Mt. Zion Family,
Our prayer is that you all are doing well spiritually, physically, and emotionally as we shelter in place during this pandemic. In light of our governor closing all schools until May 15 and the continued direction of our health officials, we are going to extend the cancellation of in-church gatherings and activities past the initial 15 days that we announced on 3/16. So for the near future, we'll continue to have Bible Study and Prayer Rallies on WebEx and our Sunday services on Zion Live and Facebook Live until we hear that it's clear for us to start gathering again.
Please continue to give your tithes, offering, and love offering. As usual, you can do online giving via PayPal. You can also mail your giving to the church or drop it off at the church this week during our food donation drop-off times. And we have added a new online giving option: Cash App! Mt. Zion's Cashtag is $mtzioncary.
To give via Cash App:
- Open the Cash App
- Enter the amount
- Tap Pay
- Enter $mtzioncary
- Enter what the payment is for: Tithes & Offering, Love Offering, Sacrificial Giving, or Special Events
- Tap Pay
After this week, here are the times that the church will be open for members to drop off their giving or pick up communion kits: Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-7 pm and Saturdays 10 am - 12 pm.
We are facing unprecedented times but we know that God is neither surprised by or powerless to control the Coronavirus pandemic. Please pray for us as the elders of the church that God would grant us the wisdom on the best way to serve and shepherd you all during this time of social distancing. If you have any questions or need anything, please don't hesitate to reach out to us or your deacon. Continue to pray for one another, those who have been severely impacted by the pandemic, and that God would be glorified in this circumstance. We love you all.
Your servants in Christ,
Pastor Willie Harris
Elder Wayne Bullock
Elder Sean Cherry
Elder Bobby Dunn
Elder Roderick Harrison