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Showing posts from 2011

Jesus Ripped Up Santa's List | The Resurgence

They say Santa is checking his list to see who is naughty or nice. The sad fact is that we're all on the naughty list.  But I'm so glad that Jesus has ripped up that list by His death on the Cross and resurrection from the dead! "You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.  In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross." Colossians 2:13-15 (NLT) Jesus Ripped Up Santa's List Jen Smidt »   For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God - Ephesians 2:8 As a family, we are in the midst of celebrating the Christmas season which includes viewing all the holiday classics ( Heat Mis...

Haiti Mission Trip, Holiday Schedule, Jr. Deacons (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/18)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Hebrews 1-6 (We have read 96% of the Bible so far. Almost done!)  Today's Country: Vietnam (52% Buddhist)  Spend time in another context: Give some of your time to help make the gospel known outside of your normal context (different community, city, nation). We have a team going to Haiti in a few weeks  on January 1. We prayed for our Haiti Mission Trip Team. Please continue to pray for their safety and that their trip will be fruitful. Haiti Mission Trip Team: Deacon Rufus Credle  Deacon George Brown  Sis. Nicole Sawyer  Sis. Stephanie Baker There's still time to join Project: Know Thy Neighbor. The Christmas holiday is a great time to get to know at least 1 neighbor (one that you don't know at all or know very well). Go to for ideas on how to get to know your neighbors. Christ First Christian Fellowship Center is having their 4th Annual Christ...

Jesus is the answer to cancer

We live in a sin-cursed, fallen world.  Because of sin, our bodies are fragile and decaying.  Disease afflicts many of us and our loved ones.  Cancer is once again hitting our church family at Mt. Zion .  Deaconess Cythnia who had already fought this disease earlier is now facing a new fight, one that we will fight along with her. But I'm so encouraged by her email below that she gave me permission to share.  It is full of the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ.  I hope that it encourages you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus no matter what circumstances life brings your way.  Jesus is our only hope! “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead.  I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!”  Philippians 3: 10-11 NLT  Dear family and friends, it is with mixed emotions that I share news of the “war” to which I a...

Know Thy Neighbor, Concluding Election series (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/11)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Phil. 1-4  Today's Country: USA  Spend time in another context. Thanks to all who went out yesterday caroling in the neighborhood by the church and the area nursing homes.  The Christmas holiday is a great time for Project: Know Thy Neighbor. Get to know at least 1 neighbor (one that you don't know at all or know very well).  Get more details at . We conclude our study of the doctrine of "Election" on Wednesday.  Also, bring any remaining questions you may still have. Join us for service on Christmas Sunday at 8am for 90 minutes. Our New Year's Eve service starts at 10pm. We'll have Communion after Midnight and there will be no service on New Year's Day. We are asking all members to sacrifice to give more at least 5% more until the end of the year to help with our budget deficient. If you are able to give more, please do so. You can give online as ...

Christmas Celebration, Holiday Schedule (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/4)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: 2 Cor. 1-4   Today's Country: UK (of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)   It's not too late to join the initiative Project: Know Thy Neighbor. 15 families have signed up so far. We want to more to be involved. Holidays are a great time to reach out neighbors.  Go to and sign-up and get ideas on how to get to know your neighbors. We continue this Wednesday with our study of the doctrine of "Election" . Join us and bring a friend. Right after today's service, we had a meeting in the MPR for those interested in volunteering with the College and Youth Ministries! Thanks to all the volunteers and parents who attended. We look forward to having a great year of making young disciples in 2012. We are canceling the Town Hall on Saturday.  Feel free to submit any questions you might have.  Instead, we need your participation that afternoon. We are going caroli...

Advent, Know Thy Neighbor, Doctrine of Election series (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/27)

Today is the first Sunday of Advent.  Advent means "coming". This is the season where we get ready to celebrate the first coming of Christ, His virgin birth.  We also look forward to the second advent when Christ returns for His bride, the church. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Romans 11-13   Today's Country: Turkmenistan (Asia) (96% Muslim) Join the initiative Project: Know Thy Neighbor . 15 families have signed up so far. We want to have more families at Mt. Zion to be involved. The holidays are a great time to reach out to neighbors to get to know them. Join us this Wednesday as we start a new series on the Doctrine of Election (or Predestination) where we tackle the questions, "Does God choose some to be saved but not all?" "Does God show favoritism?" "Is God unfair?" The College and Youth Ministries are looking for volunteers! There will be an interest meeting briefly after service on next Su...

