Imagine yourself debt free! We will be starting the Financial Peace University course on 9/26, but you can catch a free preview of what the course is all about on Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. This preview is about 20 minutes long and will explain exactly how the program works, what you'll get out of it, and how it can completely change your life!
On Saturday, 8/29 at 4pm, we will be hosting a free Gospel stage play entitled, "Yet, Praise Him!" Everyone is invited to attend and to bring a friend.
If you haven't done so yet, please take the current quarterly online survey which ends on August 31st. Copies are also available at the Welcome Center. Thanks in advance for your participation!
Keep in the Walden family in your prayers. Next Sunday, we will take the love offering to bless the Walden family and other members who are in need. So please come prepared to give generously to next Sunday's love offering.
On Saturday, 8/29 at 4pm, we will be hosting a free Gospel stage play entitled, "Yet, Praise Him!" Everyone is invited to attend and to bring a friend.
If you haven't done so yet, please take the current quarterly online survey which ends on August 31st. Copies are also available at the Welcome Center. Thanks in advance for your participation!
Keep in the Walden family in your prayers. Next Sunday, we will take the love offering to bless the Walden family and other members who are in need. So please come prepared to give generously to next Sunday's love offering.