Harvest Crusade Update: Bumper stickers are now available. If you are like me, I don't like putting bumper stickers on my car, but these are removable. This is a great way to announce to the community the event is coming and generate some "buzz". You never know someone may ask you "what is Harvest Crusade?" or "Who is Greg Laurie?" and then you will have an opportunity to share with them about the crusade and invite to come out.
Distractions: We are excited about Distractions, our first drama and dance production of its kind so please invite people to come out on 4/28 at 5pm at Green Hope High School.
Please be in prayer for our brothers & sisters in Brazil that are facing persecution with a new legislation that would make saying anything about homosexuality a crime punishable by 3-5 years jail time. See the details here.
Relocation Update: Our buyer is now saying that we can remain on our current location until our new church is built. PRAISE GOD!!! We will review leasing terms when we receive our new contract from them. So continue your prayers. Our move to a temporary location is on hold, but the other great news is that the leasing company for the old Eckerds at corner of Harrison and Maynard said they would leave the door open for us for a short-term or month-to-month lease if needed. So I continue to be amazed at the Lord's favor towards us.
Thanks to the relocation committee for its swift and hard work. Their work helped us in cost analysis for the temporary move and planning so that the move to our new facility will hopefully be smoother.
Distractions: We are excited about Distractions, our first drama and dance production of its kind so please invite people to come out on 4/28 at 5pm at Green Hope High School.
Please be in prayer for our brothers & sisters in Brazil that are facing persecution with a new legislation that would make saying anything about homosexuality a crime punishable by 3-5 years jail time. See the details here.
Relocation Update: Our buyer is now saying that we can remain on our current location until our new church is built. PRAISE GOD!!! We will review leasing terms when we receive our new contract from them. So continue your prayers. Our move to a temporary location is on hold, but the other great news is that the leasing company for the old Eckerds at corner of Harrison and Maynard said they would leave the door open for us for a short-term or month-to-month lease if needed. So I continue to be amazed at the Lord's favor towards us.
Thanks to the relocation committee for its swift and hard work. Their work helped us in cost analysis for the temporary move and planning so that the move to our new facility will hopefully be smoother.