Doctrine of Election series, Volunteers Needed, Initial Sermon (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/20)

We praise God for the young man (age 18) that came forward last Sunday to place his trust in Christ.  He will be getting baptized on Sunday. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Acts 18-20   Today's Country: Timor Leste (Asia) We have 14 families have signed up for Project: Know They Neighbor. We want to see more of you involved.  The holidays are an excellent time to get to know at least 1 neighbor (one that you don't know at all or know very well).  Go to to sign-up and get ideas on how to get to know your neighbors. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no Bible Study this Wednesday.  On 11/30, we start a new series where we tackle the questions, "Does God choose some to be saved but not all?" "Does God show favoritism?" We'll be studying the doctrine of "Election". The College and Youth Ministries are looking for volunteers! There will be an interest meeting b...

Initial Sermon, International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/13)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Acts 1-3   Today's Country: Switzerland   Spend time in another context: Give some of your time to help make the gospel known outside of your normal context (different community, city, nation).  Thank everyone who went with us to C.A. Dillon. Your presence was greatly appreciated. We ended up only have about 30 minutes for the service but the Gospel was proclaimed and we did get a chance to pray with many of the boys. Sis. Samantha Hanebeck will deliver her Initial Sermon on next Sunday at 4:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us for this special occasion. In recognition of Veterans Day on last Friday, we want to thank all who have served our country. Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Please watch this video and then pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering for the faith. We are asking all members to sacrifice to give at least 5% more until the end of the y...

Doctrine of Propitiation, Sacrificial Giving (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/6)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: John 5-6   Today's Country: St Barthelemy , St Helena , St Kitts and Nevis , St Lucia   We recognize the artists from the Dominican Republic who painted the mural at the entrance of our children's wing. They did a wonderful job for us and they did it for free. Pray for us as go to spread the Gospel to the young men at the C.A. Dillon Youth Development Center on this Wednesday. You have to be 18 or older. If you are interested in going, sign up online or fill out connection card. An important doctrine for us to understand is the doctrine of propitiation. Propitiation is Christ's payment for our sins and the removal of God's wrath. It works to provide our justification (being declared not guilty). Here's the video that we played during the announcement. Happy Birthday & Anniversary to all celebrating in November. Part of the Radical Experiment is to give sacrificially for a specific p...

Church Family Meeting, My Thoughts on Halloween (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/30)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Luke 14-16   Today's Country: South Africa We have the opportunity to spread the Gospel to the young men at the C.A. Dillon Youth Development Center on Wednesday, 11/9. The Male Choir is going and we want to take as many men as we can. Ladies are welcome to come as well. You have to be 18 or older. If you are interested in going, we will have short meeting after church to discuss. The Church Family Meeting is tomorrow at 7pm. All members are asked to be present. Since tomorrow is Halloween, I'd like to share a few thoughts on it.  Because there are so many different opinions on this topic, we must think biblically. First, we must guard our hearts so that we are not judgmental.  We should not judge harshly other Christians who may differ from us. Colossians 2:16 says, "Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath....

Services during the Week, C.A. Dillon Youth Development Center, Biblical Masculinity (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/23)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Luke 1   Today's Country: Kosovo , Serbia   Spend time in another context: Give some of your time to help make the gospel known outside of your normal context (different community, city, nation).  Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose: Our hearts follow our money. One way is to give in a way that is church focused. The church is God’s primary agent to make disciples of all nations.  Don't forget to join us during the week for Prayer & Testimony service on Tuesday at 7pm, Bible Study on Wednesday at 7pm (current series: "The Gospel Defined"), Bible Study on Thursday at 9am. We have the opportunity to spread the Gospel to the young men at the C.A. Dillon Youth Development Center on Wednesday, 11/9. The Male Choir is going and we want to take as many men as we can. Ladies are welcome to come as well. You have to be 18 or older. If you are interested in going, please sign up online or use...

Radical Experiment Update, Know Thy Neighbor (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/16)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Mark 4-5  Today's Country: Russia   Spend time in another context: Give some of your time to help make the gospel known outside of your normal context (different community, city, nation). Today, Mt. Zion will minister at Cary Health & Rehab Center on at 2:00pm.  Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose: Our hearts follow our money. One way is to give in a way that is church focused. The church is God’s primary agent to make disciples of all nations.  Join the initiative Project: Know Thy Neighbor . 13 families have signed up so far.We want to take the Gospel to our neighborhoods but it begins with us reaching out and getting to know our neighbors. Check out the website for practical ideas on how to reach out to neighbors.

