Today was our My Hope Sunday and the church was full with our members and guests. The focus was to make sure the Gospel was presently clearly throughout the service. My sermon topic was "My Hope is in Jesus". And God answered our prayers and moved mightily in the hearts of many. Several people came forward, some to join, rededicate their life back to Christ, and to trust in Christ for salvation! We also celebrated as young Darius (age 9) was baptized. It was truly a great day in the Lord!
This is a significant week for us as Christians. This marks the defining events that make Christianity unique.
- Today is Palm Sunday where we remember Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The crowd spread their cloaks and palm branches on the road and sang "Hosanna" as Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Hosanna means "save now".
- This week Jesus was betrayed by a disciple and falsely arrested.
- On Friday, we celebrate Good Friday where Jesus is crucified. We will have a Good Friday service from 6:30-7:30pm.
- On Saturday, we'll have our Easter Egg Hunt at 2pm. Then at 3pm is our Easter program featuring our youth.
- On next Sunday, we will have our Sunrise Easter program at 6am, where we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. We will also celebrate the Lord's Supper and following the service, we'll fellowship over breakfast.
I'm excited to announce that Minister Gerald Vinson and Theresa Banks (sorry, I said Theresa Edwards at church) will be getting married on April 3 right after church.