Happy Mother's Day. Let all the children and husbands rise up and call moms blessed and give thanks for them!
We should also recognize that today can be difficult for many. Some ladies desire to be a mother but that has not happened. May you find your identity in being a child of God not motherhood. Some ladies have lost a child (through miscarriage, sickness, or abortion). Some people have lost their mother. May God comfort and heal you. Some of you may have an estranged relationship with your mother. Even when mother (or father) forsake us, God will take us in.
Don't forget to register for our upcoming Theological Seminar on 5/26 featuring Pastor Jerome Gay, Jr. of Vision Church talking about the Black Hebrew Israelite movement and their misconception of the Law. Please register online.
I'm happy to announce that Bro. Jae Smith will be giving his Initial Sermon on next Sunday, May 20th, at 4:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us for this special occasion!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. With some forms of mental illness especially depression, everything turns inward. There can be light and hope, but depression wants to bend your focus back on your own misery. When you are depressed or suffering, it all boils down to two choices. You can either call out to the Lord or not. You can sit in silence or cry to the Lord. You can cry on your bed or cry to the Lord. I want to encourage you to stop looking inward (at your feelings) and outward (at your circumstances and other people) and begin looking upward (at your God)!
Subscribe to the church's mailing list to receive articles and resources about mental health from a biblical perspective during this month. To subscribe, go to bottom of our website and submit your email address in the "Hear From Us" form.
Thanks to all gave to last Sunday's love offering. Due to your generosity, we raised $2,500 for the Greensboro Tornado victims.
We should also recognize that today can be difficult for many. Some ladies desire to be a mother but that has not happened. May you find your identity in being a child of God not motherhood. Some ladies have lost a child (through miscarriage, sickness, or abortion). Some people have lost their mother. May God comfort and heal you. Some of you may have an estranged relationship with your mother. Even when mother (or father) forsake us, God will take us in.
Don't forget to register for our upcoming Theological Seminar on 5/26 featuring Pastor Jerome Gay, Jr. of Vision Church talking about the Black Hebrew Israelite movement and their misconception of the Law. Please register online.
I'm happy to announce that Bro. Jae Smith will be giving his Initial Sermon on next Sunday, May 20th, at 4:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us for this special occasion!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. With some forms of mental illness especially depression, everything turns inward. There can be light and hope, but depression wants to bend your focus back on your own misery. When you are depressed or suffering, it all boils down to two choices. You can either call out to the Lord or not. You can sit in silence or cry to the Lord. You can cry on your bed or cry to the Lord. I want to encourage you to stop looking inward (at your feelings) and outward (at your circumstances and other people) and begin looking upward (at your God)!
Subscribe to the church's mailing list to receive articles and resources about mental health from a biblical perspective during this month. To subscribe, go to bottom of our website and submit your email address in the "Hear From Us" form.
Thanks to all gave to last Sunday's love offering. Due to your generosity, we raised $2,500 for the Greensboro Tornado victims.