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Showing posts from 2021

Virtual New Year's Eve Service, 2022 Church Theme, Bible Reading Plan (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/26)

Join us for our Virtual New Year’s Eve Service . Gather with family and friends around the TV, laptop, or device at 11pm. We'll celebrate with praise and worship and a brief Word from the Lord. Then we'll do something different. We'll end our prayer and then countdown to the New Year. So get your noisemakers ready and let's usher in the New Year virtually together.  Our 2022 Church Theme is Moving to the Right: Growing as a Disciple of Christ . We'll be focusing on growing in our sanctification and spiritual maturity.  Bible Study will resume on January 5 . We'll be doing something unique...our topic for the year is the Life of Christ . We'll cover the one perfect life of Jesus from the preludes to His ministry to His ascension. This means we'll cover all of the four Gospels in the NT.  Join us for our January Foundation Fellowship. The topic will be Counter Culture: Following Christ in an Anti-Christian Culture .  In order to grow spiritually, we need ...

No Bible Study, Media Setup Help, Merry Christmas (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/19)

There will be no Bible Study for the next two weeks. We'll resume on January 5. We have exciting plans for Bible Study next year. More details to come.  Provided nothing changes with the omicron variant , we're planning to resume meeting in person for Bible Study next month but we'll continue to offer the virtual connection via WebEx (similar to how we currently do Foundation Fellowship). We are forming a team that can help with setting up for Foundation Fellowship and Bible Study. This will help so the burden is not placed on a couple of people. We'll train you, we just need some willing and available people. Please contact Elder Dunn if you would like to serve in this capacity. If you don't have your picture on your profile in Realm, we want to help you. Having your picture in Realm is so helpful to match faces with names. After church services, stop by the room past the Media Room on the left to get your picture taken.  I want to wish everyone a very Merry Ch...

Holiday Gift Card Drive, Titus 2 Women's T.E.A. Postponed, Open House (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/12)

I'm pleased to announce that Alexis Thermitus, age 12 (Daughter of Evens & Phoebe Thermitus) has come forward to trust in Christ as her personal Lord and Savior and she is a candidate for baptism . Please be in prayer for the following members and their families as they grieve the loss of a loved one...  Sis. Leanne Lennon - the passing of her father  Evangelist Tayon Dancy - the passing of her grandmother who lived to be 105!  Thank you all for your generosity towards our Holiday Gift Card Drive for the Homeless . Through last Sunday, we have collected 63 cards valued at $700.00. With the $500 match, we have $1,200 worth of gift cards ! But it's not over yet. You can still bring in some gift cards because the drive does not end until December 19.  In light of many ladies desiring to support Evangelist Tayon at the Homegoing Celebration of her grandmother, the Titus 2 Women’s T.E.A. that was scheduled for Saturday will be postponed until a later date. This...

Holiday Gift Card Drive, December Birthdays & Anniversaries, Children's & Youth Ministries Open House (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/5)

We are partnering with Triangle Family Services to collect gift cards this holiday season for the homeless. Please bring in $5 or $10 McDonald's gift cards and/or $25 Walmart gift cards. You will drop the gift cards into the offering receptacles. The drive will end on December 19.  Happy Birthday to our December babies . It's hard to believe that my baby (Gabrielle) is turning 15 at the end of this month! And a BIG SHOUT-OUT to Sis. Lois Arrington who celebrated her 96th birthday on Thursday.      Our December’s Senior Birthday Surprise goes to Bro. Louis Eldridge !  Happy Anniversary to our December couples ...    Our Children's and Youth Ministries are very ready to resume their ministry to our children. Next Sunday, they will have an Open House right after the service for parents and anyone else interested to finding out what's in store. For questions, please contact Daureen Richards for Children's Ministry or Jae Smith for Youth Minist...

