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Showing posts from 2018

NYE Service, Men's Foundation Fellowship, 2019 Church Theme (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/30)

Today was our 5th Sunday Youth Day and our kids did a great job presiding, reading Scripture, praying, and singing. Bro. DomiNick Downing delivered a message called "Your Biggest Role Model" from 1 Peter 2:21-25. Everyone is invited to join us for our New Year’s Eve Service on Monday, December 31st, at 10:00pm. Worship with us as we usher in 2019! There is no Bible Study on Wednesday, January 2nd. We'll kick off a new Bible Study series on Wednesday, January 9th. Men, join me for our Men's Foundation Fellowship class on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9am starting in January as we look out how we can fight and overcome particular sins. I once heard Pastor John Piper say something years ago that stuck with me. He told his church that one of his pastoral duties was to prepare them to suffer well. It speaks to the reality that we will all suffer in some form in this life. But how do we respond to suffering? As your under-shepherds, the elders and I want to equip Mt. Zi...

Merry Christmas, No Bible Study, NYE Service (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/23)

Even though this is supposed to be a joyous season, many people are stressed, depressed, and even suicidal. There are many reasons for this but one reason that many people have lost the joy of the season is that they are caught up in the commercialization of Christmas. Too often, people focus on stuff and material things that will never truly satisfy. We were made to worship but instead of worshipping the Creator, people worship created things. But let us regain the joy of the season by remembering that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son! So this Christmas, enjoy the food, your family, and your gifts, but don't forget the greatest gift that was ever given! Just a reminder that Bible Study is canceled on Wednesday, December 26th. Everyone is invited to join us for our New Year’s Eve Service on Monday, December 31st, at 10:00pm.

Bereavements, Stay Warm Drive, Share the Wounded Series (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/16)

Even though this is a joyous time of the year, let's not forget that this season can be tough for many people especially those who have recently lost loved ones. Let's be in prayer for the following who are grieving the recent loss of a loved one: Deaconess Susan Fortenberry – loss of sister  Bro. Ellery Oliver – loss of grandfather  Bro. Travis Anderson – loss of grandmother  Thanks for your donations to the Devoted Disciples' coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and socks "Stay Warm" drive. We were able to donate from the drive to the Holiday Extravaganza that will go to help people in Wilmington, NC who were affected by the hurricane. But you can continue to bring your donations until December 23rd which will go to help people in our local area. Today, we concluded our Wounded series by addressing how the Gospel heals those wounded by sexual assault. My prayer is that God would use this series to help people start their journey towards healing and a healthy se...

Update Contact Info, Stay Warm Drive, Holiday Extravaganza (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/9)

Happy Snow Day!  Due to the winter storm, we did not have church service but we were still able to worship and get God's Word via Zion Live .  Praise God for technology! We are requesting that all members to update your address/contact information with the Church Office by emailing info AT We would like to have this update by December 10th. The Devoted Disciples need your help with collecting coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and socks for their "Stay Warm" drive for the homeless and those in need. Please support by donating these items by December 23rd. New Dimensions and the Pastors Praying Together group will be having our Holiday Extravaganza again this year. It will be on Saturday, 12/15 starting 12 to 3 pm at Cary Church of God (on Evans Road). There will be food, fellowship, fine arts, as well as a collection for a Winter Drive & Hurricane Relief. So we'll be donating some of the items from our "Stay Warm" drive. We were sc...

Update Contact Info, Church-Wide Prayer Gathering, Holiday Extravaganza (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/2)

We are requesting that all members to update their address and contact information with the church office using a Connection Card. We would like to have this update by December 10th. Our next Church-Wide Prayer Gathering is Tuesday from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us as we focus on specific prayer needs. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can submit them online . I will not be at the Prayer Gathering as I have the opportunity to give a lecture to students at Northern Wake Tech for their Doubt Night . It's a opportunity for students to bring their doubts and questions about Christianity. I'll be lecturing and answering questions on the topic “Did the Resurrection of Jesus Really Happen?”. Please pray for me and the event. New Dimensions and the Pastors Praying Together group will be co-sponsoring our Holiday Extravaganza again this year. It will be on Saturday, 12/15 from 12 to 3 pm at Cary Church of God (on Evans Road). There...