Sacrifice Money for Specific Purpose, Invitation Cards, Counterfeit Gospels (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/9)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today’s Scripture Reading: Matthew 18-19 Today’s Country: Reunion (Africa) Spend time in another context: Give some of your time to help make the gospel known outside of your normal context (different community, city, nation). Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose: Our hearts follow our money . One way is to give in a way that is church focused. The church is God's primary agent to make disciples of all nations. We have invitation cards available at the Welcome Center that you can use to invite people to Mt. Zion . To make sure we have enough to go around, we ask that you initially only take up to 5. Make sure that you use them. We had a great kick-off to our new Wednesday series, "The Gospel Defined". We continue this Wednesday to look at the problem with these counterfeit gospels: moralistic gospel, therapeutic gospel, and prosperity gospel.  Join us and bring a friend.

How to Be Made Right with God, New series "The Gospel Defined" (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/2)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Matthew 1-4 Today's Country: Peru (Latin America) Commit your life to a multiplying community: commit your life to a local church that needs you and whom you need. Spend time in another context: Give some of your time to help make the gospel known outside of your normal context (different community, city, nation). Thanks to all who attended our Fall Renewal Services. Pastor Wright preached "God is a Keeper", Pastor Wilson preached "Watch Your Friends", and Pastor Charles Rainey preached "It's Not Over". I hope that the Word of God has refreshed and renewed your spiritual walk with Christ. Today at 4pm, I spoke at Scott's Grove Church on Highway 55. I preached "How to Be Made Right with God" from Romans 3:21-31. The major points from the text are: People are made right with God apart from the Law.   People are made right with God through faith in Christ.   B...

Fall Renewal Services, Speaking Engagement, Town Hall canceled (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/25)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Micah 1-7   Today's Country: Pakistan (Asia) (96% Muslim)  Commit your life to a multiplying community: commit your life to a local church that needs you and whom you need.  Spend time in another context: Give some of your time to help make the gospel known outside of your normal context (different community, city, nation). Ladies: We will be serving dinner to the ladies at the Helen Wright Center on Thursday, September 29th.  Fall Renewal Services concludes on this Wednesday at 7:00pm. Pastor Wright preached "God is a Keeper" and Pastor Wilson preached "Watch your Friends". Pastor Charles Rainey of Cary First Christian Church will be our speaker. On next Sunday, I will be speaking at Scott's Grove Church on Highway 55 at 4:00pm. Everyone is invited to attend. We are canceling the next Town Hall in October. But feel free to submit any questions or feedback you may have.

Youth Fall Renewal Service, Know Thy Neighbor, Ushers 55th Anniversary (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/18)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Daniel 10-12   Today's Country: Niger (Africa) (97% Muslim)  Commit your life to a multiplying community: commit your life to a local church that needs you and whom you need.  Spend time in another context: Give some of your time to help make the gospel known outside of your normal context (different community, city, nation). Mt. Zion will minister at Phoenix Assisted Care today at 2:00pm.  Fall Renewal Services continue on this Wednesday at 7:00pm. We want all of our youth there (parents bring them out). Pastor Patricio Wilson of Christ Family Church will be our speaker. We have started a new initiative under the theme Radical Love called Project: Know Thy Neighbor. As Christians, we are to love and serve Christ and our neighbors. You cannot love and serve your neighbor if you do not know that neighbor. Join me and others in getting to know at least 1 neighbor between September and December. S...

Answers in Genesis Conference, Fall Renewal Services, Project Know Thy Neighbor (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/11)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 37-39   Today's Country: Namibia (Africa)  Commit your life to a multiplying community: Commit your life to a local church that needs you and whom you need.  Spend time in another context: Give some of your time to help make the gospel known outside of your normal context (different community, city, nation).  Today and tomorrow, First Baptist Church in Cary is hosting an Answers in Genesis Conference. Similar to the Truth Project, this conference should give you knowledge to refute the dangerous theory of evolution. So I would recommend this evening sessions at 5:30 (Millions of Years: Where Did that Idea Come From?) and 7pm (Noah’s Flood: Washing Away Millions of Years) and the Monday evening sessions at 6 (Origin of Species: Was Darwin Right?) and 7:15pm (Ape-men: The Grand Illusion). Check out this entry on my blog or the flyer on the church bulletin board for more information. Fall R...

