Register for Theological Seminar, 2013 JA Lewis Scholarship, Sacrificial Giving (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/5)
Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 1,2,15,22-24,47,68
Don't forget to register for our next Theological Seminar on May 11th at 9am. Dr. Pettegrew from Shepherds Theological Seminary will be back to teach on the Doctrine of the Trinity. Come find out why this is an essential doctrine. So to teach falsely about the nature of God like TD Jakes has is to teach heresy. Sign up online TODAY.
The 2013 J.A. Lewis Scholarship applications are now available from the church office. All application information should be submitted to church office by May 26th.
If you attended the church family meeting, you know that God answered our prayers for refinancing our loan but you also know that we did not meet our budget for last quarter. So I'm asking our members to sacrificially give at least 5% or more above your normal giving for this quarter to help us meet our budget while we move towards closing our refinance.
Don't forget to register for our next Theological Seminar on May 11th at 9am. Dr. Pettegrew from Shepherds Theological Seminary will be back to teach on the Doctrine of the Trinity. Come find out why this is an essential doctrine. So to teach falsely about the nature of God like TD Jakes has is to teach heresy. Sign up online TODAY.
The 2013 J.A. Lewis Scholarship applications are now available from the church office. All application information should be submitted to church office by May 26th.
If you attended the church family meeting, you know that God answered our prayers for refinancing our loan but you also know that we did not meet our budget for last quarter. So I'm asking our members to sacrificially give at least 5% or more above your normal giving for this quarter to help us meet our budget while we move towards closing our refinance.