Holiday Gift Card Drive for the Homeless, Praying for the Bereaved (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/28)

Sisters Tracy Dunn and Regina Hardaway are working together with Triangle Family Services to collect gift cards for Walmart and McDonald's this holiday season for the homeless . As a church, we want to partner with them to have members bring in $5 or $10 McDonald's gift cards and/or $25 Walmart gift cards by December 19.  You will drop the gift cards into the offering receptacles. Their goal is to raise $1,000 worth of gift cards. Please continue to pray for those experiencing bereavements. Let's continue to pray for the Williams family after the passing of our beloved, Sis. Hattie Williams.  Also, the Dunn family will appreciate your prayers after the sudden passing of Elder Bobby's brother, Gary.  His funeral service is scheduled for Wednesday in Nashville, NC.

No Bible Study, Blessing a Family, Happy Thanksgiving (Pastoral Prayer for 11/21)

There will be no Bible Study on Wednesday to allow everyone to spend time gathering with family and friends to prepare for Thanksgiving.  Bible Study resumes on 12/1 with a study on 1 Timothy . Thanks to everyone who has signed up to bless a family for Thanksgiving. There are still a few items available to signup for . Tuesday is the last day to drop off your donations at the church.  I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving . Be safe if you are traveling. Remember that we have much to be thankful for. There are many families who have an empty place at their tables. There are many families whose tables are not the same as past Thanksgiving dinners. So as we gather with family and friends, let's remember to pray for those who are struggling, grieving, and hurting.

Philippians Conclusion, Virtual Prayer Rally (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/14)

Today, we concluded our Unchained Joy series in Philippians.  This letter has taught us that joy and spiritual maturity are gained by prayer and a proper spiritual outlook.  It has taught us that Christians need to keep making progress in their lives.  We must strain forward and press on in our sanctification.  It has taught us that suffering will come but through faith in Jesus Christ, it can be met with joy.  This is a joy that the world did not give and the world cannot take away! This is a joy that is not bound by our circumstances...unchained joy! Our next Virtual Prayer Rally will be this Tuesday at 7:00 pm.  I want to encourage everyone to join us for an hour of corporate prayer. Here are six benefits of corporate prayer: Corporate prayer unifies the Body of Christ  Corporate prayer edifies and encourages those who participate  Corporate prayer disciples believers in prayer  Corporate prayer strengthens weakened faith  Corporate p...

Titus 2 Women's Ministry Interest, Importance of Gathering, November Birthdays & Anniversaries (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/7)

Ladies, if you are interested in being a Sister Circle Group Leader for the Titus 2 Women’s Ministry , please fill out the Interest Form that we emailed out last week. If you're interested in serving in another capacity, please contact Sis. Tracy Dunn.    We are thankful for technology that has enabled us to have a virtual service during the pandemic but with COVID numbers decreasing, vaccinations, and safety precautions, we feel it is important for the church to gather physically. The church is a gathering and a fellowship of the family of God, the body of Christ, and the temple of the Spirit. There are some things that happen when we gather that can't be duplicated virtually. Now I do understand that there are members who are not able to come due to work, sickness, and other health concerns. But for those of us who are able, don't let convenience keep you from assembling with the saints especially when you are able to go out in public and do other things.  Happy Birthda...

Bereavement Process, Mask Policy, Return to Church (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/31)

Here are a few items from our Church Family Meeting today... Due to the recent number of bereavements, I want to remind everyone of our Bereavement Process . Members should inform their Deacon and/or the church office of death in their family (in particular a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, or very close relative). The deacon or church office will reach out to the member to discern how the church can best serve the member during this time of loss (we'll gather information about arrangements for Homegoing/Memorial Service, Funeral Home recommendations, etc.). During this contact, we also want to know if the announcement of the bereavement will be private (where only Leadership is informed) or public (announced to the entire congregation). As a church family, let's all support those who are grieving regardless of how well you might know the person.  An early reminder that Daylight Savings ends next weekend. So if you have any clocks that need manual adjusting, set them back ...

Church Family Meeting, Baptism (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/24)

To all of our members, don't forget we're having our Church Family Meeting next Sunday after the service. For those who will be participating via Webex, I'll send out the special meeting link this week. Today we praise God that we were able to resume baptizing! Baptism is the outward display of an inward change. It represents Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection and the believer's death to self and rising to newness of life. Congratulations to Sis. Jakayla Allen on getting baptized today.