Answers in Genesis Conference - Sept. 11 & 12

First Baptist Church in Cary is hosting an Answers in Genesis Conference on September 11-12 .  I love what the Answers in Genesis group is doing in the area of apologetics (defending the Christian faith) so I believe this conference will be worth attending. So I would recommend the Sunday evening sessions at 5:30 and 7pm and the Monday evening sessions at 6 and 7:15pm.

Commit to Community, Health Awareness, Spoken Word (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/4)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 18-20   Today's Country: Montenegro (Europe)  Commit your life to a multiplying community: David Platt writes in Radical : "The global purpose of Christ was never intended to be accomplished by be done with church hopping & shopping and commit your life to a people who need you and whom you need." Our Fall Renewal Services will be held on Wednesdays, September 14th, 21st, & 28th at 7:00pm.   We look forward to this time of being renewed and revived. This month, we are having health awareness. Starting next Sunday, we'll feature some health-related videos. Our bodies matter because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We should care for our bodies so that we may serve and glorify our Creator for as long as possible. Next Sunday, we are kicking off a new initiative called Project: Know Thy Neighbor.  This is just a teaser so join us next Sunday for the details! ...

Jesus & the Storm, Radical Experiment Update (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/28)

Hurricane Irene has been the most talked about thing in the news recently. I don't minimize the serious of a hurricane and the need to be prepared but it seemed like many people were fearing the wrong thing. In Mark 4 , a storm came upon the disciples while they and Jesus were on a boat. These experienced fishermen were fearful of this storm. They awoke Jesus who was sleeping in the boat. Jesus calmly spoke to the storm and it ceased! These same men who feared the storm, now feared Jesus! Let us not fear hurricanes and earthquakes but fear the One who controls them. Let us never forget that God is in control! Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Lamentations 1-2 Today's Country: Mauritius (Africa) (49% Hindu) Spend time in another context: Thanks to the Zone 1 Members who volunteered at Urban Ministries of Durham on yesterday.

Thanks FAM, Say YES (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/14)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 7-9 Today's Country: Liberia (Africa) (41% Christian) Spend time in another context: Ministering at area nursing homes. Today at 2pm, we go to Claire Bridge and next Sunday, Chatham Commons. We want to thank the Fine Arts Ministry (FAM) for leading in praise and worship for this Sunday and last while our Minister of Music is taking a vacation. It's great to see artistic expressions used to point us to God and His goodness. I do encourage all of our members to step out in faith and say "yes" to all that God is calling you to do. There is more that God is requiring of us. There is more work and mission for us to be accomplishing. God has redeemed and justified us so that we are now free to live fully for Him. There is so much more that we can accomplish for God's glory and I pray that we are moved into action when we reflect upon God's grace in our lives.

Back to School Jam, More Ecuador Testimonies (Pastoral Emphasis from 8/7)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Isaiah 45-48 Today's Country: Kuwait (Asia) (81% Muslim) Spend time in another context: We are planning our next mission trip to Haiti in January 2012. The 2011 Back to School Jam is Friday from 6 to 8pm. Our Children's and Youth Ministries are collecting school supplies to give to the children at West Cary Middle School. As a follow-up from last Sunday, we had more Ecuador testimonies from Deacon Matt Darby, Corey Smith, and Danelle Gambrell.

Next Town Hall, Sending Out, Ecuador Testimonies (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/31)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Isaiah 13-17 Today's Country: Kazakhstan (Asia) (54% Muslim) Spend time in another context: Our team is back from Ecuador. Next, we are planning a mission trip to Haiti in January 2012. Our next Town Hall Meeting is Friday, Aug. 5th, at 6:30pm. The Town Hall will be an open forum for Q & A. You may submit your questions in advance. See details here . We are proud to announce that Sis. Brandi Hancock will be the minister of music of a new church plant in Charlotte called the Good Shepherd Church. We are sad to see her leave but we pray that God will continue to use her and her gifts to glory Himself and be an instrument of many souls being saved. About half of our team that went to Ecuador shared their testimony, including Jackie Ragland, Anita Harris, Elder Rod Harrison, and Minister Jackie Harrison. We plan to hear from the rest on next Sunday. For more updates about Ecuador, check out our latest Voice of Zion ...

