(Romans 8:20-23 ESV)
We live in a fallen, corrupted, sin-cursed world. Natural disasters are a part of creation groaning as in childbirth. Jesus not only came to reconcile sinners back to God, but also to reconcile all things including this fallen world. As Christians eagerly await our redemption with new resurrected bodies, creation is looking forward to its redemption when God will create a new heaven and a new earth.
More and more news is coming out about the devastation in Japan from the 8.9-magnitude earthquake & resulting tsunami. This is said to be a 100 times worse than what happened to Haiti.
Japan needs our prayers and our giving. So this coming Sunday's (3/20) Love Offering will be for Japan. We are looking to partner with Convoy of Hope to give our donation. You can also start giving online at http://family.mtzionmb.org/home/online_giving.html. When giving online, select 'Special Events' and type 'Japan' in the appropriate comment field.
Here are some ways for you to pray for Japan (these come from Churches Helping Churches)...
- Endangered people. Pray for those that are stranded or stuck somewhere. Pray that search and rescue teams would reach them.
- Relief workers. Pray for more workers. Pray for skilled workers. Pray for their strength and safety. Some are working in areas where there are still aftershocks and nuclear danger. Pray for their mental and emotional health. In half of my conversations so far, people breakdown in tears because of the trauma.
- Assessment teams to successfully gather information regarding the status of churches and communities hit on the coast. This information will be the starting point for many organizations.
- Japanese leaders. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they coordinate the country’s efforts.
- Resources. Pray for food, water, blankets, gasoline, and other supplies to reach those in need. In Tokyo, some grocery stores were out of bread yesterday.
- Energy rationing: The greater Tokyo area has begun energy rationing via rolling blackouts. This may be due to the shutting down of the two Fukushima nuclear plants. This is going to bring hardship on many people and obstruct communication.
- Wisdom and discernment. Pray for guidance for CHC as we consider how we can best serve the churches in Japan.
- Faith. Pray that believers everywhere would trust in the Lord, especially during these times.