Last Week of "Who Did Jesus Die For?", Stay Warm Drive (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/25)

Join us on Wednesday at 7 pm for the last week of our Bible Study series "Who Did Jesus Die For?". We've been examining the doctrine of Definite Atonement from the Scriptures that show Jesus died only for the elect. This week, we're looking at some texts that seem to contradict this and why does it matter who Jesus died for. Even if you've missed the other sessions, you can still join us. The Devoted Disciples need your help with collecting hats, gloves, scarves, and socks for their "Stay Warm" drive for the homeless and those in need. Please support our service project by donating these items by December 23rd. For more information, contact a Devoted Disciple or Sis. Tracy Dunn . Today, we continue in our new sermon series called “Wounded: How the Gospel Heals the Sexually Hurting”. Since this is a sensitive subject and could possibly trigger those who have been sexually wounded in the past, as we go through this series, please feel to step out of th...

No Bible Study, Fall Spruce Up Stats, Stay Warm Drive (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/18)

Bible Study is canceled on Wednesday due to the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday. We'll be back the following week with our final session on "Who Did Jesus Die For?".  Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and friends. We have much to be thankful for! Thanks to all who came out yesterday to help clean the church for our Fall Spruce UP. Here are the stats: 13 members (2 youth and 1 new member)  13 members from Leadership  1 visitor – (A big shout-out to Bishop Eric Ellis of New Restoration Outreach Christian Center in Raleigh) We worked 46.38 total hours for a total savings of $1,159.58.  A huge thank you to Elder Bobby Dunn for really stepping up and helping out.  Devoted Disciples Youth Ministry will be doing a Stay Warm Drive from 11/25 to 12/23.  Please bring in hats, scarves, gloves, & blankets to be donated to the homeless. Today, we started our new sermon series called "Wounded: How the Gospel Heals the Sexually Hurting". As we go...

Happy Veteran's Day, Fall Spruce Up, Wounded Sermon Series (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/11)

Today is Veteran's Day where we honor and thank those who have served in the military. Happy Veteran's Day!  We also recognized the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity who worshipped with us today. Last week, we started our new Bible Study series, "Who Did Jesus Die For?" We had a great time with lots of lively discussions. Join us this Wednesday at 7:00pm as we look at the Scriptural support for the Doctrine of Definite Atonement. If you missed any of this series, you can watch the recording at Zion Live . Fall Spruce UP: All are welcome to help clean God’s house on Saturday, November 17th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Come for any amount of time. Thanks in advance for your service. Next Sunday, I'm starting a new series called "Wounded: How the Gospel Heals the Sexually Hurting". It's a heavy subject that I know could trigger those who have been sexually wounded in the past. In order to prepare yourself, here are the specific topics covered in the s...

Church-Wide Prayer Gathering, Who Did Jesus Die For?, Speaking at Scott's Grove Church (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/4)

I would like to encourage everyone to vote on Tuesday (if you didn't early vote). Research the candidates, issues, think biblically, pray for wisdom, and exercise your right to vote. Remember your true allegiance to not to an elephant or donkey but to the Lamb ! After you've exercised your right to vote, come out and exercise your right to pray to our Heavenly Father. The next Church-Wide Prayer Gathering is Tuesday, November 6th, from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us as we focus on specific prayer needs. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can submit them online . Did Jesus die for everyone? The answer seems simple enough but this question has been hotly debated throughout church history. Did Jesus’ death merely make salvation possible for everyone or did it actually accomplish the work of redemption? Join us for our next Bible Study, "Who Did Jesus Die For?" starting on Wednesday, November 7th, at 7:00pm as we tackle t...

Hurricane Relief Drive, Fall FPU Session, Church Family Meeting (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/28)

Thanks to all who participated in our Theological Seminar on yesterday about How to Study the Bible. For those who missed it, I would definitely recommend that watch the recording . We also have some leftover handouts at the Welcome Center. Thank you for your generous donations to our Hurricane Relief Supply drive. Because of you, we have been able to donate 6 boxes of canned goods & cleaning supplies and the equivalent of 6 boxes of paper towels/toilet tissue to help those who in eastern NC affected by hurricane and flooding. And we still have about 3 more boxes of canned goods accumulated. You still have another week to donate as we'll end our drive on 11/4. There's a copy of the supply list at the Welcome Center. Just a reminder that our friends and neighbors at Raleigh Chinese Christian Church have invited us to their Fall Fun Festival on Wednesday, 10/31, where they will have games, bounce house, prizes, music. The festival time will be 6:30-8pm. Free dinner will ...