Ecuador Day 5 Recap

Day_5_Recap.MOV Watch on Posterous Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Matt Testimony

Matt_Testimony.MOV Watch on Posterous Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Danelle Testimony

Danelle_Testimony.MOV Watch on Posterous Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Corey Testimony

Corey_Testimony.MOV Watch on Posterous Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Ecuador Day 4 Recap

Day_4_Recap.AVI Watch on Posterous Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Ecuador Day 3 Recap

Day_3_Recap.AVI Watch on Posterous Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Ecuador Day 2 Recap

Day 2 Recap.AVI Watch on Posterous Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Ecuador Day 1 Recap

This is the entrance to drive into the prison. IMAG0038.AVI Watch on Posterous Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Ecuador - Day 1 Morning

Later this morning (after about 2.5 hours of sleep), we rose to have breakfast and then went to the rooftop of the hotel for a time of worship before heading out into the city for ministry. Here are a couple of shots of some of the city surrounding the hotel... Here's the morning prayer from Pastor Phil (from Cary Church of God) to start off our day. See the full gallery on Posterous IMAG0033.AVI Watch on Posterous Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

We arrived safely in Ecuador

After some fierce storms in Miami that keep us in the airport and then sitting in the plane by the gate for hours, we finally left and arrived in Guayaquil, Ecuador at 2:30am Eastern. We were the last four from Mt. Zion to arrive in Ecuador as the other five came on Saturday.  Here's Anita, Matt, and Jackie in the airport waiting for our shuttle to the hotel. Sorry the pic is blurry but remember it was in the wee hours of the morning and I was tired. Yay, here's our ride to the hotel! Stay tuned for an update on the first day of ministry.... Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Leaving for Ecuador, Announcement (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/10)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Psalm 133-139 Today's Country: Kalimantan, Indonesia Spend time in another context: Mt. Zion will minister at Cary Health & Rehab Center next Sunday at 2:00pm. Ecuador Mission Trip: Next Sunday, a group of us will be flying to Guayaquil, Ecuador and then back the following Sunday. Here's the group from Mt. Zion that will be going with Cary Church of God to Ecuador. Please pray that God would use us to proclaim the Gospel and many would come to faith in Christ. Pastor Willie and Anita Harris Elder Roderick and Minister Jacquelyn Harrison Deacon Matt Darby Minister Kevin Coppage Corey Smith Danelle Gambrell Jackie Ragland Today we announce that Minister Keith Patterson and family will be moving to Indiana for a job opportunity. His last Sunday will be next Sunday (7/17) and we pray that God will continue to use him for His glory. We will miss Minister Patterson and appreciate all that he has done in the ministr...

Don’t Waste Your Summer: Read with and to Your Kids! (From the Gospel Coalition)

I love this blog post. Here are some great book resources to read with and to your children. I've said it many times before but I highly recommend "The Jesus Storybook Bible" for small kids (and I promise that you will enjoy it too). Since the kids and I enjoy watching the Chronicles of Narnia movies, I thought it would be great for us to go to the library and start reading through the actual books. So far, we have finished the first book, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe". So don't let the summer slip by you. Capitalize on this time to spend with them with some great books (especially the greatest book...the Bible)! Don’t Waste Your Summer: Read with and to Your Kids! by Juan Sanchez Don't waste your children's summer (or yours for that matter) on television and video games. Instead, utilize this time to read with and to your children. One thing for sure, you should be reading Scripture with your family on a regular basis, ...

Radical Experiment Update, Family Vacation (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/26)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Psalm 70-73 Today's Country: Kerala & Madhya Pradesh ( India ) Spend time in another context: Ladies, we will be serving homeless women at the Helen Wright Center in Raleigh on Thursday at 7:00pm. I solicit your prayers as my family & I will be traveling to Michigan this week to visit my mom. We will be out next Sunday. Also, due to the Fourth of July holiday weekend, communion will be on second Sunday in July.

MZ Town Hall - 6/17

Children's & Youth Day, Radical Experiment Update, next Town Hall (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/12)

Our children and youth "took over" our service for Children's & Youth Day. They read Scripture, prayed, recited, praised God, cheered for Jesus, and delivered some great messages. All glory to God. We also congratulate our 2011 high school graduates. By God's grace, they have made it to this milestone and we are praying for them that they continue to seek to please and glorify God in all that they do. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Job 38-39 Today's Country: Guyana (Latin America) Spend time in another context: Mt. Zion ministered at Phoenix Assisted Care at 2:00pm. The Fine Arts Ministry and the Senior Choir gave a Mini-Concert. Vacation Bible School is happening this month. You can submit your VBS registration fee at any time during the month of June and you can pay your VBS registration in the offering by adding the appropriate amount ($15 for singles, $25 for couples or $35 for families of 3 or more) to your offering an...

