With our theme of Being a House of Prayer, we're going to have a
pastoral prayer every Sunday. We'll have a different topic to pray
for each month led by an elder. March's prayer topic is "Repentance & Personal Holiness". Today, Elder Sean Cherry read Psalm 51:1-13 and led us in a prayer of confession and repentance.
My Hope is next Sunday. We brought our commitment cards to the altar and prayed over the names. In preparation, we're having testimonies about where our hope is. Today, Bro. Kyle Wyche testified about how the Lord helped him to become a more engaged husband and father.
The Youth Ministry is working on a play called "How to Get Away with Being a Christian"! They are looking for aspiring actors/actresses of all ages to participate in this biblically-based play on our “lives as Christians”. All those interested in participating should contact the youth director, Sis. Tracy Dunn.

The upcoming Census 2020 Training Class is seeking 2-3 volunteers to participate in the Complete Count Committee Training at Mt. Zion on Friday, March 6th, at 6:30pm to learn how to assist the members with completing the Census 2020 forms. You can contact Evangelist Tayon Dancy if you're interested.
Why is the census important? From a biblical perspective, God includes census data in the Scriptures (all those lists of names, family members, etc. that we like to skip over). People matter to God. He's concerned about the details. And we can serve our neighbors by making sure they are counted in the 2020 census so that proper decisions are made and resources are allocated accordingly.
As a church body, we are fasting and praying during Lent. We just finished a fast from Social Media, TV, or Streaming service (like Netflix). This week, 3/2-3/7, we're fasting from a particular food or drink that we enjoy and focusing our prayers for My Hope Sunday.
My Hope is next Sunday. We brought our commitment cards to the altar and prayed over the names. In preparation, we're having testimonies about where our hope is. Today, Bro. Kyle Wyche testified about how the Lord helped him to become a more engaged husband and father.
The Youth Ministry is working on a play called "How to Get Away with Being a Christian"! They are looking for aspiring actors/actresses of all ages to participate in this biblically-based play on our “lives as Christians”. All those interested in participating should contact the youth director, Sis. Tracy Dunn.

The upcoming Census 2020 Training Class is seeking 2-3 volunteers to participate in the Complete Count Committee Training at Mt. Zion on Friday, March 6th, at 6:30pm to learn how to assist the members with completing the Census 2020 forms. You can contact Evangelist Tayon Dancy if you're interested.
Why is the census important? From a biblical perspective, God includes census data in the Scriptures (all those lists of names, family members, etc. that we like to skip over). People matter to God. He's concerned about the details. And we can serve our neighbors by making sure they are counted in the 2020 census so that proper decisions are made and resources are allocated accordingly.
As a church body, we are fasting and praying during Lent. We just finished a fast from Social Media, TV, or Streaming service (like Netflix). This week, 3/2-3/7, we're fasting from a particular food or drink that we enjoy and focusing our prayers for My Hope Sunday.