Series on The Godhead, Youth Missions Trip Interest Meeting, Resolution Ceremony (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/3)
Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Numbers 18-20
We've completed our Bible Study series on Disciples Making Disciples. Now the work begins. My charge is that we pray about disciples, look at our associations, and invite one or two people to enter into a discipling relationship with.
The next Bible Study series, "The Godhead," will begin on Wednesday at 7:00pm. The doctrine of the Trinity is an essential doctrine of Christianity. We will study the question: "How can God, who is one God, be Three Distinct Personalities?" Join us and bring a friend as we explore this topic.
I'm excited that our youth ministry is catching the mission of the church to make disciples to all nations. The Youth Ministry will be holding a mission trip interest meeting next Sunday, March 10th, after the church service in Classroom 4. Parents, bring your teens out to this meeting.
Everyone is invited to join the Adult Ministry's 2012 Men's Life Study Group Resolution Ceremony on Sunday, March 10th, at 4:00pm. The ceremony will recognize men who have successfully completed the study focusing on "The Man That God Uses" and will publicly make a commitment to be a leader in the home, church, and community. Please join us for this special occasion.
We will have sunrise service for Easter and breakfast afterwards. In order for us to plan according, we'll need everyone to sign up for the Easter Breakfast. Those who sign-up will receive tickets. Those who have tickets get food before those who do not. Please sign up online, at the registration table after services, or use connection card during the service.
We've completed our Bible Study series on Disciples Making Disciples. Now the work begins. My charge is that we pray about disciples, look at our associations, and invite one or two people to enter into a discipling relationship with.
The next Bible Study series, "The Godhead," will begin on Wednesday at 7:00pm. The doctrine of the Trinity is an essential doctrine of Christianity. We will study the question: "How can God, who is one God, be Three Distinct Personalities?" Join us and bring a friend as we explore this topic.
I'm excited that our youth ministry is catching the mission of the church to make disciples to all nations. The Youth Ministry will be holding a mission trip interest meeting next Sunday, March 10th, after the church service in Classroom 4. Parents, bring your teens out to this meeting.
Everyone is invited to join the Adult Ministry's 2012 Men's Life Study Group Resolution Ceremony on Sunday, March 10th, at 4:00pm. The ceremony will recognize men who have successfully completed the study focusing on "The Man That God Uses" and will publicly make a commitment to be a leader in the home, church, and community. Please join us for this special occasion.
We will have sunrise service for Easter and breakfast afterwards. In order for us to plan according, we'll need everyone to sign up for the Easter Breakfast. Those who sign-up will receive tickets. Those who have tickets get food before those who do not. Please sign up online, at the registration table after services, or use connection card during the service.