With our theme of Being a House of Prayer, we're having a Pastoral Prayer every Sunday. We'll have a different topic to pray about each month led by an elder. March's prayer topic is "Repentance and Personal Holiness". Today, I read 2 Chronicles 7:12-14 and in light of the Coronavirus Pandemic, we corporately repented and prayed to the Lord for mercy.
We are canceling the lunch cruise that was scheduled for April 25. We plan to reschedule for sometime in August and will let you know as the time approaches. Refunds will be given to those who already paid.
The next Church-Wide Prayer Rally will be held on Tuesday, March 17th, from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Those who are able to are invited to join us as we seek God in prayer. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can place them in the prayer requests box on the table at the back of the church or at the altar, use the Connections card, or submit them online.
The Census 2020 is being mailed to homes and assistance to complete the forms is being provided by Evangelist Tayon Dancy, Minister Matt Darby, Sis. Sandra Broadwater, Brother Louis Eldridge, and Sister Beverly Sanders.
As a church body, we are fasting and praying during Lent. This week, 3/16-3/21, we are fasting from a particular food or drink with a prayer focus of obedience to God's Word.
We are canceling the lunch cruise that was scheduled for April 25. We plan to reschedule for sometime in August and will let you know as the time approaches. Refunds will be given to those who already paid.
The next Church-Wide Prayer Rally will be held on Tuesday, March 17th, from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Those who are able to are invited to join us as we seek God in prayer. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can place them in the prayer requests box on the table at the back of the church or at the altar, use the Connections card, or submit them online.
The Census 2020 is being mailed to homes and assistance to complete the forms is being provided by Evangelist Tayon Dancy, Minister Matt Darby, Sis. Sandra Broadwater, Brother Louis Eldridge, and Sister Beverly Sanders.
As a church body, we are fasting and praying during Lent. This week, 3/16-3/21, we are fasting from a particular food or drink with a prayer focus of obedience to God's Word.