We live in a sin-cursed, fallen world. Because of sin, our bodies are fragile and decaying. Disease afflicts many of us and our loved ones. Cancer is once again hitting our church family at Mt. Zion. Deaconess Cythnia who had already fought this disease earlier is now facing a new fight, one that we will fight along with her.
But I'm so encouraged by her email below that she gave me permission to share. It is full of the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ. I hope that it encourages you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus no matter what circumstances life brings your way. Jesus is our only hope!
Preparing for the Promise
Lord, we thank You that You are God alone. We know that You are Sovereign and nothing takes You by surprise. Teach us to get prepared, stay prepared, and be prepared to receive the joy of Your promises. Whether they be now or later, we count them as though they already were, because of the blessed assurance we have in You. In Jesus Name, AMEN!!
But I'm so encouraged by her email below that she gave me permission to share. It is full of the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ. I hope that it encourages you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus no matter what circumstances life brings your way. Jesus is our only hope!
want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him
from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that
one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!” Philippians 3: 10-11 NLT
family and friends, it is with mixed emotions that I share news of the
“war” to which I am engaged in again. Cancer! Yes, it has returned to
attack my brain. So I stand, dressed in the whole armor of God, through
faith in Christ Jesus, ready to fight. We will all experience
suffering, but pray that we suffer with him, not because of disobedience
and ungodly living.
JESUS is my answer to cancer, for I know that this “battle” is his and
the victory is already won! I pray that in my weakness, his strength
will be revealed, and fill me with power and confident hope to tell of
his immeasurable grace and his tender mercies that abound forever.
Because Christ suffered for me and called me into his glorious light, I
am determined to keep his commands unto the very end. So, whether I
live, I live for Christ, and if I die, it’s better because I have
eternal life.
Lord, we thank You that You are God alone. We know that You are Sovereign and nothing takes You by surprise. Teach us to get prepared, stay prepared, and be prepared to receive the joy of Your promises. Whether they be now or later, we count them as though they already were, because of the blessed assurance we have in You. In Jesus Name, AMEN!!