We all know about the devastating impact of Hurricane Harvey. Harvey is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the contiguous United States. Harvey has flooded hundreds of thousands of homes, displaced more than 30,000 people, and prompted more than 17,000 rescues. Texas, particularly Houston, has been impacted the most. We should definitely be praying for those affected. We will also be giving. In a couple of weeks, we'll raise a love offering to help those in need. We're currently investigating a trustworthy ministry to donate to.
Join us for our Discipleship Journey at Bible Study. On Wednesday at 7pm, we'll look at what it means to die with Christ. If we're going to follow Jesus, we must die to self.
The Devoted Disciples, our youth ministry, are preparing to train people on scarf making on 9/16 at 1 pm. The scarves will be donated to the homeless. If you are interested in participating in this outreach, please contact Miss. Olivia Sallis or Deaconess Tracy Dunn.