Last Sunday, we talked about how we should have single-minded focus and devotion to living for Christ. The soldier, athlete, and farmer do not get distracted by outside things. Watch this video featuring Pastor Paul Washer.
(Click here if you can't see the video)
Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 65-67,69-70
Thanks to all who attended this quarter's Theological Seminar on yesterday. We have extra handouts from the seminar at the Welcome Center.
VBS is 6/10-14 and registration is underway. VBS is for the whole family, not just the children. You can register by the registration table, use the connection card, or sign-up online.
Happy Mother's Day. Paul commends Timothy's faith which mirrors the faith of his mother and grandmother. We must not underestimate the importance of mothers. But I want to encourage all you ladies that no matter what's your situation, your identity is not in motherhood but in Christ. No matter whether you are barren, have miscarried, have aborted, felt like you messed up with your kids, you are loved and forgiven in Christ! God poured out on Jesus the full weight of sin, brokenness, and death. He poured out the weight of your grief over your lost child. He poured out the weight of your abortion. He poured out the emptiness of your first mother's day without your mother. He poured out the longings of the childless. He poured it all--your guilt, shame, sadness, brokenness, and sins on the One who knew no sin. He poured it all out because He loves you.
(Click here if you can't see the video)
Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 65-67,69-70
Thanks to all who attended this quarter's Theological Seminar on yesterday. We have extra handouts from the seminar at the Welcome Center.
VBS is 6/10-14 and registration is underway. VBS is for the whole family, not just the children. You can register by the registration table, use the connection card, or sign-up online.
Happy Mother's Day. Paul commends Timothy's faith which mirrors the faith of his mother and grandmother. We must not underestimate the importance of mothers. But I want to encourage all you ladies that no matter what's your situation, your identity is not in motherhood but in Christ. No matter whether you are barren, have miscarried, have aborted, felt like you messed up with your kids, you are loved and forgiven in Christ! God poured out on Jesus the full weight of sin, brokenness, and death. He poured out the weight of your grief over your lost child. He poured out the weight of your abortion. He poured out the emptiness of your first mother's day without your mother. He poured out the longings of the childless. He poured it all--your guilt, shame, sadness, brokenness, and sins on the One who knew no sin. He poured it all out because He loves you.