Seasoned Sisters Sharing, Theological Seminar, Church Family Meeting (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/21)

We rejoiced to see Minister Jae Smith at church today after being in the hospital for about a week. Also, we congratulate the newlyweds Todd & Trice Hayes who are back from their honeymoon! Please continue to donate to our Hurricane Relief Supply drive to help those who in eastern NC affected by hurricane and flooding. There's a copy of the supply list at the Welcome Center. Looking for something to do on Oct. 31st? Our friends and neighbors at Raleigh Chinese Christian Church have invited us to their Fall Fun Festival where they will have games, bounce house, prizes, music. The festival time will be 6:30-8pm. Free dinner will be 6-7pm. So you can go have some fun, eat dinner, and then join us for Bible Study at 7pm. Sister Virginia Barnett & Sister Linda Reynolds have a special announcement about "Seasoned Sisters Sharing" which is a fellowship of Mt. Zion women age 60 and over that desire to gather and share life together. If you are at least the tender a...

Jesus is Enough, Prayer Requests, Theological Seminar (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/14)

Today was My Hope Sunday where we share about our hope in Jesus. Thanks to all who invited guests to come. Here's the video that we showed during the service:   Jesus is Enough - Sermon Jam ( Matt Chandler ) (Click here if the video is not visible) Please pray for several members of our church family... Young Bro. Amare Oliver had a high fever of 102.6 yesterday but thankfully he's down to 99 today. Sis. Aprile King lost a close cousin and her father just got out of the hospital Minister Jae Smith is currently in Wake Med in Cary Bro. Evens Thermitus' father passed away last week Thanks to all who have donated to our Hurricane Relief Supply drive. Continue to bring in items. There's a copy of the supply list in your bulletins and at the Welcome Center. We all know that it’s very important to study God’s Word but many people struggle with how to get started and do it well. Join us for our upcoming Theological Seminar on October 27th at 9:00am wher...

Preached at Sovereign Grace of Apex, Hurricane Relief Supply Drive, My Hope (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/7)

I missed my Mt. Zion family today but I know you all had a great time in the Lord. Thanks to Elder Sean Cherry for presiding and giving pastoral emphasis. I had the privilege to preach at Sovereign Grace of Apex for their morning service. I preached on "Do Not Grow Weary of Sowing to the Spirit" from Galatians 6:7-9 . My family and I had a wonderful time worshipping with the folks at Sovereign Grace and the message was well recieved. Thank you all for your prayers Our Hurricane Relief Supply drive is underway. We are collecting items that are immediately needed such as canned food, hygiene items, baby products (diapers, formula), and cleaning supplies. Please drop off your donations at the church. My Hope Sunday is 10/14. All of our members are asked to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to join us at church on next Sunday. During that service, we will share the hope we have in Jesus Christ.  Thanks to all who filled out and brought their c...

Hurricane Florence Relief, Prayer 2018, My Hope Sunday (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/30)

Today was our Youth Sunday where our youth lead us in prayer, reading Scripture, and singing. Sis. Tracy Dunn , our youth director, delivered a special message to the youth (and all of us) to "Be greater than our Haters for God's Glory" from Matthew 5:5 . We have started our Hurricane Relief Supply drive for the next couple of weeks. We are collecting items that are immediately needed such as canned food, hygiene items, baby products (diapers, formula), and cleaning supplies. Please start bringing the following items to the church: Thick rubber gloves  Face masks- white molded  Eye protection (goggles)  Trash bags (kitchen)  Lawn Trash bags  N95 or better paper face mask respirators  Hand sanitizer  Bleach  Toiletries  Toilet paper  Paper towels  Air mattresses  Cots  Pads/Tampons  Diapers/Baby wipes  Canned food (soups, meats) Tuesday, 10/2, is PRAYER 2018 on 10/2, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm ...

Helping Hurricane Victims, Prayer 2018, My Hope Sunday (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/23)

I hate that I missed church today due to not feeling well but I was able to worship a bit via Zion Live . Big thanks to Elder Wayne Bullock for covering pastoral emphasis and baptism for me and Minister Brandi Hancock for bringing a wonderful word on "There is a Cost when You Carry the Cross" from Phil. 3:8-9 . We are currently looking into ways that we can help and serve those who have been affected by Hurricane Florence . We'll probably start collecting items this week for donations. I'm happy to see that some of you have already started helping in your own way. In fact, Elder Sean Cherry is in Wilmington now volunteering through the Baptists On Mission organization. Let's continue to pray for those affected by the storm. Don't forget to sign-up for PRAYER 2018 on 10/2, from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. PRAYER 2018 is a city-wide prayer rally where over 100 churches will gather to worship and pray together. Mt. Zion has 24 seats r...

