With our theme of Being a House of Prayer, we're having a pastoral prayer every Sunday. We'll have a different topic to pray for each month led by an elder. June's prayer topic is Revival. Today, I read Joshua 24:14-15 and Malachi 4:5-6 and prayed for family revival. Here's a small portion of my prayer...
There is so much brokenness and dysfunction in families today. Father, please send a revival to the families. Please restore families that are broken. Please turn the hearts of fathers back to their children and the hearts of children back to their fathers! Lord, help families to break sinful patterns that have been learned and passed down through generations. May your grace, mercy, and righteousness be passed down for generations to come.
We have a Home Study Guide available to download for today's sermon. So whether you're single, have a roommate, or a family, sit down with the guide to review and apply the sermon.
Our next Church-Wide Prayer Rally will be held on Tuesday, June 16th, at 7:00pm on WebEx. If you cannot attend, please submit your prayer request on the church's website.