Next Town Hall, Children's & Youth Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/5)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Job 14-16 Today's Country: Greece Spend time in another context: We had another Haiti Trip Info meeting after church service. If you missed the meeting, but are interested in the trip, please contact the church office. Vacation Bible School is happening this month. You can submit your VBS registration fee at any time during the month of June and you can pay your VBS registration in the offering by adding the appropriate amount ($15 for singles, $25 for couples or $35 for families of 3 or more) to your offering and specifying VBS on the special offering line of the envelope. You can also pay online . Our next Town Hall Meeting is Friday, June 17th, at 6:30pm. The Town Hall will be an open forum for Q & A so submit your questions in advance. Congratulations to our fellow-laborer in the Gospel, Pastor Larry Snead for celebrating his third Pastoral Anniversary on Sunday. Children's & Youth Day is next Sunday,...

Haiti Mission Trip Awareness\Planning Meeting

Memorial Day, Pray for Joplin, Register for VBS (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/29)

On this Memorial Day weekend, let's not forget to remember those who have died in service to our country. Let's pray for those families who have experienced this loss. Also, let's pray for the people of Joplin, Missouri which was devastated by a massive tornado. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 12-13 Today's Country: Nation of Georgia (Asia) Spend time in another context: We had a Haiti Mission Trip Info meeting after church today & will have another one next Sunday. Vacation Bible School starts this Wednesday so register today to help us plan accordingly. We need accurate count for meals and classroom crafts. Register online . Let us know how many in your family will be attending. You can pay your VBS registration in the offering by adding the appropriate amount ($15 for singles, $25 for couples or $35 for families of 3 or more) to your offering and specifying VBS on the special offering line of the envelope. You may also...

VBS, next Town Hall Meeting, Deacon Emeritus (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/22)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Ezra 4-7 Today's Country: Fiji Vacation Bible School is starting in June so register today. Register online or at our sign up table near the Welcome Center. Our next Town Hall Meeting (Q&A forum) is Friday, June 17th, at 6:30pm. Check announcements on how to submit questions in advance. We awarded the status of Deacon Emeritus to Jess Ward for his many years of faithful service as a Mt. Zion deacon. Deacon Ward will be moving soon and we wish him many blessings in this next chapter of his life.

VBS registration, Zone Cookouts, New Sermon Series (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/15)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 18-20 Today's Country: Equatorial Guinea (Africa) Spend time in another context: Today, we ministered at the Chatham Commons Nursing Home at 2:00pm. Vacation Bible School is starting in June. Don't delay but register today. VBS Information and sign up are available on the website and at our sign up table near the Welcome Center. Zones, pay attention to the announcements for your cookout fellowship and location. If you are not a member, you are welcome to join us. Check here to find out which Zone you are in. Thank you all for your generous giving and donations over the last few weeks. We were able to bless the two families we mentioned earlier . Next Sunday, we start a new series in the book of Titus called " Sound Doctrine, Sound Living ". Join us and bring a friend.

Happy Mother's Day, Helping Families in Need (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/8)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 22-24 Today's Country: Denmark Spend time in another context: Next Sunday, we will minister at Chatham Commons at 2:00pm. Mini Faith in Action volunteers are also needed for work around the nursing home. Supplies will be furnished. Happy Mother's Day to all moms and spiritual moms! As mentioned last Sunday, please bring in your clothing donations to help the two families in need. For details, call church office or see my previous blog post . Today's love offering will go to help two families in great need. Thank you for your generous giving.

Serving the Community: Help Needed

Remember that part of our purpose and vision is to serve the community. There are great opportunities before us to serve and we need your help. Please help a couple of families in our community. We know of a couple hit hard by the Tornado. They have 12 children. They've been blessed to receive clothes for all but two of the children. Clothing is needed for a 13 year old boy who wears 14-16 pants, large shirt and size 10 shoe; and a 9-1/2 year old girl who wears size 10 pants, medium shirt and size 4 shoe. In addition, household items and appliances are needed. For more info, contact the church office or Bro. Calvin Gray. We know of a young, single mother with twins boys (1 years old) having a very difficult time trying while trying to finish up school. What is needed is clothes for size18-24 months, pampers, etc. So bring your donations to the church this week. Also, next ...

