We shared our Faith in Action campaign with our guest. I detailed how our members are volunteering to serve our community by picking up trash, serving the homeless food, cleaning at nursing homes, building & gardening, etc. On Oct. 11, we will gather for about one hour then close down our service and go put our faith into action by serving in these areas.
During the sermon, I had the privilege to share that all people want to have purpose and put their faith in something. What we put our faith in will determine our actions and how we live. But too often, we put our faith in earthly treasures that fail us and do not last. We must put our faith in something that truly matters and that is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We had a couple of people to come forward to join our church family and I was able to pray for many individuals after the call to discipleship.
It was raining in the morning, but it stopped and the sun was out by the time service was over and we were able to eat and fellowship outside. Everyone was enjoying themselves despite the fact that we only seem to have Pepsi products to drink! Many thanks to the Hospitality Ministry for cooking and serving. The children seemed to enjoy themselves running around and playing. It was truly a great day.
Other items of emphasis...
- Our Youth Unity Basketball Team ended their season on Saturday so we recognized our teen boys who played and Coach Spence Martin for all of their hard work.
- Our New Members are invited to attend a Pastor's Tea on this Friday, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. This will give me an opportunity to personally share the vision of our church.