Join us for a candid discussion about Covid-19, Variants and Vaccinations on Wednesday, 9/15 at 7 pm (we won't have Bible Study that evening) on our Webex. Our discussion will be led by an Infectious Disease doctor from Duke Health. Please come with questions, comments and concerns. This virtual event is OPEN TO ALL so please invite your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors to join us. Registration is not required. The Webex Room will open at 6:50 pm.
In conjunction to this event, we put out a Covid survey for our members to get your feedback that will help us moving forward. If you have not taken it yet, please do so. The survey will close by end of day on Wednesday.
Happy Birthday to our September babies...
Happy Anniversary to our September couples...
Happy Labor Day! If you have tomorrow off from work, be safe and enjoy your day.