Join us again this Wednesday at 7:00pm for our Bible Study series, "The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis". This week, we'll look at seeing Jesus in the life of Abraham.
Also, Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of the Lent season (40 day period of prayer and fasting not including Sundays). After Bible Study (around 7:50pm), we'll be anointing everyone with ashes to demonstrate our mourning over sin and repentance before God.
During Lent, we call everyone to fast and pray. You can decide to do a total fast of all foods or a partial fast of a particular food or activity. Fasting is the voluntary act of abstaining from something for the purpose of growing in self-discipline. As Christians, we find our security and satisfaction in Christ. Therefore, we can give up something because Christ means more to us than whatever we are giving up.
There will be an intercessory prayer training on Saturday, February 20th, from 9:00am to 11:00am in the MPR. This training is for the Intercessory & Prayer team and anyone else who is interested in learning more about the ministry of intercessory prayer. Please register for the training online.
Save the date and mark your calendars: Mt. Zion's Spring Spruce UP is Saturday, March 19th, from 9:00am to 12:00pm. EVERYONE is invited.
On 3/20, we're having My Hope Sunday. We are asking members to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to attend church with you on that Sunday. Bring in your commitment cards and pray for those that you are inviting.
Also, Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of the Lent season (40 day period of prayer and fasting not including Sundays). After Bible Study (around 7:50pm), we'll be anointing everyone with ashes to demonstrate our mourning over sin and repentance before God.
During Lent, we call everyone to fast and pray. You can decide to do a total fast of all foods or a partial fast of a particular food or activity. Fasting is the voluntary act of abstaining from something for the purpose of growing in self-discipline. As Christians, we find our security and satisfaction in Christ. Therefore, we can give up something because Christ means more to us than whatever we are giving up.
There will be an intercessory prayer training on Saturday, February 20th, from 9:00am to 11:00am in the MPR. This training is for the Intercessory & Prayer team and anyone else who is interested in learning more about the ministry of intercessory prayer. Please register for the training online.
Save the date and mark your calendars: Mt. Zion's Spring Spruce UP is Saturday, March 19th, from 9:00am to 12:00pm. EVERYONE is invited.
On 3/20, we're having My Hope Sunday. We are asking members to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to attend church with you on that Sunday. Bring in your commitment cards and pray for those that you are inviting.