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Showing posts from 2013

Born Again Christians?, New Year's Eve Service (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/29)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Revelation 6-11 I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior , spending time with family, and exchanging gifts. As a church family, we're reading David Platt's “Follow Me” . I hope you are enjoying and being challenged by it. What does it really mean to follow Jesus? So many people say they are Christians but their lives look no different than the non-Christian.                   (Click here if you can't see the video) Everyone is invited to join us for our New Year's Eve Service at 10:00pm on Tuesday, December 31st. Pastor Cody and New Life Ministries of Apex will be joining us.

Pray for Families Grieving Loss, Holiday Schedule, New Year's Eve Service (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/22)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Hebrews 7-10  Thanks to all who came out to show your love and support to the Barnett family for the homegoing of Courtney.  Continue to pray for the family as well as others who have lost loved ones recently: Sis. Barbara Smith (loss of mother)  Deaconess Shirley Smith (loss of brother)  Deacon and Sis. Hardaway (loss of niece)  Sis. Brenda Tyrance (loss of husband)  The winner of our Book Giveaway on Facebook: "Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to Know For Sure You Are Saved" by J.D. Greear goes to Bobby Dunn. Due to the holidays we will not be having elder-led prayer this Tuesday, nor Wednesday evening Prayer & Testimony Service and Bible Study or Thursday morning Bible Studies for the next couple of weeks.  This will give everyone time to be with their families. Everyone is invited to join us for our New Year's Eve Service at 10:00pm on Tuesday, December 31st.

Follow Me Excerpt, Book Giveaway on Facebook, Donation Raised for Philippines (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/15)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Colossians ,  Philemon As a church family, we are currently reading David Platt's book "Follow Me" .  I hope you are enjoying reading it.  Here's another excerpt from the book... "WHEN FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST share stories of how they became Christians, they often say something along the lines of, "I decided to make Jesus my personal Lord and Savior." Initially and ultimately, of course, it's wonderful to hear brothers and sisters recount the moment when their hearts were opened to the incomprehensibly passionate love of God—a love that now captivates them in an intimately personal relationship with Jesus. At the same time, when I reflect on that particular statement—"I decided to make Jesus my personal Lord and Savior"—I can't help but wonder how much this idea represents some subtly yet significantly dangerous trends in contemporary Christianity.  On one level, this statement m...

Excerpt from "Follow Me", Christmas Program & Dinner, Giving to Typhoon Victims (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/8)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Romans 4-7 As a church family, we are currently reading David Platt's book "Follow Me" . Purchase your copy today and read along with us.  Here's a great excerpt from the beginning of the book... “ Just ask Jesus into your heart. Simply invite Christ into your life. Repeat this prayer after me, and you will be saved .  Should it alarm us that the Bible never mentions such a prayer?  Should it concern us that nowhere in Scripture is anyone ever told to "ask Jesus into their heart" or to "invite Christ into their life"?  Yet this is exactly what multitudes of professing Christians have been encouraged to do, and they've been assured that as long as they said certain words, recited a particular prayer, raised their hand, checked a box, signed a card, or walked an aisle, they are Christians and their salvation is eternally secure.  It's not true.  With good intentions and sincere desi...

Serving Our Community, Helping the Philippines, End the Year Strong (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/1)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: 1 Cor. 9-11  I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. All Zone "4" Families...on Saturday, December 7, there will be a Community Support activity at With Love from Jesus (Raleigh) from 9:00am to 1:00pm, helping those in our community who are in need! Next Sunday, our love offering will be donated to World Vision to help those in the Philippines who were affected by the devastating typhoon. As of Friday, the death toll has risen to 5,632 with 1,759 others missing. We want to end the year strong in regards to our finances by being in the black for our budget.  So I kindly encourage your faithful and generous giving in this last month of the year.

Helping Typhoon Victims, Elder-led Prayer for the Lost, Families Going with NLM (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/24)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Galatians 1-3  On the second Sunday in December, our love offering will go to help those in the Philippines who were affected by the devastating typhoon. The death toll has topped 3,600. We will donating to World Vision . Thanks to all who donated food, gave money, and volunteered their time to assemble and distribute the food boxes on yesterday along with Mosaic Church .  On Tuesday, we will have a special Elder-led Prayer from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.  We will spend the hour praying for the lost (in our families, jobs, community).  Write down the names of unbelievers that you know and join us for this special time of prayer.  If you can't make it, submit those names in the prayer request box at the Welcome Center or use our prayer request form on our website. Due to holiday travel, we'll be having Communion on the second Sunday in December. I would like to announce that after prayer and fasting, the fol...

