Mark your calendars: The Worship Ministry will host a Musical Concert featuring the Winston-Salem State University Choir on April 13th, at 4:00pm. To support this event, the Worship Ministry is raising funds with a Fish Fry on Friday, March 21st, from 3 to 7pm, and on Saturday, March 22nd, from 2 to 6pm. The event will take place at 8500 Chapel Hill Road. Worship Ministry will be taking Pre-Orders. Contact Bro. Spence Martin or the church office.
We're partnering with the Deltas again on Saturday, March 22nd, at 11am for a community outreach event focusing on Domestic Violence. The Worship Ministry will be ministering and I will be giving a brief presentation on how the Gospel applies to domestic violence. If you know of anyone who has been affected by domestic violence, invite them or if you want a better understanding on how to help someone deal with it, come out. All are welcome.

Our friends at
Philippians Community Church will be celebrating their 15th Church Anniversary this weekend. On Friday, 3/21, Pastor Larry Snead and
Christ First Christian Fellowship Center will be ministering at Philippians at 7pm. Our Mt. Zion family is invited to show support for Pastor Snead and Bishop Ellis. See the flyer for more info.
The next Elder-led Prayer will be held on Tuesday, March 25th, from 6 to 7pm. We will be focusing on praying for healing. All are welcome as we pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.