Join us for our Discipleship Journey at Bible Study. On Wednesday at 7pm, we'll be wrapping up volume 3 with a time of review and fellowship. The study guides for volume 4 are available for $4 so see Deacon Johnson to get yours today.
Please join us for our Prayer & Testimony service on the first Wednesday of each month, starting 10/4, right before Bible Study (6-6:45 pm). Come out and glorify His Name and give thanks!
Peace Church in Cary is having a conference called enGendered on 9/30 from 9am to 3pm. The conference will address God, gender, and sexuality. Although the culture has changed regarding gender and sexuality, Christians should have their beliefs and actions conform to biblical truth. The speakers will be Rosaria Butterfield and Sam Andreades. If I wasn't already attending a conference this weekend (9Marks), I would definitely be attending this one.
UPDATE: I heard from Peace Church that they are at capacity for the conference and have closed down registration. They will be recording it so hopefully they can make the recordings available to the public.

My Hope Sunday, 10/8, is quickly approaching. I hope you have invited at least one person to join you for church on that Sunday and you are praying for them to attend and be changed. All of our members are asked to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever, un-churched, or de-churched person to join us at church. During that service, we will share the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Write down the names on the commitment cards of those you are committing to invite. We will collect them on next Sunday, 10/1, and pray for these individuals. The topic will address what makes Christianity different than all other world religions.
Bro. George Richards shared his testimony of how he got caught up in gangs and had been shot and injured but God saved his soul and from this lifestyle. He was blessed with his wife and our church family that has helped him to really grow in the Lord.
Thank you all for your generous giving to the love offering for the Hurricane Harvey relief. We have raised a significant amount. We always have a few stranglers to give so I'll announce the total next Sunday. So you still have opportunity to give to hurricane relief TODAY. Give to the love offering with a note that it's for "Hurricane Harvey".
Please join us for our Prayer & Testimony service on the first Wednesday of each month, starting 10/4, right before Bible Study (6-6:45 pm). Come out and glorify His Name and give thanks!
Peace Church in Cary is having a conference called enGendered on 9/30 from 9am to 3pm. The conference will address God, gender, and sexuality. Although the culture has changed regarding gender and sexuality, Christians should have their beliefs and actions conform to biblical truth. The speakers will be Rosaria Butterfield and Sam Andreades. If I wasn't already attending a conference this weekend (9Marks), I would definitely be attending this one.
UPDATE: I heard from Peace Church that they are at capacity for the conference and have closed down registration. They will be recording it so hopefully they can make the recordings available to the public.

My Hope Sunday, 10/8, is quickly approaching. I hope you have invited at least one person to join you for church on that Sunday and you are praying for them to attend and be changed. All of our members are asked to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever, un-churched, or de-churched person to join us at church. During that service, we will share the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Write down the names on the commitment cards of those you are committing to invite. We will collect them on next Sunday, 10/1, and pray for these individuals. The topic will address what makes Christianity different than all other world religions.
Bro. George Richards shared his testimony of how he got caught up in gangs and had been shot and injured but God saved his soul and from this lifestyle. He was blessed with his wife and our church family that has helped him to really grow in the Lord.
Thank you all for your generous giving to the love offering for the Hurricane Harvey relief. We have raised a significant amount. We always have a few stranglers to give so I'll announce the total next Sunday. So you still have opportunity to give to hurricane relief TODAY. Give to the love offering with a note that it's for "Hurricane Harvey".