Pray for Typhoon Victims, Prayer Walk at NLM, New Sermon Series (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/17)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Acts 4-6 Many of you have heard about the devastating typhoon that hit the Philippines last week . The death toll has topped 3,600. We are finalizing which organization that we can donate to.  Please pray and stay tuned for information on how we will be helping those affected. As a church family, I'm asking that we all read David Platt's latest book, "Follow Me" . This is the book every believer should read to truly understand what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. LifeWay has the book on sale for $9.99 (a little bit cheaper than Amazon). On Saturday morning, 11/23, Mt. Zion will be partnering with Mosaic Church to distribute food baskets to local families in need. We are asking members to contribute items for the food baskets ($10 grocery store gift card, can of corn, can of green beans, box of jiffy cornbread mix, stuffing, gravy, can of cranberries, package of mashed potatoes.). We also n...

Theological Seminar: World Religions

Register HERE

Musical Benefit Program, Thanksgiving Outreach, Follow Me (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/10)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Luke 22 ; John 13 Tomorrow is Veteran's Day.  We want to recognize and thank all of those who have served our country. LifeGroup Leaders, there's a meeting for LifeGroup Leaders on Tuesday at 6:30pm. Please come out as I have some important matters to share with you. Don't forget to register for our upcoming theological seminar on Saturday from 9:00am to 11:00am. The topic will be World Religions. Come out and learn about world religions (such as Islam, Hindu, Mormonism, Roman Catholic, etc.) so you will know the fundamental differences so you'll be better equipped to share the Gospel. On Saturday afternoon, there will be a Praise & Worship Musical Benefit program at 4pm for the new church, New Life Ministries of Apex.  Please come out and be prepared to give generously. Mt. Zion will be partnering with Mosaic Church on Saturday, 11/23, to distribute food baskets to local families for Thanksgiving...

Initial Sermon, Theological Seminar, Prayer for the Persecuted Church (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/3)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Mark 11 ; John 12 Pastor Snead & Christ First Christian Fellowship Center is having an Evangelistic Crusade Revival from Wednesday, November 6 through Friday, November 8 at 7pm. The guest speaker is from Trinidad, Rev. Elisha Sohan. Praise and worship will be led by New Destiny Fellowship on Wednesday, Philippians Community Church on Thursday and Mt. Zion Church on Friday. All are invited especially those who are unbelievers. We are happy to announce that Bro. Barry Singleton will be giving his initial sermon on next Sunday at 4pm. Everyone is invited to attend. Join us for our fourth quarterly theological seminar on Saturday, November 16th, from 9:00am to 11:00am. Dr. Anthony Greenham, Assistant Professor of Religion and Islamic Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary , will be speaking on World Religions. Come out and learn about world religions (such as Islam, Hindu, Mormonism, Roman Catholic, etc.)...

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

It's so easy for the American church to take for granted the freedom we have to gather for corporate worship, read our Bibles, and practice our Christian faith.  But there are believers around the world that risk banishment, beatings, imprisonment and death to follow Christ and spread the Gospel.  So today, we joined with churches across the nation in lifting up the persecuted through unified prayer.  Please continue to pray that the Lord enables our persecuted brothers and sisters to stand strong.  Please pray that God would work mightily through their sufferings. Watch this video and see how our prayers can strengthen believers and expand God's kingdom into the most unreached places.                            (Click here if you can't see the video) " Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name."  1 Peter 4:16 (ESV)

Fast and Pray for New Life Ministries of Apex

  God has called and Mt. Zion will send out Elder Daryl Cody to plant a new church called New Life Ministries of Apex (861 Perry Road, Apex, NC).  The church will be having their first service on 12/1.  As the planting church, we want to fast and pray for New Life Ministries (NLM). On Fridays, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, I'm asking that we fast from at least one meal. While fasting, please pray for the following... 1) The following specific items for NLM: God’s Vision and Mission for NLM  Souls would be saved.  The Gospel message would be received in the Apex community and surrounding areas  NLM Ministries (F.A.M.E., Singles, Youth, Men's, Women's, Music, Missions(Local and International)  Facility (Building Renovation/Owner)  Town of Apex Planning Department Architect, plumbers, electricians, signage, etc…  Financial stability of NLM  Charitable giving 2) The fundraising musical benefit program on 11/16 at Mt. Zion from 4-6pm....

"Loving Muslims", Fasting & Praying for New Church Plant, Church Family Meeting (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/27)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Luke 14-15 We have extra handouts from Wednesday's Bible Study class on the three major views of the end times in Revelation. Feel free to pick one up at the Welcome Center while supplies last or download here .  Our next Bible Study series is "Loving Muslims" which we hope to show how you can share the Gospel with them. Thanks to all who came out on Friday to our Vision Night for Church Planting. We're excited that Elder Daryl Cody will be launching New Life Ministries of Apex in December. If you have questions, please see him and his wife, Minister Angela Cody. Here are some take-aways from the meeting: Mark your calendar for 11/16 at 4pm, we're hosting a Musical Benefit program to raise funds for the new church.  I'm calling for a time of prayer and fasting: Fast from at least one meal on the next 3 Fridays (11/1, 11/8, 11/15). While fasting, pray for New Life Ministries (NLM), the fundraisi...

