There will be no Bible Study for the next two weeks. We'll resume on January 5. We
have exciting plans for Bible Study next year. More details to come.
Provided nothing changes with the omicron variant, we're planning to resume meeting in person for Bible Study next month but we'll continue to offer the virtual connection via WebEx (similar to how we currently do Foundation Fellowship). We are forming a team that can help with setting up for Foundation Fellowship and Bible Study. This will help so the burden is not placed on a couple of people. We'll train you, we just need some willing and available people. Please contact Elder Dunn if you would like to serve in this capacity.
If you don't have your picture on your profile in Realm, we want to
help you. Having your picture in Realm is so helpful to match faces with names. After church services, stop by the room past the Media Room on the left to get your picture taken.
I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Remember that we're still in a pandemic so be careful if you're traveling and visiting with family and friends. This Christmas, may you celebrate the arrival of Jesus with great joy.
Christmas Benediction
May you be filled with the wonder of Mary, the obedience of Joseph, the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the determination of the magi, and the peace of the Christ child. Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit bless you now and forever. Amen.