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Missions: Together, Mortgage Burning Ceremony, My Hope Sunday (Pastoral Emphasis for 9/22)

We welcome the following family that came forward last week to join on Christian Experience: Zach & LeAnn Williams (with their son, Trey)

One of our church initiatives is partnering with Missions: Together which is a collective that desire to ignite the passion of missions in churches. We're putting on a conference in NYC next weekend which I will be participating (but I'll be back for Sunday). Mark your calendar for our next M:T conference in our area on 11/2 in Apex. You can register here.

Just a reminder that on 10/6, we will have our Mortgage Burning Ceremony immediately after the service. It will be a short ceremony as we celebrate God's faithfulness to Mt. Zion. 


Our next My Hope Sunday will be October 13. All of our members are asked to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to join us at church on My Hope Sunday. During that service, we will share the hope we have in Jesus Christ. At the Welcome Center, we have commitment cards where you can write down the name(s) of those you are committed to inviting. We will collect the commitment cards on 10/6. Start praying about who you will invite for My Hope Sunday.

We baptized five people today. Four were scheduled and then we had the mother of one of the baptismal candidate to come forward to be baptized. Praise God for a total of five that were baptized including a mother and daughter and a brother and sister.



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