Vision Night for Church Planting

God has called and Mt. Zion will send out Elder Daryl Cody to plant a new church. Come out on Friday to hear about the vision for planting new churches, this new church, and how you can help!

Fall Spruce Up, Vision Night for Church Planting (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/20)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Matt.16 ; Mark 8  Our final class for our series, "Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World" is Wednesday at 7pm. We'll be looking at the 3 major interpretations of Revelation. Bring your study Bible (especially the ESV Study Bible) if you have one and bring your questions. We're having our Second Annual Mt. Zion Fall SPRUCE UP. Everyone can participate. Mark your calendars for this Saturday, October 26th, from 9:00am to 11:00am. Hot dogs will be served. This Friday at 7pm, we are having a Vision Night for Church Planting. Come out to hear about the vision for church planting and hear from Elder Cody about this new church. We need your support and would love to have our Mt. Zion family there.

Prayer 2013 is Tuesday, 3 Major Views of Revelation, Vision Night for Church Planting (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/13)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Luke 11 This Tuesday is Prayer 2013, an area-wide prayer gathering at Memorial Auditorium in Raleigh from 7 to 9pm. About 109 churches are participating. All of our spots are now full. If you have not picked up your ticket, you can contact Sis. Tammy Larkins, our prayer coordinator, or the church office. We continue our series on "Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World" on Wednesday at 7pm. We'll be specifically looking at the book of Revelation and the 3 major views of interpretation. Even if you've missed the whole series, you don't want to miss this one. Immediately after service today, the C3 LifeGroup Cell Leaders and the Discipleship Ministry will be hosting a brief LifeGroup Fair. The gathering will provide for you to meet the leaders and ask them specific questions regarding their LifeGroup. If you missed the fair, check out the LifeGroups website . I mentioned that we will be sending Elde...

Sex in Heaven?, LifeGroups Launching this Month (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/6)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: John 2-4 We continue our series on "Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World" on Wednesday at 7pm. We are currently looking at the hope of Heaven. We'll answer the question of whether there will be sex in heaven! So join us on Wednesday and bring a friend. Our LifeGroups are launching this month. (Click here if you can't see the video) Sign-up today for one of our C3 LifeGroups launching in October. They are filling up fast.  We have a few LifeGroups for multiple people still available.

Reserve Your Spot for Prayer 2013, Bible Study Series Resumes, LifeGroups Filling Up (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/29)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Nehemiah 11-13 ; Psalm 126 On Tuesday, October 15th, there will be an area-wide prayer gathering at Memorial Auditorium in Raleigh from 7 to 9pm. The event will be led by a group of area pastors, with many churches participating.  Mt. Zion has 24 reserved seats available. You can sign up online  if you would like to participate. For questions, contact Sis. Tammy Larkins, our prayer coordinator. Normal Bible Study resumes this Wednesday at 7pm. We continue with "Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World". To be a disciples not only means following Christ but also investing in the life of others in order to make disciples.   Sign-up today for one of our C3 LifeGroups launching in October. They are filling up fast.  We have a few LifeGroups for multiple people still available. I want to highlight a few LifeGroups: God's World (18+) - To create an environment where fellow brothers and sisters in Christ can enco...

Elder-led Prayer, Last Fall Renewal Service, "Day of Fun" (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/22)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Zechariah 10-14 On Tuesday, October 15th, there will be an area-wide prayer gathering at Memorial Auditorium in Raleigh from 7 to 9pm. The event will be led by a group of area pastors, with many churches participating.  Mt. Zion has 24 reserved seats available. You can sign up online  if you would like to participate. For questions, contact Sis. Tammy Larkins, our prayer coordinator. We're having Elder-led Prayer on Tuesday from 6 to 7pm. Everyone is invited to join us as we focus on specific prayer needs. If you are unable to attend but have prayer requests, you can place them in the prayer requests box at the Welcome Center or submit them online . If you missed the last Fall Renewal Service, you missed a good one.  Don't miss the 3rd and final service this Wednesday at 7pm.  Pastor James Taylor and St. Mary AME Church will be our guests. Today at 4pm, we are having a Ministers Ordination Service for Mini...

When Did We Stop Talking about Jesus at Church???

