A king can become arrogant and full of pride as King Saul did, when we forget that all that we have is given by God and really belongs to Him. When we forget this, it's easy for men to get prideful and self-reliant. Many of us are blessed because we are married to beautiful women who put up with us, have children, have a good job, bring home a decent paycheck, have a nice home, drive a nice car, etc. We can look at our entire "domain" and begin to credit ourselves with all that we have done. Remember, it is God who gives us the power to be successful!
1 Corinthians 11:3 (ESV): But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.
Men are leaders in their home! You are the head of your wife. Being the head does not make you more important or superior to women. If you are married, you are simply considered the first among equals. That is the role of headship that God has designated for man. Being the head does not imply going rough shot over your wife! Headship is not a cruel dictatorship! Headship is a loving, servant-leadership role.
Men must unconditionally love their wives, honor, and treat them with respect. You are the king and she is the queen! One of the ways men can respect and honor their wives is to protect them. A king is responsible to protect those that he rules over.
A man is to love his wife just as much as he loves his own body. We do not beat our own body therefore; men should NOT beat on their wives! Men care for their bodies even though they are imperfect. Men should care of their wives even though they are imperfect.
As fathers, men are to lovingly lead and teach their children. Being the king does not give us license for harsh treatment of our children. We must protect our children and handle them with care. They need firm discipline administered in love. Discipline administered without love ultimately discourages children, destroys their self-respect, and causes them to quit trying. We are to protect them and not destroy their spirits.
Men, we represent God in our families. We are to be earthly illustrations of our Heavenly Father. God has revealed Himself as Father. As earthly fathers, the way we treat our wives and children, says something about our Heavenly Father. Will our families and communities get a decent illustration about God the Father by the way we lead?
Another duty of the king is to make provision for his kingdom. As kings, men are to be providers. We are to provide for our families. There is nothing godly about a lazy man who is able to work but will not work!
The role of king is an important role. But you cannot perform this role without Jesus Christ. Jesus is our King. Christ is our Head. He is the One who saves us.
Jesus Christ is the ultimate King. He is the King of kings!
Men, we are prophets, priests, and kings! God has given us the awesome privilege of acting in these roles. But that also means we are accountable to God.
Men, let us take our roles as prophet, priest, and king very seriously. Let us not lean on our understanding or our strength to function in these roles. It is only through an intimate relationship with Jesus can any of us properly function in the role of prophet, priest, and king.