The Church Family Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 31st, at 7:00pm. We will have updates on our mission trips planning. Pastor Richard Dial (from Cary Church of God) along with some of his students will join us to give an Ecuador presentation. I'm asking all members (including our youth) to join us.
Radical Experiment 2011 Update
Today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
Radical Experiment 2011 Update
- Scripture Reading: Exodus 16-18
- Yesterday's Country: Haiti
- Today's Country: Hungary (88% Christians)
Today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
- Since humans are made in the image of God (the Latin term is Imago Dei), all life is precious and has inherent value.
- In Exodus 1, we see the first government sanctioned killing of babies. Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill Hebrews male babies but because they feared God, they refused. One of the babies who was saved was Moses who would later led his people out of slavery.
- In Matthew 2, Herod orders the killing of boys under age of 2. But Jesus survives this to willingly give His life on the Cross to forgive our sins.
- If the blood of Abel cries out to God, how much more does the blood of a million babies aborted yearly cry out to God.
- Perhaps you have dealt with abortion personally or in your family. I pray that you experience the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. He is able to restore and remove the guilt of any past sin!