I love this video from poet Jackie Hill...                    (If you can't see the video, click here )

Prayer 2013, Ministers Ordination, New Series in Ruth (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/15)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Daniel 7-9  The Prayer 2013 area-wide prayer gathering will be held at Memorial Auditorium, Raleigh, on Tuesday, October 15th, from 7 to 9pm. The event will be led by a group of area pastors, with many churches participating. Mt. Zion has 24 reserved seats available. You may sign up online  if you would like to participate. Contact Sis. Tammy Larkins, our prayer coordinator, for questions. We had a great kick-off for our Fall Renewal Services. Join us for week 2. Pastor Robert Mason and Greater Love Worship Center will be here on Wednesday at 7pm. Come out and get revived! We are having a Minister's Ordination Service next Sunday at 4pm, where Ministers Hanebeck, Daryl and Angela Cody will be ordained. Bishop Eric Ellis, Pastor of Philippian Community Church will be the guest speaker. Everyone is invited to attend. Next Sunday, we're starting a new series in the book of Ruth called "The Steadfast Love o...

C3 LifeGroups Are Coming, Fall Renewal Services (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/8)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Ezekiel 37-39 It's been a long time coming but soon we're going to be launching our C3 LifeGroups!                        (Click  here  if you can't see the video) Discipleship is about intentionally investing in the life of others to help one another grow in our faith. LifeGroups will help foster community among us.  More details are forthcoming but if you have questions ask any member of the Discipleship Ministry or go to our website and click on "Life Groups" . Our Fall Renewal Services are on Wednesdays, September 11th, 18th, and 25th, at 7:00pm.  We have guest speakers for each night. Pastor Maurice Wright and New Destiny Christian Fellowship will be here on Wednesday. Come out and get revived!

Doctrine of Hell, Testimony: A Musical Drama, Renewal Services (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/1)

Is Hell literal or metaphorical? Is Hell temporary or eternal? Is Hell just? Join us this Wednesday at 7pm as we look at the doctrine of Hell in our Bible Study series, "Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World". Our Worship Ministry is presenting a musical drama entitled "Testimony" on Saturday, September 7th, at 6pm.  We will also have a special guest appearance by recording artist, Melissa Oliver. Come out and bring a friend. Our Fall Renewal Services are coming up on Wednesdays, September 11th, 18th, and 25th, at 7:00pm. We have guest speakers for each night. Come out and get revived!

ECSU Choir, Thanks For Your Generosity, Church Planting Announcement (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/25)

We are very happy to have The Billy C. Hines Chamber Singers & Chorale from Elizabeth City State University with us today. Today’s reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Lamentations 1-2 I want to thank you and praise God for the generosity of this church. We collected a lot of school and toiletry supplies to give to West Cary Middle School and the Children's Home in Oxford.  And a big shout out to our youth ministry for delivering the supplies and showing the love of Christ to the children in Oxford. It's not too late to join in for our Bible Study series, "Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World".  This Wednesday at 7pm we'll discuss the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment. The next Elder-led Prayer will be held on Tuesday from 6 to 7 pm. Everyone is invited to join us as we focus on specific prayer needs. If you are unable to attend but have prayer requests, you can place them in the prayer requests box at the Welcome Center or subm...

Watch Seminar Online, Choir from ECSU, Pray for Church in Egypt (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/18)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Jeremiah 38-40 ; Psalm 74,79 We had an excellent Theological Seminar yesterday on church history.  If you missed it, I would recommend that you watch the video online in the archives of Zion Live . Or you could order a DVD. We had a great start to our Bible Study series, "Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World".  If you've ever wondered what happens to people immediately after death, this topic of the Immediate State will be covered this Wednesday at 7:00pm. Join us and bring a friend for this exciting study. The Missions Ministry and Zone 3 members will ministering at Chatham Commons Assisted Living today at 2pm. The Male Choir will be conducting a mini-concert. Everyone is welcome to attend. We have a treat for you next Sunday…the Billy C. Hines Chamber Singers & Chorale from Elizabeth City State University will be here to lead us in praise and worship. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Eg...

Last Week of Collection Drive; Heaven, Hell, & the End of the World; Theological Seminar (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/11)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Jeremiah 14-17 This is the last week to bring in back to school supplies and toiletries for West Cary Middle School and the Home for Children in Oxford.  See each zone's requested items listed above the designated collection boxes and on the flyers available at the Welcome Center.  The collection drive will end on Saturday. For Christians and non-Christians alike, the topics of heaven, hell, and the end of the world provoke curiosity, confusion, joy, hope, fear, anticipation, or even anger.  So what does the Bible say about these things?  We are starting a new Bible Study series, "Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World" on this Wednesday, August 14th, at 7:00pm. Join us and bring a friend for this exciting study. Don't forget to register for our third quarterly theological seminar on Saturday, August 17th, from 9 to 11 am. Dr. Stephen Eccher, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary , will be speaking on...

