If I Was The Devil - TheDevilisReal.com from Denton Bible on Vimeo.
If I was the devil, tell you what I'd do, I would try to deceive you and get you into error. I would get you off base.If you still stayed true, I would try to disqualify you. I would get you immoral. I would get you where no one would believe what came out of your mouth. I would make you a TABLOID, where nobody believed you. I would remove your confidence where you were afraid to speak because your life was such a shamble. I would get you into sin.I would prowl like a roaring lion to devour you morally and if I couldn't do that, I would try to make you successful and I would distract you if I couldn't disqualify you. I would get you BUSY. I would get you so distracted and disattracted from the Gospel that no longer would your prayers be about holiness and souls, they would only be about the bottom line in your business. I would get you MATERIALISTIC and no longer concerned about the spiritual nature of life.If I couldn't do that I would divide you. If I couldn't divide you, I've almost lost you. I would discourage you.Then if I couldn't discourage you, I would try DEATH. I'd try to KILL YOU. I would try my best to KILL YOU. That's what I would do to take you out.