Hurricane Aftermath, Be like the Good Samaritan, Prayer 2018 (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/16)

We are so very thankful that God was merciful to us in the Raleigh area to not have much damage and flooding. Flooding is a major problem for other areas like New Bern. And it's not because we are better or more righteous than others that we were spared but God was gracious and merciful to us. In fact, we are thankful that God decreased Hurricane Florence down from a category 5 to a category 1.  The damage could have been much worst if Florence had been a cat 5! We also prayed for those affected by the hurricane. More than 814,000 people are without power, many people have been dislocated, and 14 people have died as a result of the storm . As the church, we will be looking for ways to we can love and serve our neighbors in the aftermath of the storm. We don't want to be like the priest and Levite who saw the need of the person but passed by anyway. We want to be like the good Samaritan who had compassion and helped even at great cost to himself. Jesus told us to go and d...

PRAYER 2018, Mission Triangle, Judge Gregory (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/9)

Bereavement: Please keep Elder Bobby Dunn and family in your prayers as his mother passed last week. The homegoing service will be on Wednesday in Nashville, NC. Mark your calendars for PRAYER 2018 on 10/2, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. PRAYER 2018 is a city-wide prayer rally where over 100 churches will gather to worship and pray together. Mt. Zion has 24 seats reserved. Reserve your seat today by signing up online . Contact our prayer coordinator, Sis. Sandra Broadwater for any questions.  Sunday afternoon, several churches come together for the Mission Triangle community outreach and prayer rally event in honor of 9/11. Mt. Zion had the privilege of participating with several other area churches to sing and pray for our community.  We hope that we can continue to do these in the future. We were happy to have Bro. Keith Gregory, a former member of Mt. Zion,  join us for worship.  Bro. Gregory is a Superior Court Judge. J...

Mission Triangle, Church-Wide Prayer Gathering, Bereavement (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/2)

Next Sunday is Mission Triangle where several churches are coming together for a community outreach and prayer rally in honor of 9/11 at Cary Towne Center. From 2 to 4 pm will be games and activities for the entire family. From 4 to 6 pm will be the prayer rally featuring a mass Gospel choir, prayer, and a Gospel presentation. Please invite people, volunteer to serve , and pray for the community to attend and people will be saved. Join us for our Church-Wide Prayer Gathering on Tuesday from 7 to 8pm. There are great benefits to corporate prayer. If you cannot attend, you can submit your prayer requests online . Please continue to pray for those who are still experiencing bereavement. Bro. Joseph Hancock just lost a cousin who was like a sister to him. And please keep Minister of Music Spence Martin and my wife, Anita, in your prayers as they continue to grieve the deaths in their families. I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day!

Seminar Recording, Mission Triangle, Back to School Prayer (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/26)

Thank you all for your prayers and condolences on the passing of my wife's mother.  Just as others within our church are grieving the loss of parent or other family members, let's continue to pray for each other.  As we grieve, we'll need the prayer support in the coming weeks, months, and even years. If you missed yesterday's Theological Seminar on the Assurance of Salvation, I would HIGHLY recommend that you watch the recording on Zion Live . Dr. Dwayne Milioni did an fantastic job teaching us about Biblical perseverance. Due to the Labor Day weekend, we will not have Communion next Sunday but on the second Sunday. On 9/9, several churches are coming together for a community outreach and prayer rally at Cary Towne Center in honor of 9/11. Starting at 2pm, there will be games and activities for the entire family. The prayer rally will start at 4pm. There will be singing featuring a mass Gospel choir and prayer for our community, our leaders, our 1st Responder...

Youth Explosion, Community Food Distribution, Back to School Supply Drive (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/12)

Have you ever struggled with knowing you're saved? What do you do when your assurance of salvation is fleeting? Join us for our upcoming Theological Seminar on 8/25 on the Assurance of Salvation. Dr. Dwayne Milioni, Professor at SEBTS & Pastor of Open Door Church will be our speaker. Register for this free seminar today . Our 2018 Youth Explosion is Friday, 8/17, from 6pm-9pm. There's still time to spread the word and invite youth (grades 6th to 12th grades) to join us. On Saturday, 8/18, we'll have our Community Food Distribution (in partnership with Zaxby's & Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC). This distribution will be from 9 am to 12 pm and is to help families in need of food assistance. We'll have a pray tent so that we can pray for anyone who wants it. Please contact Deacon Rufus Credle if you wish to volunteer. Back to School Supply Drive: We are currently collecting school supplies for West Cary Middle School and the Oxford Children’s Ho...