The Problem with Seeing Yourself as the Hero by Ersula Jerkins

This is a wonderful post by Deaconess Ersula Jerkins that she said I could share on my blog... The Problem with Seeing Yourself as the Hero. Since as far back as history can take us, mankind has lauded the hero. Ancient tales survive of Sir Gawain and Ulysses, and when heroes became common enough we created super heroes like Superman and Spiderman. Face it; we are a species obsessed with heroism. In a world so full of evil it’s not hard to imagine why we’ve romanticized about some dark, handsome, muscular character(don’t hate on my hero description) coming and making our lives better and safer by fighting all the evil lurking in our nightly news reports. And because we’ve so openly salivated for such people there’s a lime light ready for those who are deemed as heroes by society’s standards. Now don’t get me wrong, people who have risked their lives to help others or given of themselves to help others should be thanked kindly. God is pleased by the acts of selflessne...

Back to School Supply Drive, Theological Seminar (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/4)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Nahum 1-3 Don't forget that we are currently collecting back to school supplies and toiletries for West Cary Middle School and the Home for Children in Oxford.  See each zone's requested items listed above the designated collection boxes and on the flyers available at the Welcome Center.  The collection drive will continue through August 17th. Our third quarterly theological seminar is on Saturday, August 17th, from 9 to 11 am.  Dr. Stephen Eccher from  Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary  will be speaking on Church History. Come out and learn how the church has developed over time into various denominations.  Please register online . Sis. Linda Reynold shared her testimony from Ecuador and encouraged everyone to pray and consider going on a short-term missions trip because it will definitely change your perspective.

Church Family Meeting, Ecuador Testimonies (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/28)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: 2 Kings 19 , Psalm 46, 80, 135 Please pray for Deaconess Peggy Credle who had mild stroke on Friday. Praise God that she is walking and her speech is not slurred.  She has been released from the hospital and is resting at home. Tomorrow (Monday) is our Church Family Meeting at 7:00pm.  We'll give an update on our bank loan and we need to do a re-election for our Board of Directors.  All members are asked to be present. Minister Matt Darby and Jae Smith shared their testimonies about the mission trip to Ecuador. You can check out Minister Darby's YouTube channel for video updates of his time in Ecuador.

School Supply Drive, Elder-led Prayer, Returning Missionaries (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/21)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Hosea 8-14 Don't forget that we are currently collecting back to school supplies and toiletries for West Cary Middle School and the Home for Children in Oxford. See each zone's requested items listed above the designated collection boxes and on the flyers available at the Welcome Center. The collection drive will continue through August 17th. The Missions Ministry, along with Zone 4 members, will be rendering service at Phoenix Assisted Living today at 2pm. Minister Angela Cody will be the speaker and the Praise Team will provide the music. Everyone is invited. Our next Elder-led Prayer is this Tuesday from 6 to 7 pm. Everyone is invited to join us as we focus on specific prayer needs. If you are unable to attend but have prayer requests, you can place them in the prayer requests box at the Welcome Center or submit them online . After a week of intense ministry, our Ecuador Mission Trip Team is traveling home tod...

The Verdict, Preaching at Christian Revival Church, Praying for Ecuador Missionaries (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/14)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Micah 1-7 I know that many are upset over the verdict from the Zimmerman trial.  But we must not allow it to take our focus away from worshiping Christ.  Instead of dwelling on the "not guilty" verdict from a fallen, human justice system, we should dwell on our "not guilty" verdict from God because we have placed our faith in Christ and have been forgiven!  God is the ultimate judge and we can trust Him in this situation.  Our mission is ever more clear: spread the Gospel, disciple our children, and make disciples of all nations!  Let us pray for the Martin family as they grieve the loss of their son and pray for Zimmerman that God would have mercy on him and save his soul.  I love this post from Trillia Newbell call " Not Guilty: Now What? ". Mt. Zion is currently collecting back to school supplies and toiletries for West Cary Middle School and the Home for Children in Oxford.  All members are ...

Crossroad Revival, Back to School Supply Drive, Ecuador Mission Trip Team (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/7)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Jonah 1-4 Converting Hearts Ministries  is having a week long revival in Wake Forest. I'll be preaching on Thursday starting at 6pm. If I'm not mistaken, this is a tent revival. I would love to see some of my Mt. Zion family present. On Saturday, they are having a big festival starting at 8am including Arts & Crafts, Farmer's Market & Petting Zoo, UpScale Yard Sale, and Charity Auction On next Sunday, I'll be preaching at Christian Revival Church in Apex at 5pm for their Founders Day. The next church wide zone activity is a back to school supply drive to serve West Cary Middle School and the Oxford Youth Home. We are requesting that each zone collect specific items from July 13-August 17. After the items are collected, we will then divide up the goods and deliver them to each location. Pick up a flyer at the Welcome Center with the specific items. This is a great opportunity for our church fa...

