the "Practical Atheist" series and "God is Waiting for You" (last year's Christmas message). Whether you're hearing them again or for the first time, I'm sure that these messages will bless you and strengthen your walk with God. And you can also order some to give away. It's good to share the Word of God with others. Men's Ministry would like to invite the sons of single mothers to attend this year's Men's Retreat. All youth under the age of 17 are free. A man will chaperone and be a big brother to each young man during the retreat. Please sign up at the Welcome Center. Reminder: There are two ministry kickoffs on Saturday. The Girls Enrichment ministry at 9am and the Youth Ministry at 5:30pm . The Church Family Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 26th at 7:00pm. All members are asked to be present. We have some exciting ministry announcements so you won't want to miss i...

Men's Prayer Breakfast, Deacons Ordination (Pastoral Emphasis from 1/11)

All men are invited to our upcoming Prayer Breakfast on this Saturday at Mt. Zion starting at 8am. Everyone is invited to join us for the Deacons' Ordination Service also on Saturday at 4:00pm. We will ordain Deacons Fortenberry & Harrison. Pastor Larry Snead will be bringing the message. Parents mark your calendar: The Children's Ministry will host a Parent Awareness Session for parents of children ages 0 to 12 years old on Friday, January 30th at 6:00pm. This will be an important session to get vital information about the ministry for 2009. Don't forget that 2008 Contribution Statements are available at the Welcome Center for pickup during the month of January.

2009 Theme, Community Items, Perspectives Spring Classes (Pastoral Emphasis from 1/4)

Happy New Year. Our theme for 2009 is "Growing to Spiritual Maturity". We want to focus on our spiritual growth and move from 'milk' to 'meat'. The Men's Ministry will be starting a Men's Bible Study every Second Sunday beginning January 14th. All men are invited to attend and participate. Don't forget about the other areas for spiritual growth: Sunday School, Tuesday Prayer (6pm & 7pm), Wednesday evening Bible Study (7pm), and Thursday morning Bible Study (9am). All girls ages 9 to 17 and their parent or guardian are asked to be present for the Girls Enrichment Ministry kickoff on Jan.24th at 9 am. A couple of Community items: The Town is considering annexing 10 areas in Cary which may affect some of our members. Public informational meetings are being held between 5-8 p.m. on January 13 at the Senior Center and January 14 at the Herb Young Community Center. Both sessions will provide the same information. Citizens will be given an opport...

Gone Fishing

Mark 1:17 (NIV): "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." This is a serious call, one that demands our attention. If the command is to follow Jesus and He will make us fishers of men, then if we are not fishing, then we are not following. Have you been fishing lately? Decide to follow Jesus and go fishing (for people) every day! The following poem was shared with me by one of my members: Don't look for me, I've gone fishing Just as my Father said, Reeling in souls for Jesus, Hungry for His Living Bread. I've packed all equipment needed to get the job done. By setting of the sun today, many a soul will be won. I have the fishing pole, my relationship with God. Plenty of line is available, I've studied mighty hard. The bait is packed and plentiful , my experiences in life. The hook is new and strong, the Word of God in Christ The cooler's waiting to be filled, the Church of God you see. The chair a resting place, ...