Our Young Adult Ministry, Chosen, presented this message for Mother's Day...
"We are a group of believers consisting of members ranging from ages 18-26. We just recently started to get involved at church and we are excited about the growth of the ministry. Today, we would like to recognize not only Mothers but all of the wonderful women of the church. Each of you are precious and fearfully and wonderfully made. We believe that as women, you have made an impact on someone's life whether you birthed them or not. So we honor you today. Hopefully, you were greeted by 2 members of our ministry at the door and was also given a ribbon by two other members. We have prepared special cupcakes for each of you that will be handed out to all women at the end of service. Please come by the Chosen table outside of the Sanctuary at the closure of service. Again, we appreciate all of the things that you women do for us, we love all of you dearly and we wish each of you a great Mother's Day."
We also recognize that today can be hard for some who have lost their mother, those who have lost children (some by disease, miscarriages, or abortion), and those who desire to have children but it has not happened yet. We pray for you to comforted and strengthened in the Lord. Remember that your identity is not found in motherhood but in Christ.
We continue our Discipleship Journey in Bible Study. Now we're starting to look at the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. On Wednesday, we'll be looking at the Doctrine of God.