We welcome our newest member (completed NMO & Membership Interview). who grew up at Mt. Zion and is now returning for adult membership: Briana Martin
Our next church-wide prayer gathering is Tuesday, 9/17, from 7- 8pm. The children's ministry is hosting but all are invited to participate. You can submit prayer requests online or in the prayer box at the back of the sanctuary.
September is Suicide Prevention Month. Mt. Zion is sponsoring Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, a Living Works program. LivingWorks ASIST is a two-day in-person workshop featuring powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations. Trainers are Deaconess Tasha Smith and Minister Rasheeda Oliver.We had a second interest meeting about the Mt. Zion Biblical Counseling Certification program after the service today in Adult Classroom 3. If you missed the meeting but would like to get the info, please contact me.
Next Sunday, we're starting a new sermon series in the book of 1 Corinthians called Unity for the Sake of the Gospel.