Responding to SCOTUS Rulings, New Sermon Series, Summer Giving (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/30)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: 2 Chronicles 19-23  If you've paid attention to the recent Supreme Court rulings, you'll know that they struck down the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). And watch that in the near future, someone will sue a state where same-sex marriage is not legal which will lead to its legalization across the country. We live in perilous times but God is still in control.  Check out this bulletin insert for more details. Pray for our nation and most importantly let's spread the Gospel and make disciples! This week, there will be NO Prayer & Testimony Service and Bible Study on Wednesday, July 3rd, and NO Bible Study on Thursday morning, July 4th. And we will not have Communion on next Sunday but on the second Sunday, July 14. Mark your calendars for a couple of my speaking engagements. On 7/11, I'll be preaching at a revival in Wake Forest for Converting Hearts Ministries . On 7/14, I'll be preaching at Christia...

Children's Day, OK Tornado Relief Donation, 2013 JA Lewis Memorial Scholarship Winner (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/9)

Today is Children's Day and our children and youth will be leading us in worshipping Christ.  We also recognize those students graduating from High School. VBS starts tomorrow (6/10), each night at 6:45 but 6:30 on Friday. Make sure to register and pay today at the registration table or online. This afternoon at 4pm, Deacon Matthew Darby delivers his Initial Sermon. Everyone is invited to join us for this special occasion! Thank you for your generous giving for the OK Tornado Relief. We raised $2,000 to donate to a local church, the People's Church , that’s ministering to its community. And the recipient of the 2013 JA Lewis Memorial Scholarship is Brittany Jones!

PRAISE REPORT, Faulty Doctrine, Initial Sermon,Moore Tornado Relief (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/2)

PRAISE REPORT: We closed on refinancing our loan with a different bank! We had a couple of hiccups along the way (with the appraisal amount and would the bank cover the full amount we needed) but God is gracious and faithful to us! Soli Deo Gloria! Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Song of Solomon 1-8 We're currently going through 2 Timothy. As we've seen, one of the themes in this letter is enduring against false teachers in the church. False and faulty doctrine must be avoided! (Click here if you can't see the video) VBS is next week, 6/10-14. Make sure that you and your family are registered for a great time of learning and fun. You can register online . Next Sunday is our annual Children's Day. We will also be recognizing the High School graduates. Our children and youth will be actively participating in the service. And I will be finishing up our series in 2 Timothy as well. I'm happy to announce that Deacon Matthew Darby ...

Where is God (Moore, OK)?, Elder-led Prayer, Memorial Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/26)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 131, 138-139, 143-145  Many have heard about the devastating tornado that hit Moore, OK .  When natural disasters like this happen, you always get the questions about "where is God?".  When God does not immediately intervene in a way that we recognize, people begin to doubt His faithfulness and goodness. Remember, the Jews were in 400 years of slavery in Egypt. That meant many Hebrews were born, lived, and died as a slave without an apparent action or word from God.  I wonder how many of them asked the the same question about where was God?  But God did hear their cries . He sent a savior and mediator in the person of Moses.  And whenever Israel was oppressed by their enemies, God would send saviors in the form of judges, like Sampson. But these "mini-saviors" were just shadows of a greater Savior .  After 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testaments, God sent Jesus .  ...

Service at Cary Health & Rehab, VBS Registration, Give 5% More (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/19)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: 2 Samuel 19-21 This afternoon, the Missions Ministry, along with Zone 2 members, will be ministering at Cary Health & Rehab Center (Tryon Road) on at 2:00pm. All are invited to attend. VBS is scheduled for 6/10-14 and registration is currently underway. VBS is a great time of fun and learning for the whole family. You can register by the registration table, use the connection card, or sign-up online . For this quarter, we're asking our members to give at least 5% or more above your normal giving to help us meet our budget as we close on refinancing our bank loan.

Single-minded Focus on Christ, VBS Registration, Gospel for Mothers (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/12)

Last Sunday, we talked about how we should have single-minded focus and devotion to living for Christ. The soldier, athlete, and farmer do not get distracted by outside things. Watch this video featuring Pastor Paul Washer.                     (Click here if you can't see the video) Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 65-67,69-70 Thanks to all who attended this quarter's Theological Seminar on yesterday. We have extra handouts from the seminar at the Welcome Center. VBS is 6/10-14 and registration is underway. VBS is for the whole family, not just the children. You can register by the registration table, use the connection card, or sign-up online . Happy Mother's Day.  Paul commends Timothy's faith which mirrors the faith of his mother and grandmother . We must not underestimate the importance of mothers.  But I want to encourage all you ladies that no matter what's your situation, your i...

Theological Seminar: The Doctrine of the Trinity

Register HERE

Register for Theological Seminar, 2013 JA Lewis Scholarship, Sacrificial Giving (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/5)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 1,2 , 15 , 22-24 , 47 , 68 Don't forget to register for our next Theological Seminar on May 11th at 9am. Dr. Pettegrew from Shepherds Theological Seminary will be back to teach on the Doctrine of the Trinity.  Come find out why this is an essential doctrine. So to teach falsely about the nature of God like TD Jakes has is to teach heresy. Sign up online TODAY. The 2013 J.A. Lewis Scholarship applications are now available from the church office. All application information should be submitted to church office by May 26th. If you attended the church family meeting, you know that God answered our prayers for refinancing our loan but you also know that we did not meet our budget for last quarter.  So I'm asking our members to sacrificially give at least 5% or more above your normal giving for this quarter to help us meet our budget while we move towards closing our refinance.