Theological Seminar, Community Food Distribution, Church-Wide Prayer Gathering (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/5)

For those who missed the announcement at the church family meeting: Bobby Dunn will become an Elder Candidate. Have you ever struggled with knowing you're saved? Join us for our upcoming Theological Seminar on 8/25 on the Assurance of Salvation. Dr. Dwayne Milioni, Professor at SEBTS & Pastor of Open Door Church will be our speaker. Registration will start this week. Our 2018 Youth Explosion will be on Friday, 8/17, from 6pm-9pm. Please spread the word and invite youth (grades 6th to 12th grades) to join us. If you are interested in serving on the Youth Explosion Team, please contact Sis. Jakayla Allen or Sis. Tracy Dunn for more details. On Saturday, 8/18, will be our next Community Food Distribution (in partnership with Zaxby's & Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC). This distribution is to help families in need of food assistance and will be from 9am to 12 pm. We need your help for this community outreach effort. Please contact Deacon Rufus Credle if y...

Youth Sunday, 2018 Youth Explosion, New Elder Candidate (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/29)

Today was our Youth Sunday with our children leading us in worship by presiding, reading Scripture, praying, singing, and bringing the message. All of the kids did a great job. Miss Lydia Sallis brought a short but powerful message from ​John 1:9-13 entitled "This Little Light Of Mine". Bereavement: Minister of Music Spence Martin 's older brother passed on Saturday morning after a short battle with illness. Please keep him and the family in your prayers. It’s almost time for the 2018 Youth Explosion. We need your help to make this year’s explosion an even bigger success than our inaugural event last year. If you are interested in serving on the Youth Explosion Team, please contact Jakayla Allen or Tracy Dunn for more details. We had our Church Family Meeting after the service. I will have a separate post on some of the important items that were mentioned but I'm pleased to share that Bobby Dunn will become an Elder candidate. We're excited to have h...

Church Family Meeting, Youth Sunday, Baptism (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/22)

Next Sunday, we will have our next Church Family Meeting right after the service. We have a special announcement to make. All members are asked to be present. We had a special prayer for Todd Hayes, Jr . who left for the Air Force on Tuesday.  Please continue to pray for him as he goes though basic training and beyond. Also, next Sunday is our Youth Sunday so our youth will lead us in the worship service. We'll also take a break from The Prayer Series and have a youth speaker. We also praise God for the two young ladies, 20 and 17, that were baptized! We look forward to discipling and encouraging them in their Christian walk.

Beaches in Michigan, Church Family Meeting, Love Offering (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/15)

Thank you all for your prayers for my family as we traveled to Michigan to visit my mother. Please keep her and Anita's mother in your prayers.  Now based on some comments that I've heard, I need to give some of you a geography lesson. The following is a map of Michigan: Notice those big blue bodies of water.  Those are called the Great Lakes ...there are beaches along the Lakes particularly along Lake Michigan where my family and I went. So yes, there are beaches in Michigan! Mark your calendar for our next Church Family Meeting that will be on Sunday, 7/29, right after the service. There was a brief meeting after the service today for all married & engaged couples to discuss upcoming events and survey future interests. We have a family in our congregation in need. So next Sunday, we want to raise a love offering for them. If you're ready to give prior to next Sunday, give to the love offering with the note "Family in Need".

Congrats to Newlyweds, No Bible Study on Wed, Father's Day Winner (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/1)

Congrats to the newlyweds, Ulysses & Junève Toche, on getting married yesterday! On last Wednesday, we started a series for our Adult Bible Study and a summer Bible Study for youth (ages 5-13). Due to the July 4th holiday there will be no Bible Study classes this Wednesday. We'll resume the following week. Bro. JacQuan Downing, on behalf of the Young Adult Ministry, announced the winner of the Father's Day wear your favorite college/pro team attire. And the winner is...   Bro. Jerome Norton! I solicit your prayers for my family and I as we'll be traveling to Michigan tomorrow to visit with my mom. We'll be gone all week and won't be here on next Sunday.  Have a great week and 4th of July!

