We welcome our newest member who completed her NMO and membership interview: Davin Edwards
The Singles Ministry is having a Singles Fellowship Gathering on Saturday, October 5th, 4:00pm at Gab's Place (the address is in the Realm event). All singles (never married, divorced, widowed) of all ages are welcome but please RSVP if you plan to attend.
Please come out and support our Community Life Fair on 10/5. The event will be indoors. There will be something for everyone! We've added a Career Development Sessions so bring your resume and/or questions and meet with our expert for 15 minutes and freshen up your resume or ask any interviewing questions you may have. We're also having Senior Saints Day Part 2. Any senior saints who need transportation to the church, please contact sister Aretha Cooper or any member of the Care Ministry or the church office by Wednesday, 10/2 to coordinate the pick-up.
Don't forget that next Sunday, 10/6, we will have our Mortgage Burning Ceremony immediately after the service.
My Hope Sunday is October 13. All of our members are asked to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to join us at church on My Hope Sunday. One of the speakers at M:T NYC said, “When grace came down to us, there's a comma, not a period”. God's grace of salvation should never end with us but should be shared with others. We will share the hope we have in Jesus Christ at My Hope Sunday especially in light of this contentious election year. At the Welcome Center, we have commitment cards where you can write down the name(s) of those you are committed to inviting. We will collect the commitment cards on next Sunday, 10/6. Start inviting them this week. We will be sharing testimonies from members about their hope in Christ leading up to My Hope Sunday.