Bereavement, The Wind Down, My Testimony (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/17)

It is my sad duty to inform everyone that Bro. Jamaal Porter passed away last Sunday afternoon after a lengthy battle in the ICU. Please be in prayer for his wife, Kristen, and 2 children. For those who may not know, Kristen is the daughter of Minister James and Esther Warmack. So keep the entire Porter and Warmack families in your prayers. Let's surround Kristen and her family with love and support. Mark your calendar for our last Church Family Meeting of the year on Sunday, 10/31 right after the church service.  Join us on Saturday 10/23 for our Wind Down event. This will be an opportunity to fellowship and have some fun together. These events will be held outdoors.  At 2:30pm – Get your exercise on with a Body Mechanics Class   At 4:30pm – Express your inner artist at our Paint Night  At 7:30pm – Bring the whole family for a movie on the lawn. We'll be watching Disney's SOUL  Register ASAP on Realm so we can get the right amount of supplies  I am...

October Birthdays & Anniversaries, Theological Seminar, Joint Worship & Prayer (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/3)

We praise God for James Thorpe who has trusted Christ as his personal Savior and is joining the church. Happy Birthday to all the October babies: Happy Anniversary to all the October couples including my wife and I who are celebrating our 23rd anniversary! Our Senior Birthday Surprise for this month is Sis. Mary Higginbotham! REMINDER : If you have not done so yet, please take a few minutes to fill out the discipleship survey that was sent out on Realm. The survey will end on October 10.  Did you know that Christianity was NOT first introduced to Africans during slavery? Did you know that Christianity was growing in Africa before it was ever growing in Europe? Did you know that the doctrine of the Trinity was significantly developed by an African church father? If not, then you'll want to join us for our next Theological Seminar on 10/16 at 9am featuring Pastor Jerome Gay, Jr. who will be presenting on: "The Whitewashing of Christianity: A Hidden Past, A Hurtful Present,...

Free Community Clothes Closet, A Night of Worship & Prayer, My Hope Sunday (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/26)

A discipleship survey was sent out to all members via Realm . This survey will help the ministers with future ministry planning. Please take a few minutes to fill out this brief survey. The survey will end on October 10th.  I love seeing members serving others on their own (outside of the church). Sisters Marlene Pritchett and Joann O'Neal have started a Free Community Clothes Closet in partnership with Oak City Care s in downtown Raleigh. They are asking our Mt. Zion family members to participate in this effort to help communities in need by donating any clothing items you may have. Men's winter clothes are especially needed. Starting next Sunday (October 3rd), containers will be in the lobby for collection.  On Tuesday, Oct. 5th, Mt. Zion and Trinity Park Church will come together for a Night of Worship and Prayer . The service will be held outdoors at Trinity Park. Everyone is invited to join us for this special night.  My Hope Sunday is October 10th. We're aski...

COVID Conversation Video, My Hope Sunday is coming, Virtual Prayer Rally (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/19)

Thanks to all who attended our virtual discussion about COVID, Variants, and Vaccinations . It was a very informative session. If you missed it, the video is available on the church's YouTube page .  (Email Subscribers: Click here if you can't see the video) Due to the resurgence of COVID with the delta variant, the Building Bridges Youth Event scheduled for 9/25 is going to be postponed.  Mark your calendar for our next My Hope Sunday on 10/10. My Hope Sunday is our outreach Sunday where we will invite non-believers or wandering believers to join us for church either in-person or virtually. So be praying about who you will invite. Who is your ONE?  Our next Virtual Prayer Rally is Tuesday, 9/21 from 7 to 8pm. Join us for an hour of prayer. You can submit your prayer requests online .

