Please keep Minister of Music Spence Martin and family in your prayers as his father passed after a long illness.
Thanks to all who participated in this year's VBS, Game On! I want to give a big THANK YOU to all who organized, taught classes, and cooked food.
Starting next Sunday, we'll start a new summer sermon series called The Prayer Series. This will be a fun series as the ministers and I will be preaching on various topics like “what is prayer?”, “intercessory prayer”, “if God is in control then why pray?”, “why is prayer so hard to do?”.
Please check out the announcements for some very cool Bible Study series starting for the summer and other important activities.
Thanks to all who participated in this year's VBS, Game On! I want to give a big THANK YOU to all who organized, taught classes, and cooked food.
Starting next Sunday, we'll start a new summer sermon series called The Prayer Series. This will be a fun series as the ministers and I will be preaching on various topics like “what is prayer?”, “intercessory prayer”, “if God is in control then why pray?”, “why is prayer so hard to do?”.
Please check out the announcements for some very cool Bible Study series starting for the summer and other important activities.