We welcome those who recently joined the church...
- Howard Evans - Joined on Christian Experience
- Keith Jones - Former member rejoining on Christian Experience
Happy Birthday to our May babies (including myself)...
Happy Anniversary to our May couples...
Our May Senior Birthday Surprise is Bro. Bert Dupree!
Ladies, next Sunday the Women's Ministry will kick off Sisterhood
Week with prayer at 8am and...
- (S)unday's Best in Hat and Heels on Mother's Day
- Monday is (I)nvite a sister (to Prayer Rally, Bible Study)
- Tuesday is (S)hare your praise testimony at the Prayer Rally
- Wednesday is (T)ake the time to pray
- Thursday is (E)ncourage a sister
- Friday is (R)elax and reconnect with your sisters
- Saturday is (S)erve with your sisters
May is Mental Health Awareness month. We need to break the stigma in the church. This week, we want to focus on spreading acceptance and support for the people we know and love who are experiencing mental health challenges. It's a false assumption that a Christian is always “happy”. A Christian can struggle with anxiety, depression, and mental health issues and yet have the joy of the Lord.
For example, the famous British preacher, Charles Spurgeon, considered the Prince of Preaching, battled throughout his life with depression. Spurgeon's sermons are saturated with Christ and dripping with the Gospel. No one would say that Spurgeon was depressed because he didn't have enough faith in Jesus. We do our fellow brothers and sisters who have mental health struggle a disservice by implying to them that they don't have enough faith.
When it comes to mental health, small actions equal big impact (send a text, make a phone call, send a card, etc.). If you are worried about your mental health or are worried about someone you know, there are resources and people out there and in this church who are willing to help, no matter what your situation is.