VBS Thank You, The Prayer Series, Summer Bible Studies (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/24)

Please keep Minister of Music Spence Martin and family in your prayers as his father passed after a long illness. Thanks to all who participated in this year's VBS , Game On! I want to give a big THANK YOU to all who organized, taught classes, and cooked food. Starting next Sunday, we'll start a new summer sermon series called The Prayer Series. This will be a fun series as the ministers and I will be preaching on various topics like “what is prayer?”, “intercessory prayer”, “if God is in control then why pray?”, “why is prayer so hard to do?”. Please check out the announcements for some very cool Bible Study series starting for the summer and other important activities.

Bereavements, Happy Father's Day, VBS 2018 (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/17)

Please be in prayer for the families that are experiencing the following bereavements: After a long battle with illness, Sis. Audrey Person has passed away. The funeral service will be held in Virginia on Tuesday.  Sister Brenda Hancock's mother (Minister Brandi Hancock's grandmother), Gladys Underwood, has passed away. Minister Kevin Coppage's uncle, who had cancer, has passed away.  Happy Father's Day to all the dads! Fatherlessness is a big issue in our community but despite all the rhetoric about lack of fathers (especially black fathers), I praise God for the fathers in this church who are leading their families.  Similar to Mother's Day, I know that today can be tough for many if you've lost your father or desire to be father but that has not happened yet. May God comfort you. The biggest issue can be for those who did not have a good relationship with their father. Those wounds can last a very long time. But even when our earthly fathers fail u...

Children's/Youth Day, J. Allen Lewis Scholarship Winner, All Things Work Together (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/10)

Today, we celebrated our Children's and Youth Day.   Our children led us in worship and they did an outstanding job.  All glory to God.  We also recognized our 2018 High School graduates: Jerrard Allen Lauren Lucas Amari Harris Congrats to our 2018 J. Allen Lewis Scholarship Award Recipient: Jerrard Allen  Bro. JacQuan Downing gave the message "All Things Work Together", coming from Romans 8:28 . Next Sunday is Father's Day. All men are asked to wear their favorite college or professional sports team jersey or shirt. The Young Adult Ministry will have refreshments after the service.

Church-Wide Prayer Gathering, Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?, Annual Children's Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/3)

Everyone is invited to join us for our Church-Wide Prayer Gathering on Tuesday, June 5th from 7 to 8 pm. You can also submit your prayer requests online . Our current Bible Study Series is "Know Why You Believe". In an increasingly secular and pluralistic society it's so important to be firm in what you believe and know how to defend the faith. Since Christianity ultimately depends on the resurrection of Jesus, it would be good for you to know the proofs for the resurrection. "Did Jesus rise from the dead" is the topic for this Wednesday at 7pm. Next Sunday is our Annual Children's/Youth Day where our kids will be leading us in worship, we'll have a special Youth Day message, and we'll recognize our High School graduates. Come out to worship our Lord and support our children. Sis. Janelle Wallace announced that the Young Adult Ministry is asking all men to wear their favorite sports shirt or jersey on Father's Day, 6/17.  There will als...

Theological Seminar, Church-Wide Prayer Gathering, Battling Depression (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/27)

We have much to pray for. Evangelist Barry Singleton had a stroke resulting in some paralysis on his right side. I visited with him on Saturday and he's up, moving about, and regaining mobility on his right side.  Elder Wilbur Lucas' medical condition has deteriorated. He is very weak. But he was in good spirits when I visited him on Friday. He had surgery this morning.  As a church body, we prayed and interceded for our two brothers especially Elder Lucas that God would be merciful and heal according to His will.  Please continue to lift them and their families in your prayers. Thanks to all who attended yesterday's Theological Seminar. Pastor Jerome Gay really brought the heat! If you missed it, I would HIGHLY recommend that you watch the video on our Facebook page or Zion Live . Starting in June, our Church-Wide Prayer Gathering will be on the first Tuesdays of the month at 7pm. So our first one will be June 5th. May is Mental Health Awa...

Mother's Day Hats, Theological Seminar, Mental Health: Support from Family & Friends (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/20)

Yesterday, there was a Royal Wedding but last Sunday we had a lot of beautiful ladies dressed like they were going to a Royal Wedding in honor of Mother's Day.   Congrats to the most stylist hat winner:  Sis. Tina Wyche. Deacon David Bowser announced that VBS is 6/20-6/22 with outreach on 6/23. Registration started today. Don't forget to register for our upcoming Theological Seminar on 5/26 featuring Pastor Jerome Gay of Vision Church talking about the Black Hebrew Israelite movement and their misconception of the Law. Register online .  This afternoon, Bro. Jae Smith gave his Initial Sermon at 4:00pm. Minister Smith preached from Romans 1:1 on the topic "A Brand Plucked From the Fire". May is Mental Health Awareness Month. When someone has a mental health condition, support from family and friends can make a BIG difference. If you're struggling with a mental health issues, please let others know. Don't suffer alone.   For family an...