Church Family Meeting, New Bible Study Series, Next Theological Seminar (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/28)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 81 , 88 , 92 , 93 Reminder: All members are asked to attend our Church Family Meeting on tomorrow at 7:00pm. We have a great praise request to share of God's answered prayer. We start a new Bible Study series on Wednesday at 7pm called "If You Want to Walk on Water". Join us for this exciting new series on exercising our faith. We just finished up our Bible Study series on the Godhead. Our next Theological Seminar will examine this topic some more as we look at the Doctrine of the Trinity. The seminar will be on May 11th at 9am. Sign up online today. Our youth is preparing to have a lock-in event the upcoming weekend followed by a community outreach event. We are asking everyone to give to help us purchase supplies for the outreach event. Give to special events and write "Youth Lock-in". You can give by donating online , dropping it at the church office, or giving directly to our youth...

Boston Bombing, Speaking at New Destiny, Next Sermon Series (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/21)

Pray for the people affected by the Boston bombing and the plant explosion in Texas . People often wonder how people can do such a thing as bombing at a marathon. The prosperity gospel and other false doctrines have no answer for this. But the Bible is clear that we are all sinners. Evil comes from the heart . So the answer is not just stricter laws and legislation (those are needed) but the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is faith in Christ that changes hearts.  Christ takes evil people, forgives their sins, gives them new hearts, and transforms their lives.  This Scripture from today's Sunday School lesson made me think of the bombing. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 (ESV) : For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.  While people are saying, "There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. I see the bombing at the Boston marathon ...

Spring Spruce Up, Support a Teen's Mission Trip Fundraiser, Bro. Kaleem (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/14)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: 1 Samuel 21-24 On Saturday, 4/20, we are having our second Mt. Zion Spring Spruce Up starting at 8:00am. There will be something for everyone to do. Pancakes will be served. Come help clean our church and enjoy great fellowship. After all that cleaning, I know you'll be hungry and will want a hot fish plate. Our very own, Latrell Perry is raising funds for his Ecuador mission trip so buy a fish plate and help him raise funds. You can get your food after the Spring Clean Up at our old location at 8500 Chapel Hill Rd in Cary . You can also pre-order but today is the last day to sign up for pre-orders. So check with Doug or Janice Long for more information or to pre-order. I would like to thank Bro. Kaleem from Pakistan who came to share his testimony with our youth at their youth service.  Here's the report from Deaconess Ersula Jerkins, one of our youth directors... Good afternoon parents, youth service was aw...

Happiness vs. Joy, Spring Church Clean-up, Ecuador Mission Trip Meeting (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/7)

Good Friday & Easter are over but every Sunday, we should celebrate Christ's death on the Cross and resurrection from the dead.  We should live in light of the Cross. Only when we understand and trust what Christ did for us can we find lasting joy and stop chasing after circumstantial happiness. Lasting Joy vs. Circumstantial Happiness from Albert Martin on Vimeo . Happiness makes us smile; joy fills up our souls  Happiness is laying on the beach; joy is knowing who made the waves  Happiness is recognition of all you do; joy is being loved for who you are  Happiness is drowning your sorrows for a moment; joy is letting it all go forever  Happiness is in the moment; joy is a truth that lasts forever  Happiness is fleeting; joy is eternal  May we all rest in the joy that is only found in Jesus Christ! Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Ruth 1-4 We are having our Church Spring Clean-up on 4/20 from 8am to noon. ...

Easter Celebration Is Almost Here, Deacon Darby's Testimony (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/24)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Joshua 5-8  The Easter Celebration weekend is almost here! Good Friday service, 3-29 at 6 to 7pm  Egg Hunt and fellowship, 3-30 at 1pm  Sunrise Easter Service at 6am with Communion. We will have breakfast afterwards. You need to register to get tickets for the Breakfast. Those with tickets get priority to eat. Register online, registration table, or use connection card.  Deacon Matt Darby shared his testimony about getting baptized today.  Although he was baptized when he was young, he recognized that he was not saved at that time. After Christ saved him later as a young adult, he had never gotten baptized again and so recently (while reading Chosen By God ) came to feel that it would be appropriate to be baptized again after his conversion.

