Holiday Gift Card Drive, December Birthdays & Anniversaries, Children's & Youth Ministries Open House (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/5)
We are partnering with Triangle Family Services to collect gift
cards this holiday season for the homeless. Please bring in $5 or
$10 McDonald's gift cards and/or $25 Walmart gift cards. You will drop the gift cards into the offering receptacles. The drive will end on December 19.
Happy Birthday to our December babies. It's hard to believe that my baby (Gabrielle) is turning 15 at the end of this month! And a BIG SHOUT-OUT to Sis. Lois Arrington who celebrated her 96th
birthday on Thursday.
Our December’s Senior Birthday Surprise goes to Bro. Louis Eldridge!
Happy Anniversary to our December couples...
Our Children's and Youth Ministries are very ready to resume their ministry to our children. Next Sunday, they will have an Open House right after the service for parents and anyone else interested to finding out what's in store. For questions, please contact Daureen Richards for Children's Ministry or Jae Smith for Youth Ministry.
Next Sunday, we're starting a new short sermon series called Advent to look what it means for us today.