Happy Mother's Day, Initial Sermon, Mental Health Awareness (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/13)

Happy Mother's Day.  Let all the children and husbands rise up and call moms blessed and give thanks for them!  We should also recognize that today can be difficult for many. Some ladies desire to be a mother but that has not happened. May you find your identity in being a child of God not motherhood. Some ladies have lost a child (through miscarriage, sickness, or abortion). Some people have lost their mother. May God comfort and heal you. Some of you may have an estranged relationship with your mother. Even when mother (or father) forsake us, God will take us in . Don't forget to register for our upcoming Theological Seminar on 5/26 featuring Pastor Jerome Gay, Jr. of Vision Church talking about the Black Hebrew Israelite movement and their misconception of the Law. Please register online . I'm happy to announce that Bro. Jae Smith will be giving his Initial Sermon on next Sunday, May 20th, at 4:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us for this special occasion! ...

Theological Seminar, Mental Health Awareness Month, Tornado Love Offering (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/6)

Register for our upcoming Theological Seminar on 5/26 featuring Pastor Jerome Gay of Vision Church talking about the Black Hebrew Israelite movement and their misconception of the Law. Register online or with Connection Card. Sis. Janelle Wallace announced that the Young Adults Ministry would like for all of the women to participate on Mother’s Day, May 13th, by wearing your SUNDAY’S BEST, including your finest Church Hat!! Refreshments will be available after service. May is Mental Health Awareness Month . Christians are not immune to mental health issues. We need to break the stigma about mental health (in the church and the African-American community). There is nothing wrong with seeking help.  Get counseling if needed.  Take medication if needed. During this month, I'll be sending out articles and resources about mental health from a biblical perspective to the church's mailing list.  If you're not already subscribed to the mailing list, go to bottom...

National Day of Prayer Service, Spring Spruce Up Stats, Love Offering for Tornado Victims (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/29)

Thursday, May 3rd, is the National Day of Prayer. Pastors Praying Together (my prayer group) will have National Day of Prayer service on Thursday at 7pm here at Mt. Zion . Everyone is invited to join us and bring a friend. A BIG thank you to all who came to help clean at our Spring Spruce Up. Here are some stats: 41 attendees  1 visitor  4 children 19 members from leadership Total hours worked - 115 Total money saved by cleaning our entire church, vacuuming our floors, and shampooing our carpet - $2885.42. Our biggest savings ever! We will have our next Spruce UP in the fall. All members are asked to stay after service for our Church Family Meeting. We have important news to share. Next Sunday, we're going to raise a love offering to help those who were impacted by the tornado in Greensboro. It touched down on the eastern side of Greensboro and left a path of destruction that was 33.6 miles long and roughly one-quarter of a mile wide. There are several churche...

Greensboro Tornado, Church Family Meeting, Spring Spruce Up (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/22)

Bereavement: We were with Pastor Maurice Wright on Thursday evening to celebrate his church's 14th anniversary, his mother passed on Friday morning. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Last Sunday evening, a tornado touched down on the eastern side of Greensboro and left a path of destruction that was 33.6 miles long and roughly one-quarter of a mile wide. The tornado, with 135 mph winds, plowed through homes and damaged properties, including three elementary schools that will remain closed for the rest of the year. One man died in the storm when a tree fell on the vehicle he was in. I'm currently looking for a church or ministry in that area that we can partner with to help. Once we find one, we'll at least raise a love offering and look for opportunities to go and serve there. Our next Church Family Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 29th, following the church service. We have important news to share. All members are asked to stay after the servi...

Church Family Meeting, Speaking at NDFC, Baby Dedication (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/15)

We were happy to have the Sigma Tau Omega Chapter of the AKA Sorority join us for worship today. Mark your calendar: Our next Church Family Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 29th, following the church service. All members are asked to attend. On Thursday, April 19th, I will be the guest speaker at New Dimensions Fellowship Church for their 14th Church Anniversary at 7:30pm accompanied by our Mt. Zion Gospel Choir. The address is 124 E. Edgewood, Dr., Durham, NC 27704 (Victory in Christ Ministries). I would definitely appreciate your support and prayers. Congrats to Candance Kennedy-Locklear and Cody McClure on dedicating their daughter, Addyson.

