Last Sunday, young Darish Jacobs (age 9) came forward to trust in Christ and be a candidate for baptism. Praise God for saving young souls!
Our 2016 Theme is Abide in Christ and Bear Much Fruit. We have a limited supply of t-shirts with this theme on it on sale for $7.00 each.
Join us on Wednesday at 7:00pm for our Bible Study series, "The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis". This week, we'll look at Genesis 25-35 to see Jesus in the life of Jacob.
We will not have Communion next Sunday but on Easter instead.
My Hope Sunday is 3/20. I'm asking everyone to bring their commitment cards (or a piece of paper) with the name of the person(s) they have invited to church next Sunday. We will pray for those names that God would bless and save them according to His will.
I shared my testimony about my mom getting older and being ill while I'm so far away. With my family and pastoral obligations, it makes it hard for me to get up north to see her often. Since I'm an only child, I must trust in the sovereignty of God that He will take care of my mom even when I'm not there. And God has been good to provide help for my mom through her church family and friends, especially a neighbor who has been very kind to her.
We also praised God for our sister, Leanne Lennon, who got baptized today. Please pray for her as she grows and walks with the Lord.
Join us on Wednesday at 7:00pm for our Bible Study series, "The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis". This week, we'll look at Genesis 25-35 to see Jesus in the life of Jacob.
We will not have Communion next Sunday but on Easter instead.
My Hope Sunday is 3/20. I'm asking everyone to bring their commitment cards (or a piece of paper) with the name of the person(s) they have invited to church next Sunday. We will pray for those names that God would bless and save them according to His will.
I shared my testimony about my mom getting older and being ill while I'm so far away. With my family and pastoral obligations, it makes it hard for me to get up north to see her often. Since I'm an only child, I must trust in the sovereignty of God that He will take care of my mom even when I'm not there. And God has been good to provide help for my mom through her church family and friends, especially a neighbor who has been very kind to her.
We also praised God for our sister, Leanne Lennon, who got baptized today. Please pray for her as she grows and walks with the Lord.