Sermon Series Break, FREE COVID Seminar on 9/15 (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/12)

We're halfway through our Unchained Joy series and we're going to take a break. We'll resume on 10/10.  Don't forget to join us for our Candid Conversation about Covid-19, Variants, and Vaccinations on Wednesday, 9/15 at 7 pm on our Webex . Our discussion will be led by an Infectious Disease doctor from Duke Health. Please come with questions, comments, and concerns. This virtual event is OPEN TO ALL so please invite your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors to join us. No registration is required. This event will be recorded. The Webex Room will open at 6:50 pm.  Due to this event, we will not have Adult or Youth Bible Study that evening. We'll resume both on 9/22.

A Candid Conversation about COVID, September Birthdays & Anniversaries (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/5)

Join us for a candid discussion about Covid-19, Variants and Vaccinations on Wednesday, 9/15 at 7 pm (we won't have Bible Study that evening) on our Webex. Our discussion will be led by an Infectious Disease doctor from Duke Health. Please come with questions, comments and concerns. This virtual event is OPEN TO ALL so please invite your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors to join us. Registration is not required. The Webex Room will open at 6:50 pm.  In conjunction to this event, we put out a Covid survey for our members to get your feedback that will help us moving forward. If you have not taken it yet, please do so. The survey will close by end of day on Wednesday .  Happy Birthday to our September babies...  Happy Anniversary to our September couples... Happy Labor Day ! If you have tomorrow off from work, be safe and enjoy your day.

September Foundation Fellowship & Bible Study, Surprise Recognition (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/29)

I want to remind all of our members to please take our Foundation Fellowship survey . Your feedback is vital to help with our planning.  Starting next Sunday in Foundation Fellowship, we'll be taking a deep look at the Doctrine of Election in our September series, Chosen by God .  Also, on Wednesday, Youth Bible Study resumes and the Adult Bible Study will start studying the book of 2 Corinthians .  When the pandemic started, I had to produce the service and preach from my basement. Thankfully, I had some people to tell me that I shouldn't have to do this by myself. So while all other ministries stopped, we had three individuals that stepped up big time to get the virtual service broadcasted from the church.  Today, we had a surprise recognition for the following from our IT Media Ministry... Deacon Rufus Credle (on his birthday today) Minister Matt Darby Minister Brandi Hancock (on her birthday today) who has gone by so many titles such as... Virtual Service Pro...

We're a Family, Prayer Concerns around the World (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/22)

Let's continue to pray for Bro. Britt Norton after the passing of his wife, Norma (and mother-in-law). You didn't have to know Sis. Norma or know Bro. Britt well to care and check on him. We're must get out of our individualized mindset and remember that we're a family .  Whether we know someone or know them well, if they are members of our church, we should be intentional about being there for each other in good and bad times.  And let us not forget any of our widows and widowers. As we look around the world, we have much to pray for.  Including... Haiti , which was recently hit by a 7.2 earthquake that killed 2,189 lives and counting.  Afghanistan ,  which has taken been taken over by the Taliban. Pray for the civilians especially women, children, and Christians.  The Northeast , that's about to feel the wrath of Henri. I'm not talking about Deacon Spivey but Hurricane Henri.

Prayer & Bereavement, Virtual Prayer Rally, Back to School Prayer (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/15)

We have much to pray for as many of our members are experiencing difficulties and bereavement.  Pray for Sis. Annie Brice who is in the hospital  Pray for Bernard Clark on the loss of his great aunt which is former member, Sis. Regina Jarmon's mother  Pray for Minister Jackie Harrison and family who recently lost her nephew  Pray for Bro. Britt Norton whose wife, Sis. Norma, and mother-in-law passed last week. Bro. Britt gave me permission to share that his wife and mother-in-law died from COVID. Although Bro. Britt had gotten vaccinated, they decided not to. Bro. Britt wants to encourage everyone to consider getting vaccinated if not for yourself, for your family and friends. It's those you leave behind that are impacted.  Our next Virtual Prayer Rally will be on Tuesday, August 17th, at 7:00 pm. If you cannot attend, please submit your prayer request online on our Prayer Request Form .  September’s Foundation Fellowship will be on the Doctrine of Elect...

