Please keep Minister of Music Spence Martin and his family in your prayers after the passing of his mother.
Welcome to the following New Member who completed NMO and his membership interview: Howard Evans
Vacation Bible School will be 6/21-23, 6:30-8:30pm (nightly with dinner), and then wrap up on Sunday, 6/25. How do I get involved? Oh, we are so glad you asked! There is something for everyone! You can sign up to participate in skits, teach, decorate, facilitate activities, clean up, and/or set up for the next day of events. If none of the above sounds exciting enough or you are feeling really amped to get involved in other ways, check out our Amazon wish list and donate some of the really neat activities, décor, and/or supplies.
l For questions or more information, contact Tina Wyche.
May is Mental Health Awareness. We need to break the stigma in the church. This week, our goal will be to encourage individuals to seek help if
they need it, as well as show the importance of supporting
others by offering words of encouragement and celebrating small successes. Let’s support each other and make it okay to reach out and seek help whenever we need it. Be aware of the signs and symptoms of mental health issues so that we can all work together to support one another. If you are worried about your mental health or are worried about someone you know, there are resources and people out there and at this church who are willing to help, no matter what your situation is. Deaconess Tasha Smith and Minister Rasheeda Oliver are great resources at the church. Whether we share resources, encourage others to seek help, or simply are there for someone when they need us, we instill hope and can help others to reach out when they need it most.
Tomorrow is Memorial Day. Many people think that Memorial Day weekend is just about kicking off summer, vacation, or sales. But Memorial Day is a time for us to remember the men and
women who have died in military service to their country. So as you cook out with family and friends and enjoy the freedoms
of this country, take some time to remember those who have died and pray for the comfort of their families.