In Memory of Deacon Whitney, Helping Families in Need (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/1)

Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 3-5 Today's Country: Costa Rica In honor of Deacon Preston Whitney's memory, we presented his ordination certificate and Bible to his wife, Deaconess Cynthia Whitney. Also, a Leyland Cypress tree has been planted in the round-about in honor of Deacon Preston Whitney. It was donated by the Gray Family on 4/7. Mt. Zion, we need your help to help a couple of families in our community. We know of a couple hit hard by the Tornado. They have 12 children. They've been blessed to receive clothes for all but two of the children. Clothing is needed for a 13 year old boy who wears 14-16 pants, large shirt and size 10 shoe; and a 9-1/2 year old girl who wears size 10 pants, medium shirt and size 4 shoe. In addition, household items and appliances are needed. For more info, contact the church office or Bro. Calvin Gray. We know of a young, single mother with twins boys (1 years old) having a very difficult...

Happy Resurrection Sunday, Church Family Meeting, Speaking at New Destiny (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/24)

In the midst of earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and conflict in the Middle East, people are looking for some sense of peace. The risen Christ is the source of true peace. Jesus died on the Cross in our place. He died the death we should have died. He took God's wrath for us. He then rose from the dead with all power and authority. Death has been killed and sin has lost its power! Death has been put to death and sin has been dealt with! When you acknowledge your sinful state and turn to Jesus in faith, all of your sins are forgiven and you are at peace with God. "Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory." (Rom. 5:1-2 NLT) Christ is risen! The risen Christ gives peace! Happy Resurrection S...

Helping NC Tornado Victims

On Saturday, 4/16, eastern North Carolina (including the Raleigh area) was hit by devastating tornadoes killing at least 24 people and causing major damage. Let us put our faith into action by showing the love of Christ to our neighbors. On this Easter Sunday, we will have two collection bins at Mt. Zion . One for food and the other for clothing. Please bring non-perishable food items for the food bin that we will donate to With Love from Jesus ministry. Please bring the following clothing items for the other bin... New underwear (women, men, children - all sizes) Pillows Pillowcases Teenage clothes (all sizes) Men's undershirts (all sizes) These items will be donated to a shelter for tornado victims located at Heritage High School. If you are not local but would like to give, please consider giving to Samaritan's Purse who is actively helping in NC right now. So as we gather on Sunday to remember God giving His Son to die for our sins and celebrate Christ's resurrecti...

Saturday's Tornadoes, Easter Celebration Weekend (Pastoral Emphasis from 4/17)

We give thanks that none of our church family were adversely affected by Saturday's tornadoes . Please pray for those who have experienced great loss. And let's look for ways to love and serve our neighbors. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 12-14 Today's Country: Provinces of China Spend time in another context: We ministered at Cary Health & Rehab at 2pm Join us and invite a friend for our Easter Celebration weekend. Good Friday service from 6 to 7pm. We will be watching a 30 minutes film on the last hours of Jesus' life. Due to the graphic nature of the film, child care will be provided for small children (ages 6 and younger). Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday at 1pm followed by hot dogs & fellowship Sunrise Easter service at 6am followed by breakfast & fellowship

Pray for Gerald, Ordination Service (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/10)

On Tuesday, Gerald Vinson and his finance, Sharon Garrett and her son were in a car accident. Sharon died from her injuries. After surgery, Gerald is recovering very well. Please keep all in your prayers. As James said that our life is a mist. We are only here for a short time so let us make the most of our time to love God, follow Christ, and love and serve others. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 19-21 Today's Country: Provinces of China Thanks to all who participated in our poll. Our Good Friday service will be from 6 to 7pm. Thanks to all who came out to the ordination service today. Pastor Larry Snead brought a powerful message, "Christ-centered Leadership". A few key thoughts from the message... "Leadership doesn't stop after the service is over" "Leaders need to do as well as say" "We lose our motivation when we forget that our first service is to God" Congrats to the following who were...

Good Friday service, Next Sunday (Pastoral Emphasis for 4/3)

Thanks to everyone who attended the Town Hall on yesterday . The next one is June 17. Radical Experiment 2011 Today's Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 25-27 Today's Country: Botswana (66% Christian; widespread immorality) Communion for this month will be on Easter. We are having our Sunrise Easter service followed by breakfast. We are planning to have a Good Friday service this year. We are running a poll to determine the best time for the service. Please go to here to take the poll. Next Sunday is a full day. In the morning, we'll be celebrating my 9th Pastoral Anniversary. In the afternoon, we have an ordination service at 4pm. We will be ordaining deacons and Minister Walden.