Foundations Fellowship & Bible Study, New Sermon Series (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/8)

Today, Minister Jae Smith challenged us with " What Do You Need to Confess ?" from Joshua 7:16-26 . Public confession of sin brings glory to God and strengthens the church. Don't forget to join us for our virtual Foundations Fellowship and Bible Study . This month, we're looking at Faith and Fear during FF. We're also working through our hybrid setup in the MPR. You are more than welcome to join us in person in the MPR so you'll be here for the start of the service. This month in Bible Study, we're finishing up 1 Corinthians, looking at worship, love, hope, and work.  I'm amazed how last week's and today's sermons have been wonderful lead-ins for our upcoming sermon series. Next Sunday, we dig into Philippians in a series called Unchained Joy ! Despite our situations and circumstances, we can have joy because of our relationship with Jesus. Even when we are bound, we can have unchained joy!

Mt. Zion's Mask Policy Update

  Starting on Sunday, 8/8/21 , Mt. Zion is requiring masks to be worn when inside the building.  In light of the increase in COVID cases due to the delta variant , the CDC recommendations , and the vulnerability of our children who cannot get the vaccine, we will be requiring masks (regardless of vaccination status) while inside the building during worship service and other functions.  Those who are on the platform talking or singing will be able to take off their masks. We ask everyone to love their neighbor enough to wear a mask. The church will continue to provide masks for those who may need one. We have sanitizing stations throughout the church and we've installed a new air filtration system.  Do not let this cause you to be too fearful to come back to church services and to minister to those inside and outside the church. As A.W. Tozer said, " A frightened world needs a fearless Church ". We will continue to be wise and take necessary safety precautions but...

Rejoice & Be Glad In It, VBS Survey, August Birthdays & Anniversaries (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/1)

Evangelist Tayon Dancy preached from Psalm 118:19-24 on "Rejoice and be glad in it".  Psalm 118:24 says "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it". We can rejoice and be glad in “This Day” because it is the day prophesied about when Jesus would make His triumphant entry into Jerusalem to become our Savior. He completed His mission on the cross after the entry of “This Day”, and it can never be taken away. We welcome back Sis. Jakayla Allen , who has recently returned to rejoin the church.  Thanks to all who attended VBS . We're asking all attendees to please take this survey to give us feedback.  Happy Birthday to all August babies! Happy Anniversary to our August couples!

Virtual Prayer Rally, Church Family Meeting, VBS 2021 (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/18)

Our next Virtual Prayer Rally will be on Tuesday, July 20th, at 7:00 pm. If you cannot attend, please submit your prayer request online on our Prayer Request form .  Next Sunday, we're having our Church Family Meeting right after the church service. The meeting will be in-person and on WebEx. We'll send out the special WebEx link . This will be an important meeting where we'll be discussing more plans for re-opening and we have a Board of Directors election. All members are asked to attend.  Please register for this year's VBS 2021: Run with Endurance: Stand, Walk, Run which will be on July 29 and 30 at 7:00 pm and July 31 at 10:30 am. My family and I are going on vacation this week so we'll be out next Sunday. Your prayers for our trip is greatly appreciated.

PackHope Results & Thanks, VBS 2021 (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/11)

Thanks to all who served at the PACKHOPE event yesterday.     (email subscribers: click  here  if you can't see the video) We completed 29 pallets. Each pallet is 4,320 meals (30 boxes x 144 meals per box). So the unofficial count is 125,280 meals . We had 267 people check in to package meals. These numbers do not include Unto volunteers, event coaches and Mt. Zion volunteers in additional roles who did the check-in (which would be anywhere between 50 - 60 people). BIG thanks to Minister Matt Darby and Elder Sean Cherry for organizing our participation for the event.  Yes, we're having Vacation Bible School this year! VBS 2021: Run with Endurance: Stand, Walk, Run will be on site, July 29 and 30 at 7:00 pm and July 31 at 10:30 am. Register on Realm . If you have any questions, you can email christianed AT

July Birthdays & Anniversaries, PACKHOPE, Happy 4th of July (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/4)

Happy Birthday to all July babies! Happy Anniversary to the July couples! Thank you all for signing up to serve at the PACKHOPE event on Saturday, July 10. Our morning session is overcapacity so please register for the afternoon session from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. If you registered for the morning session and are able to switch to the afternoon session that would be helpful.  Happy 4th of July ! Enjoy the holiday with family and friends. And remember that true freedom is found only in Jesus Christ.

