"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! "
The cross that was intended for evil was the means to redeem lost humanity. If God can bring good out of the crucifixion of His Son, then He can bring good from any horror that befalls His children. Happy Easter!
Attention: All Mt. Zion Members Ages 50 & Above...The Music Ministry is gearing up for the singing debut of the Mt. Zion Senior Choir on Sun., Apr. 26th. Be a part of this new choir by coming to rehearsal on Monday, Apr. 20th at 7:00pm and on Saturday, Apr. 25th at 10:00am (if you are not participating in Convoy of Hope).
The Initial Sermon of Sis. Joyce Chilongo will be held on Sunday, April 26th at 4:00pm. Everyone is invited to this special occasion.
As lent is ending, many of us have been fasting. God really hit me as to what should be the results of true fasting. I encourage everyone to read Isaiah 58:4-10. Fasting should result in action…to help others especially the poor and oppressed. And we have the perfect opportunity to help others with Convoy of Hope.
Convoy of Hope: There will be a Volunteer Rally on Friday, April, 24th from 7 to 9pm at Raleigh First Assembly of God. It is extremely important that all volunteers attend so you can get vital information about the event (parking, tent location, logistics, etc). Also, more volunteer info can be found here.
The cross that was intended for evil was the means to redeem lost humanity. If God can bring good out of the crucifixion of His Son, then He can bring good from any horror that befalls His children. Happy Easter!
Attention: All Mt. Zion Members Ages 50 & Above...The Music Ministry is gearing up for the singing debut of the Mt. Zion Senior Choir on Sun., Apr. 26th. Be a part of this new choir by coming to rehearsal on Monday, Apr. 20th at 7:00pm and on Saturday, Apr. 25th at 10:00am (if you are not participating in Convoy of Hope).
The Initial Sermon of Sis. Joyce Chilongo will be held on Sunday, April 26th at 4:00pm. Everyone is invited to this special occasion.
As lent is ending, many of us have been fasting. God really hit me as to what should be the results of true fasting. I encourage everyone to read Isaiah 58:4-10. Fasting should result in action…to help others especially the poor and oppressed. And we have the perfect opportunity to help others with Convoy of Hope.
Convoy of Hope: There will be a Volunteer Rally on Friday, April, 24th from 7 to 9pm at Raleigh First Assembly of God. It is extremely important that all volunteers attend so you can get vital information about the event (parking, tent location, logistics, etc). Also, more volunteer info can be found here.