No Foolin' Jesus Rose From the Dead, Initial Sermon (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/1)

Happy Resurrection Day! We had our Sunrise Easter Service at 6am to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My text was Matthew 28:1-15 with the subject "No Foolin', Jesus Rose From The Dead". The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is often attacked and denied. Many people over the years have tried their best to discredit it. And this is not something new. Immediately after the resurrection, we see that the Jewish leaders tried to discredit it by bribing the soldiers with money to tell the people that the disciples came by night and stole the body while they slept. Some critics say that Jesus didn't die but was only nearly dead when placed in the tomb. We call this the swoon theory. It says that Jesus merely swooned like He was dead but later resuscitated. Some critics say that the disciples did not see a risen Jesus but what they saw was a hallucination. Many theories have been proposed to explain away the resurrection but they ...

Elder-Led Prayer, Easter Celebration, Baptism (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/25)

Last Sunday was My Hope Sunday and we're excited that Sis. Parris Penland, granddaughter of Bro. Joe & Sis. Brenda Hancock, joined on Christian Experience and is a candidate for Baptism. Please pray for the following members experiencing bereavement: Sis. Betty Holman (passing of mother who was also the grandmother of Sis. Tamullia Jones ). This is the last week of Lent. So as our fast comes to a close, join us for an hour of prayer at Elder-Led Prayer on Wednesday from 6 to 7pm. If you are unable to attend, you can submit your prayer request online and we'll pray for you.  Join us and invite a friend for our Easter Celebration this weekend:  Good Friday Service, 3/30, 6:30-7:30pm  Egg Hunt, 3/31, at 2pm  Easter Program, 3/31, at 3pm  Sunrise Easter Service, 4/1 at 6am (There will not be a 10am service) Congratulations to Sis. Regina Sands who is getting married but will be transferring her membership to her new husband's church. Today is...

My Hope Sunday, Why Did Jesus Have To Die?, Easter Celebration (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/18)

Today was our My Hope Sunday.  We had several guests that joined us for worship.  Sis. Karen Gray shared her testimony about her struggle to help her son dealing with mental health issues.  As much as she wants to remove all the pain and struggle from her son, she realized that she could not do but has to trust and depend on Jesus. I preached on the topic "Why Did Jesus Have To Die?" from Leviticus 17:11 .  Life is in the blood.  It is the blood of the sacrifice that gives life to the spirit of man.  It is the blood that makes atonement (to be at one or harmony) with God possible.  Why did Jesus have to die?  God is holy and cannot let sin go unpunished.  But God so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son to be the perfect sacrifice to bear the sins of those who trust in Him.  Jesus shed His perfect, innocent blood so that sinners can be forgiven and brought into a right relationship with God.  Jesus had to die because ...

Bereavements, Easter Celebration, My Hope Sunday (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/11)

Please be in prayer for the following members who are in bereavement: Sis. Diana Neal, whose father passed last week and Deaconess Shebbie Coppage who had two recent deaths in her family. Plan to join us for any or all of our Easter Celebration: Good Friday Service, 3/30, 6:30-7:30pm Egg Hunt, 3/31, at 2pm Easter Program, 3/31, at 3pm Sunrise Easter Service, 4/1 at 6am Congrats to Daquon and Ch'ressa Johnson as they dedicated their daughter Chelsea.  My Hope Outreach Sunday is next Sunday, 3/18, where our members are committed to invite at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to join us for that service where we will share the hope we have in Jesus Christ. The topic will be "Why Did Jesus Have To Die?". As we prepare our hearts for My Hope Sunday, we heard a testimony from Sis. Phoebe Thermitus . Members turned in their commitment cards and we prayed over them. Each card represented at least one soul that we prayed would come to know Jesus in a greate...

How Do You Keep From Being Deceived?

On this past Sunday, I preached from Mark 13:1-23 on "Watch out that no one deceives you". You can catch t he full sermon from our archive .  But here are some points from the sermon to address: How do you keep from being deceived? "And then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But be on guard; I have told you all things beforehand." Mark 13:21-23 (ESV) One of the best ways for you to avoid being deceived is to read and study the Bible in context for yourself! You must compare what people are saying in the name of God against the Word of God. Do the work of a Berean. "The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue. Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word wi...