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My Hope Sunday, M:T Not a Competition, Prayer Gathering (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/13)

Today was My Hope Sunday! We had several invited guests, and my message was from 1 Samuel 8:4-9 on "Looking for a Savior". 

Israel wanted a king like the other nations who would “save” them. This is the very definition of a functional savior. A functional savior is anything or anyone a person looks to for ultimate hope, security, identity, or fulfillment in place of God. Whatever you look to to “save” you from your problems, fears, or insecurities is your functional savior. But all of our functional saviors cannot save us. Jesus is the Savior we really need! 

Our greatest need in this life and the life to come is to have our sins forgiven by trusting in Jesus as our Lord and Savior!

Today, my wife shared her My Hope Testimony.
(RSS Subscribers: click here to watch the video)

Missions:Together’s "Not a Competition" is a powerful missions gathering designed to re-ignite your passion for missions on Saturday, November 2, hosted at The Summit Church in Apex. Whether you're called to serve across the street or across the globe, M:T will connect you with like-minded ministry partners and 20+ organizations and equip you with practical tools and teaching to reignite your passion for the Great Commission. Bring your small group, class, or friends! The event is free, with lunch provided. 

As we anticipate the M:T Conference, join with others on 10/21 at 7 PM, to pray for gospel unity, a passion for missions, and meaningful ministry connections. 

Before the M:T Prayer Gathering, we have our Church-Wide Prayer Rally on Tuesday, 10/15, from 7:00 – 8:00pm. The Youth Ministry is hosting, but everyone is invited to come out and pray. You may submit any prayer requests online or in the prayer request box at the back of the sanctuary.


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