Mt. Zion Family,
Blessing to you all. The White House in conjunction with the CDC has just issued new guidelines relating to Coronavirus. They are now recommending that people not gather in groups of more than 10 people.
Although we hate to do it, we're going to suspend all of our in-church gatherings for at least the next 15 days. We want to cooperate with the guidelines and instructions of our governing authorities and love our neighbors by doing our part to slow down the spread of the virus.
We are really thankful for the gift of technology that will allow us to virtually gather together to worship, pray, and receive the Word of God.
On Sundays, we'll have an online service at 10 am ET on Zion Live. For our church-wide prayer rally and Bible Study, we're going to try something new and use Webex.
So let's get together for our Prayer Rally on Webex to pray on tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7pm. And then we can get together on Wednesday on Webex for Bible Study at 7pm.
The link for Mt. Zion's Webex is
You also have the option to dial-in:
Access code: 141 183 646 #
Here are some instruction on using Webex from the browser, desktop app, and mobile app:
Use Webex from Browser:
Download & Install Desktop App:
Install Mobile App:
Let's continue to be diligent in staying safe and praying for each other.
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 (ESV)
Your servants in Christ,
Pastor Willie Harris
Elder Wayne Bullock
Elder Sean Cherry
Elder Bobby Dunn
Elder Roderick Harrison