There are 11-13 million more Christian women than Christian men. 60% of Christians are female. While I love my Christian sisters, where are the men? Where are the men who lead their families and lead in the church?
I fear we will end up with a feminized church and generations of boys and young men who will equate Jesus to be nothing more than a breaded, effeminate man in a dress!
But that's not the picture of Jesus we see in the Scripture. Jesus is a strong man. Yes, He showed emotion when He wept over the death of His friend but He always spoke with authority when He taught, regularly rebuked the Pharisees and the self-righteous, and even threw money changers out of the Temple. Jesus clearly demonstrated that He is Prophet, Priest, and King.
So we need men who love Jesus! Jesus chooses messed up, ordinary men, and saves us! We need godly, bold, gifted, competent men to lead families, communities, and the church.
This week I will blog more on man's role as prophet, priest, and king.