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Don’t Waste Your Summer: Read with and to Your Kids! (From the Gospel Coalition)

I love this blog post. Here are some great book resources to read with and to your children. I've said it many times before but I highly recommend "The Jesus Storybook Bible" for small kids (and I promise that you will enjoy it too). Since the kids and I enjoy watching the Chronicles of Narnia movies, I thought it would be great for us to go to the library and start reading through the actual books. So far, we have finished the first book, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe". So don't let the summer slip by you. Capitalize on this time to spend with them with some great books (especially the greatest book...the Bible)!

Don’t Waste Your Summer: Read with and to Your Kids!

by Juan Sanchez

Don't waste your children's summer (or yours for that matter) on television and video games. Instead, utilize this time to read with and to your children. One thing for sure, you should be reading Scripture with your family on a regular basis, and you can enhance your family Scripture reading with helpful devotional material. Beware of children's material that merely promotes moralism. I prefer books that help explain the storyline of Scripture (biblical theology) and present a BIG God! Here are some helpful suggestions:

General Resources

1. Catechism for Boys and Girls

2. Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God by Bruce A. Ware (This is systematic theology for kids—great stuff!!!!)

3. Window on the World: Prayer Atlas for Children by Daphne Spraggett and Jill Johnstone (helps you pray with informed intentionality for the nations)

Resources for Use with Younger Children

1. Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schoolland

2. The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Vos (my wife’s personal favorite)

3. The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sallie Lloyd-Jones

4. The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm (my personal favorite!)

Resources for Use with Older Children

1. Grandpa’s Box: Retelling the Biblical Story of Redemption by Starr Meade

Resources for Use with Pre-Teens/Teenagers

1. Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper

2. Dug Down Deep: Unearthing What I Believe and Why It Matters by Joshua Harris

My charge to moms and dads would be to read Scripture with your children regularly and supplement Bible reading with the catechism and devotional reading. Each family must find what (time and place) works best for them. Also, use summer to read (together) through Christian literature like The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis or Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan.

Summer is also a good time to read Christian biographies with your family. So, don’t waste your kids’ summer by allowing them to vegetate in front of a television or computer screen. Instead, take advantage of this time to spend quality time together, making memories and making much of God. I pray that these resources may be of great benefit to you and your family as you seek to raise your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Juan Sanchez is the senior pastor of High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, Texas, and a council member with The Gospel Coalition. He blogs at Straight to the Heart.


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