Easter Celebration Weekend, Important Meeting for Ecuador Mission Trip (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/17)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Deuteronomy 17-20 It seems like The Bible mini-series is getting worst with its historical and theological inaccuracies. The biggest problem I see is that the grand redemptive story is missing. It seems like a bunch of disconnected stories instead of each story pointing to God's plan to redeem His people through Jesus Christ. There has been little Gospel presented so far even though the Gospel is greatly present in the OT as prophecy, type, and shadow. Easter Celebration Weekend is almost here! We are having Good Friday service, 3-29 from 6 to 7pm  Egg Hunt and fellowship with hot dogs, 3-30 at 1pm  Sunrise Easter Service at 6am with Communion. We will have breakfast afterwards. You need to register to get tickets for the Breakfast. Those with tickets get priority to eat. Register online , registration table, or use connection card.  The next Ecuador Mission Trip meeting is tomorrow at 6:30pm at Cary C...

The Bible Mini-Series, Men's Resolution Ceremony, Easter Weekend (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/10)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Numbers 35-36 Did you see the first episode of The Bible mini-series?  I really liked that Jackie Chan angel!  Deaconess LaDonna Bethea said her sons were fact-checking it. I like that. We should always do that! There are some historical and theological inaccuracies with this series.  The best depiction of the Bible is the Bible itself.  Always compare what books, movies, and people (including myself) are saying about the Word of God with the Word of God! At 4pm, we had our first Adult Ministry's Men's Life Study Group Resolution Ceremony. Jason Smith, Matt Darby, George Nelson, Eddie Stimpson, and Barry Singleton (absent due to surgery) publicly made a commitment to be leaders in their home, church, and community.  Bro. Jason Smith delivered a powerfully encouraging Word exhorting them to be men of prayer. We will have a Good Friday service, egg hunt on that Saturday, and sunrise service for Easter...

Series on The Godhead, Youth Missions Trip Interest Meeting, Resolution Ceremony (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/3)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Numbers 18-20 We've completed our Bible Study series on Disciples Making Disciples. Now the work begins. My charge is that we pray about disciples, look at our associations, and invite one or two people to enter into a discipling relationship with. The next Bible Study series, "The Godhead," will begin on Wednesday at 7:00pm. The doctrine of the Trinity is an essential doctrine of Christianity. We will study the question: "How can God, who is one God, be Three Distinct Personalities?" Join us and bring a friend as we explore this topic. I'm excited that our youth ministry is catching the mission of the church to make disciples to all nations. The Youth Ministry will be holding a mission trip interest meeting next Sunday, March 10th, after the church service in Classroom 4. Parents, bring your teens out to this meeting. Everyone is invited to join the Adult Ministry's 2012 Men's Life...

Pray for Grieving Families, Next Sermon Series, Ecuador Trip Info Packet (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/24)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Numbers 3-4  Several of our members have had death in their families.  Please pray for the Hunter family (passing of Sis. Juanita Hunter's granddaughter), pray for Sis. Cynthia Aldridge (passing of her sister), and pray for Deacon Credle (passing of two aunts). Starting next Sunday, I will be starting a new series called 5 Solas. Check out this video.  (click here if you can't see the video) On Tuesday, I will be speaking at St. Mary A.M.E. Church (Apex) at 7pm on the second night of their Revival.  Please come out and worship with us.  Due to this speaking engagement, there will be no elder-led prayer that evening. Don't forget to submit your idea for an Adult Ministry event by 2/28. Stop by the Welcome Center to submit your idea. If you missed the informational meeting but you are interested in going on the July Ecuador Mission Trip, please get an information packet from Minister Lydia Am...

Wrong Ways to Participate in Lent, Speaking at St. Mary's, Re-issued Giving Statements (Pastoral Emphasis for 2/17)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Leviticus 14-15  Lent came early this year. We are fasting and praying as a church family for Lent.  Now if you have not started, don't's the Good News: the Lent party is a Gospel party! The Gospel does not discriminate against when you got here but only beckons you to come as you are.  So you can start fasting now for Lent.  Now I want to warn everyone that there are some wrong ways to participate in Lent. Fasting because it's Lent and everyone is doing it. Just giving up something does not mean you will draw closer to God.  Fasting to appear devout to others by always talking about what you gave up.  Fasting to manipulate God to do something. Fasting but not praying. Lent is not only about giving up things but about adding things, God-things.   Thanks to everybody who attended our Theological Seminar on yesterday.  I hope that your understanding of Justification has ...

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday

The Lent season begins on this Wednesday which is Ash Wednesday.  We will anoint with ashes after Bible Study.  Anointing with ashes is a sign of mourning over sin and repentance to God. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent.  I encourage everyone to fast and pray during the 40 days of Lent. Fasting is the voluntary act of abstaining from something for the purpose of growing in self-discipline.  As Christians, we find our security and satisfaction in Christ.  Therefore, we can give up something because Christ means more to us than whatever we are giving up.  We ask everyone to join us for a partial fast for Lent. A partial fast is where you choose to abstain from certain foods and drinks instead of complete abstinence. Others may choose to fast from television, computer, newspaper, hobbies, etc. This will help you free up some time to spend in prayer and reflection.