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Showing posts from May, 2024

Peace for the Anxious, Happy Mother's Day, Biblical Counseling Certification (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/12)

We have different prayer topics each month led by an elder. In recognition of Mental Health Awareness month, our May prayer topic is “ New Mercies for Mental Health ”. Today, we focused on “Peace for the Anxious (Anxiety)”. We need to break the stigma around mental health illness especially in the church. It's okay if you need counseling or therapy. It's okay if you need to take medication. God in His common grace towards humanity has provided doctors, counselors, and medicine as means to help us. Take medication if you need to but keep your trust in Jesus.  We all experience anxiety. From having to take a test, speaking in front of people, going on a job interview, to having to juggle a lot of different responsibilities and tasks. However, an anxiety disorder is when feelings of intense fear and distress become overwhelming and can prevent us from doing everyday activities. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States. Over 40 million adults

New Mercies for Mental Health, May Birthdays & Anniversaries, Sisterhood Week (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/5)

Each month we have a different pastoral prayer topic. In recognition of Mental Health Awareness month, our May prayer topic is “ New Mercies for Mental Health ”. Today, our focus was “Light for the Darkness (Depression)”.  We need to break the stigma around mental health illness especially in the church. It's a false assumption that a Christian is always “happy”. A Christian can struggle with depression and yet have the joy of the Lord. It's okay if you need counseling or therapy. It's okay if you need to take medication. Medication is a matter of wisdom, not morality . It's not a matter of right or wrong. God in His common grace towards humanity has provided doctors, counselors, and medicine as means to help us. Take medication if you need to but keep your trust in Jesus.  Our Call to Worship scripture was Psalm 13 which is a psalm of lament. Lament is how Christians grieve. Lamenting gives voice to your pain and allows you to wrestle through your sorrow as you move t