Thanks to all who attended and participated in yesterday's Holiday Extravaganza. I want to personally thank the hospitality, IT Media, and Ushers ministries for going above and beyond to serve at the event. And a big shout-out to Deaconess Peggy Credle for coordinating the logistics from our side.
Today, I had the privilege to dedicate a baby and baptize two boys. Praise God for these young lives.
We are taking a break from the book of Mark and will be returning to it in January. This Wednesday will be our last Bible Study for the year. We'll be doing a review of the last volume and have a time of fellowship.
Today, we raised a special love offering to help a family at West Cary Middle School that is in need for the Christmas holiday. This family has recently lost their father, whom was the breadwinner, so the mother is trying her best to make ends meet. Let's give generously to be a blessing to this family and show them the love of Christ. Please give to the love offering with a note, "Family in Need".