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Where is God (Moore, OK)?, Elder-led Prayer, Memorial Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/26)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 131, 138-139, 143-145 

Many have heard about the devastating tornado that hit Moore, OK.  When natural disasters like this happen, you always get the questions about "where is God?".  When God does not immediately intervene in a way that we recognize, people begin to doubt His faithfulness and goodness.

Remember, the Jews were in 400 years of slavery in Egypt. That meant many Hebrews were born, lived, and died as a slave without an apparent action or word from God.  I wonder how many of them asked the the same question about where was God?  But God did hear their cries. He sent a savior and mediator in the person of Moses.  And whenever Israel was oppressed by their enemies, God would send saviors in the form of judges, like Sampson.

But these "mini-saviors" were just shadows of a greater Savior.  After 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testaments, God sent Jesus.  God kept His promise to send the Messiah.  Now it's been over 2,000 years since Jesus lived, died on the cross, rose from the dead, and ascended back to heaven and we wait, hanging on the promise that He will return to finally set all things right. 

This world is broken because of sin, but Christ will return to make all sad things untrue.  All who trust in Christ will experience final redemption of our bodies and the redemption of this world when we have a new earth and new heaven.  God will keep His promise!  Jesus is coming back!  While we wait, let's spread the Gospel and serve the community.  So in midst of tragedies and natural disasters, God is still sovereign, ruling, reigning, and providing comfort to those who are suffering.  Please pray for those affected by the tornado and all of the churches who are ministering locally in that area.  Next Sunday, our love offering will go towards helping the tornado victims.  If you want to give prior to next Sunday, please mark for gift with "tornado victims".

Are you registered for VBS?  If not, what are you waiting for?  VBS is 6/10-14 and it will be a great time of learning and fun for the whole family.  You can register by the registration table, use the connection card, or sign-up online.

We will be having Elder-led Prayer on Tuesday from 6pm to 7pm.  Everyone is invited to join us as we focus on specific prayer needs.  If you are unable to attend but have prayer requests, you can submit them online, in the prayer request box at the Welcome Center, or use the Connection Card.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day.  This is an observance for those men and women who have died in the service of this country. While many of us will have a day off and celebrate, let's pray for those families who have lost loved ones.


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