Next MZ Town Hall - 4/2 at 9am

Our next Town Hall meeting is Saturday, 4/2 at 9am. Submit your questions in advance!

Radical Experiment Update, Next Town Hall Meeting (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/27)

Thanks to everyone who attended our first Theological Seminar on yesterday. It was a great success and we look forward to hosting more in the future. Radical Experiment 2011 Today's Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 1-3 Today's Country: Cameroon (54% Christian) Serve in another context: Ladies: We will be serving dinner to the ladies at the Helen Wright Center on 3/31. See the announcement for how you can be involved. Our next Town Hall Meeting is this Saturday, April 2nd, at 9:00am. The Town Hall will be an open forum for Q & A regarding the church, vision, mission, direction, etc. Click here to see how to submit your questions in advance.

FREE Theological Seminar: Finding the Will of God

How do you discover the Will of God?  Is it based on having a tingly feeling down your spine?  Join Mt. Zion for our first FREE Theological Seminar   on the topic, "Finding the Will of God," on Saturday, March 26th, at 9:00am.  Our speaker will be Dr. William Barber, Professor of Practical Theology at Shepherds Theological Seminary.  Please register online so we will know how many to prepare for. Posted via email from willieharris's posterous

Register for Theological Seminar, Love Offering for Japan (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/20)

Register today for our first Theological Seminar on the topic, "Finding the Will of God," on Saturday, March 26th, at 9:00am. Our speaker will be Dr. William Barber, Professor of Practical Theology at Shepherds Theological Seminary. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Judges 6-7 Today's Country: Brunei in Asia (65% Muslim; 11% Christian) Serve in another context: Mt. Zion ministered at Phoenix Assisted Care today at 2:00pm. I found this amazing. Another demonstration that God is Lord over all creation. The massive earthquake that struck northeast Japan on March 11 has shortened the length Earth's day by a fraction and shifted how the planet's mass is distributed. A new analysis of the 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan has found that the intense temblor has accelerated Earth's spin, shortening the length of the 24-hour day by 1.8 microseconds, according to geophysicist Richard Gross at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasad...

Why We are Praying for the Nations (Radical Experiment 2011)

Pastor David Platt and a small team from his church, The Church at Brook Hills , has recently arrived in India. Platt included the following conversation that he had with a Buddhist monk in a blog post. This literally broke my heart. People walked in c ircles, reciting mantras and spinning prayer wheels, seeking the ever-elusive peace for which they long. In one conversation with a Buddhist monk, I asked him why he did what he did. He said, “Because I want to find peace and rest.” I replied, “How will you find peace and rest?” He answered, “I don’t know; I’m still searching.” This is why we pray for the nations. This is why we pray for our community and neighbors. So many people are lost and desperately searching for peace and rest. Jesus is our peace. "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7 ESV) Jesus is our rest. "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will...

Why bother with Lent? (from The Mars Hill blog)

Lent is largely a Catholic tradition. So what value does it have for Evangelical Christians today? The following post addresses the history, themes, and practice of Lent and today, Ash Wednesday, and how it can apply and be beneficial for our faiths. By Elliot Grudem and Bruce Benedict The Lenten season often provides Christ’s followers with more confusion than clarity. However, there is benefit to thinking about the themes of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection in preparation for Easter Sunday. The Lenten season starts today, Ash Wednesday. For many recognizing Lent, that day marks the first day of a 40-day fast from something. The day before Ash Wednesday is known as Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, or Mardi Gras (French for “Fat Tuesday”). Many people have at least a day of feasting before the season of fasting. In the minds of many, Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street in New Orleans is a great picture of this: Party up to the last minute before the Lenten season starts. Get ...

Japan Needs our Prayers & Giving

For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. (Romans 8:20-23 ESV) We live in a fallen, corrupted, sin-cursed world. Natural disasters are a part of creation groaning as in childbirth. Jesus not only came to reconcile sinners back to God, but also to reconcile all things including this fallen world. As Christians eagerly await our redemption with new resurrected bodies, creation is looking forward to its redemption when God will create a new heaven and a new earth . More and more news is coming out about the devastation in Jap...