With our theme of Being a House of Prayer, we're having a pastoral prayer every Sunday. We'll have a different topic to pray for each month led by an elder. June's prayer topic is Revival. Today, I read 2 Timothy 4:1-5 and prayed for church revival. Here's a small portion of my prayer...
Father, send a revival of Biblical preaching and sound doctrine! Give us godly men and women who will preach Your Word in season and out of season and not compromise to the prevailing culture.Father, send a revival of unity! Give us churches that are not divided along racial and denominational lines. But help us be unified on the truth. Help churches whether they are white, black, hispanic, or asian to fellowship and work together because we have one faith, one Lord, and one baptism.Father, send a revival of evangelism and discipleship! Restore the passion to take the Good News of the Gospel out of the church and into the highways and byways. Give us churches who are serious about the Great Commission. Lord, give our churches boldness to share the Gospel with the lost and disciple believers to spiritual maturity.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads! It's so awesome to see and know so many fathers (especially in our church) who are leading their families. Similar to Mother's Day, I know that today can be tough for many if you've lost your father or desire to be a father but that has not happened yet. May God comfort you. The biggest issue can be for those who did not have a good relationship with their father. Those wounds can last a very long time. But even when our earthly fathers fail us, we can trust and depend on our Heavenly Father. We have a Heavenly Father who will never leave or forsake His children.
Mt. Zion, stay tuned for information about a special church family meeting we may have soon to lay out our plans for reopening the church for in-person worship.