Happy Easter!
There's an empty tomb in the Middle East. The tomb where Jesus was laid is empty! God loosed the pangs or agony of death so that it was not possible for Jesus to be held by death. Death couldn’t hold Jesus. Jesus rose from the dead. He is alive! Because Jesus conquered death and rose from the dead, all who trust in Jesus will also be resurrected to eternal life.
We are starting a new Bible Study series on the Book of Romans on Wednesday at 7pm. Romans is an extremely important book to Christian doctrine. Everyone is invited to join us.
Parents: For our 150th anniversary, the Youth Ministry desires to strengthen and support parents of Mt. Zion. The Youth Ministry will sponsor the very first "Parents Night Out" on Saturday, April 11. Children 5 and up can be dropped off for up to four hours while parents enjoy some free time. To sign up and get additional details, please visit the Welcome Center or call the church office at 919-469-5323.
There's an empty tomb in the Middle East. The tomb where Jesus was laid is empty! God loosed the pangs or agony of death so that it was not possible for Jesus to be held by death. Death couldn’t hold Jesus. Jesus rose from the dead. He is alive! Because Jesus conquered death and rose from the dead, all who trust in Jesus will also be resurrected to eternal life.
We are starting a new Bible Study series on the Book of Romans on Wednesday at 7pm. Romans is an extremely important book to Christian doctrine. Everyone is invited to join us.
Parents: For our 150th anniversary, the Youth Ministry desires to strengthen and support parents of Mt. Zion. The Youth Ministry will sponsor the very first "Parents Night Out" on Saturday, April 11. Children 5 and up can be dropped off for up to four hours while parents enjoy some free time. To sign up and get additional details, please visit the Welcome Center or call the church office at 919-469-5323.