Class of 2021 Recognition, J Allen Lewis Scholarship Winners, Next Sermon Series (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/27)

Congratulations to the Class of 2021! (email subscribers: click here if you can't see the video) We also recognize Donovan Bethea who graduated from Apex Friendship High School. He will be attending NC A&T to study Business Administration. Congratulations to all the 5th graders who are moving up to the Youth's Ministry's Spiritual Warriors class.  This year's winners of the J Allen Lewis Scholarship are... The 2nd place recipient of $500: Teara Anderson  The 1st place recipient of $1000: Jamari Dancy  Don't forget to register for the PACKHOPE event on Saturday, July 10. You can register for either the morning session from 10 AM - 1:30 PM or the afternoon session from 12 PM to 3:30 PM. We will share lunch and fellowship outdoors between sessions at 12 PM and 1:30 PM. Boxed lunch is provided at no cost. Please bring a blanket or your own lawn chairs for lunch. Please register by Monday, June 28. After that, we will allow those on our waitlist to fill any remain...

Register for PACKHOPE, HS Graduates, Happy Father's Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/20)

Our Cary PACKHOPE Experience is approaching fast. Mt. Zion has 40 volunteer positions remaining before we open it up to a waiting list that is already growing. We are partnering with seven other churches that will populate the other volunteer positions. We anticipate over 300 volunteers to help pack meals consisting of dried rice and dried beans on Saturday, July 10 .  You can register for either the morning session from 10 AM - 1:30 PM or the afternoon session from 12 PM to 3:30 PM. We will share lunch and fellowship outdoors between sessions at 12 PM and 1:30 PM. Boxed lunch is provided at no cost. Please bring a blanket or your own lawn chairs for lunch.  Please don't wait:  Register through Realm or email "packhope AT" or call 919-675-2692. We will allow our waitlist to fill our remaining spots by Monday, June 28, and spaces are filling up.  Next Sunday, we'll have a special recognition of our  High School graduates and announce the winner o...

Welcome to New Members, Virtual Prayer Rally, PACKHope (Pastoral Emphasis for 6-13)

Welcome to our latest members who have completed New Members Orientation:  LaDonna Bethea and Stacy Colbert   Our next Virtual Prayer Rally will be held on Tuesday, June 15th, at 7:00pm on WebEx . If you cannot attend, please submit your prayer request online .  Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 10.  We partner with Unto , the humanitarian ministry of Cru, to pack 120,000 rice & bean meals for people worldwide. Cary PACKHope is a family-friendly event for kids 12 years and older and will make a significant difference in the lives of families living in the most challenging places on earth. You can volunteer to pack meals and pray for the people groups receiving the meals. There is no cost to participate as a volunteer. Registration details will come shortly. If you are interested in volunteering to pack meals or operate in a hosting capacity for this event, please contact Matt Darby for more details.

June Birthdays & Anniversaries, PackHope, 24-Hour Prayer Rally (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/6)

Happy Birthday to all the June babies!  Happy Anniversary to all the June couples!  You can relieve the suffering of hungry people by joining us for our PACKHope Experience on Saturday, July 10. We are partnering with Unto , the humanitarian ministry of Cru, to pack 120,000 rice & bean meals for people worldwide. This event will be family-friendly for kids 12 years and older and will make a significant difference in the lives of families living in the most challenging places on earth. Come join us at Mt. Zion with nine other partnering churches.  Our 24-hour Prayer Rally starts tomorrow at 7am. We want to have members of the church praying around the clock for repentance, restoration, and revival. Members should have received the prayer guide and model yesterday via Realm. We'll also be fasting from 1 meal a day from Monday through Saturday.  Next Sunday, I'll be preaching at Christ Family Church  at their 11am virtual service for Pastor Patricio Wilson'...