If you have not taken this quarter's survey, please take it before the deadline of November 30th. The survey is online. Copies are also available for pick up and drop off at the Welcome Center. Thanks in advance for your participation!

Today's Love Offering will go to help the India Flood Victims. Thanks to all who gave to help show the love of Christ to those far away from us.
In two weeks, I will be talking about S-E-X. Join us on December 6th, for the message "The Truth About SEX". I advise parents to make sure your teens are here for it! If you have plans on that Sunday, cancel them! It's just that important. The message will be rated PG-13 (but should be appropriate for ages 9-12).
Today's Love Offering will go to help the India Flood Victims. Thanks to all who gave to help show the love of Christ to those far away from us.