The priest represents man in the things of God. He leads the people to make gifts or offerings to the Lord. He leads men in prayer, worship, righteousness, morality, witnessing, and in the study of spiritual things.
All too often, it is women who lead the families and churches in prayer, worship, witnessing, righteousness, and Bible study. This should not be the case! Men, we are to lead and represent our families and churches before God in prayer, worship, and spiritual study!
Men should offer up prayers to God on behalf of people. Men are to be intercessors. We must pray for others. We must pray for our wives, children, siblings, parents, church, neighbors, co-workers, the unsaved, etc. We are to bring the needs of the people before God.
Intercession also involves the act of standing between the object of prayer and spiritual forces. Prayer is not for wimps! Some people think that praying is the least we can do. It is the least AND the most that we can do. Prayer is powerful and intercessory prayer is spiritual warfare!
The Christian man's most powerful resource is communication with God through prayer. It is the instrument of healing and forgiveness and is a mighty weapon for spiritual warfare. The results are often greater than we thought were possible. Some people see prayer as a last resort, to be tried when all else fails. But prayer should come first. God is pleased to use our prayers to accomplish His purposes and He delights in answering our needs, but He is never bound by our prayers.
1 Timothy 2:8 (ESV): "I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling"
In the public assembly Paul specified that men everywhere are to lead the congregation in prayer. Moreover, these prayers were to be offered with lifted hands (a common OT practice). The hands were to be holy (devout, undefiled), signifying an internal cleanness on the part of these spiritual leaders.
Further, such leaders must be men of sound relationships, not characterized by anger or quarreling. Broken human relationships affect one's ability to pray, which would include leading others in prayer.
The role of priest is an important role. But you cannot perform this role without Jesus Christ. Jesus is our high priest, intercessor, and mediator. He is the One who saves us.
Men, Jesus' death was the atoning sacrifice for our sins. He is the One that paid the ransom to redeem us back to God. And only in a relationship with Jesus, can any of us men function in the role of priest.