This Wednesday, we start a new Bible Study series on the book of Galatians. Join us and bring a friend as we'll look at how we are justified by faith alone and not by obedience to the Law.
Wednesday is also Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Lent season (40 day period of prayer and fasting). After Bible Study, we'll be anointing everyone with ashes to demonstrate our mourning over sin and repentance before God.
During Lent, we call everyone to fast and pray. You can decide to do a total fast of all foods or a partial fast of a particular food or activity. David Platt writes in Follow Me,
I'm excited to announce that Sister Rasheeda Oliver will be giving her Initial Sermon on next Sunday, March 9th, at 4:00pm. Please plan to come out and support her.
Wednesday is also Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Lent season (40 day period of prayer and fasting). After Bible Study, we'll be anointing everyone with ashes to demonstrate our mourning over sin and repentance before God.
During Lent, we call everyone to fast and pray. You can decide to do a total fast of all foods or a partial fast of a particular food or activity. David Platt writes in Follow Me,
“Why do we fast as disciples of Jesus? Because our souls feast on the glory of God. Fasting is an external expression of an internal reality. When we fast for a meal or a day or a week, we remind ourselves that more than our stomachs long for the pleasure of food, our souls long for the presence of God. We are satisfied in Him and by Him in a way that nothing in this world can compare to...not even the basic daily necessity of food. Fasting makes sense as a discipline in the Christian life only if it is connected with desire for Christ. When we fast, we say, 'More than we want our hunger to cease, we want your Kingdom to come!'"
I'm excited to announce that Sister Rasheeda Oliver will be giving her Initial Sermon on next Sunday, March 9th, at 4:00pm. Please plan to come out and support her.